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Cancer Fatigue: During and After Treatment

Cancer Fatigue: During and After Treatment

Fatigue and weakness are terms that are frequently used interchangeably to describe the same thing. However, they are not the same. Weakness occurs when strength is reduced and it takes more effort to move a specific part of the body or the entire body. It is caused by a loss of muscle strength. Weakness can significantly contribute to cancer patients' fatigue. Fatigue, on the other hand, is a state of extreme tiredness or a lack of energy, also known as exhaustion. Even when a person appears to be getting enough sleep, fatigue persists. Working too much, having disturbed sleep, stress and worry, not getting enough physical activity, and being ill and undergoing treatment are all potential causes.

Cancer-related fatigue is the fatigue that frequently accompanies cancer. It's fairly common. Cancer patients, 80% to 100% of cancer patients report having fatigue. Cancer fatigue differs from everyday fatigue and is the tired feeling people may recall having before being diagnosed with cancer.

Cancer patients may describe their symptoms as feeling very weak, listless, drained, or "washed out," which may disappear for a time but then reappear again. Some people may be too exhausted to eat, walk to the bathroom, or even use the remote. It can be challenging to think or move. Rest may be beneficial for a short time but will not cure it, and even light activity can be exhausting. In fact, fatigue can be more distressing than pain, nausea, vomiting, or depression for some cancer patients.

Chemotherapy causes a variety of side effects, including hair loss, loss of appetite, and insufficient sleep, which leads to fatigue. In fact, there is a consistent loop that follows, allowing the body to exhibit more fatigue. The patient's inability essentially makes him sad, and prolonged sadness makes him depressed. However, once depressed, the patient begins overthinking, which leads to low blood pressure and, eventually, fatigue.

Common Questions Patients Ask:

How effective are Ayurvedic medicines in treating symptoms like fatigue?

Ayurveda is extremely effective in treating fatigue, which is a common side effect of cancer treatment. It is one of the most natural remedies to manage fatigue and low energy in cancer patients, due to the utilisation of natural herbs. Certain herbs, such as Ashwagandha, Shatavari, and Triphala, are specifically designed to reduce stress and fatigue. Additionally, some herbs, such as Brahmi and Bhringraj, remove toxins from the body to promote calm, which ultimately aids in the release of fatigue in patients.

Will these Ayurvedic medicines have any side effects on cancer patients?

If taken with proper consultation and dosage, these Ayurvedic medicines usually have no side effects on the body. While Ayurveda is the most ancient and effective science, it is divided into three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

Ayurvedic medicines

It is therefore critical to have your medical records reviewed by a cancer-specific Ayurveda expert to effectively manage cancer-related side effects such as fatigue, depression, and insomnia.

What causes fatigue and weakness in cancer patients?

Cancer patients may experience weakness as a result of undergoing and recovering from surgery, having low blood counts or electrolyte (blood chemistry) levels, infection, or changes in hormone levels.

However, because of the presence of multiple factors, the causes of cancer-related fatigue are frequently difficult to pinpoint. It could be the result of cancer or a side effect of cancer treatment. While the precise cause of cancer-related fatigue and treatment is unknown, some possibilities include:

  • Cancer and cancer treatment can cause or exacerbate fatigue by altering normal protein and hormone levels, which are linked to inflammatory processes.
  • Treatments kill both normal and cancer cells, resulting in cell waste buildup. Your body expends extra energy to clean up and repair damaged tissue.
  • Cancer causes the body to produce toxic substances that disrupt the normal function of cells.
  • Aside from the direct effects of cancer and its treatment, cancer patients frequently experience other factors that can contribute to fatigue, such as surgery, stress and worry, changes in activity levels, and changes in blood counts, electrolytes, and hormone levels.

What non-medical factors cause fatigue in cancer patients? Is it also dependent on one's psyche?

Cancer is such a heavy word that it saps half of a patient's confidence and motivation and jeopardizes his or her mental and emotional well-being.


Furthermore, the high costs of each cycle or treatment undermine the patient's confidence and ability to continue the treatment, leaving their families to bear the burden of the medical bills. This adds to the patients' tensions and stresses, resulting in a loss of mental and physical energy/fatigue.

Expert Advice:

While there are numerous Ayurvedic substances that a patient can use, the first is meditation and chanting stotras for mental and psychological well-being. It is when you think good and positively that you exhibit the same thoughts. This will assist you in uniting with the entire universe and the universe within you, which is the whole and sole purpose of the ancient science of Ayurveda. It can help you keep your overall health in check by healing the natural forces within you. True, no medicine can help you unless you help yourself. As a result, it is critical to take care of your body and engage with your mind as a whole. These natural remedies will help to ground and rejuvenate your body.

Ayurvedic medicines and cancer

Cancer patients can also take ayurvedic herbs and combinations with medicinal properties such as Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Triphala, Amalkhi, Curcumin, Chyawanprash (if non-diabetic), Manas Mitra Vatakam, Churna, and Kanchenar Guggul in addition to these internal remedies. Certain anticancer drugs, such as Kalmegh, Panchamrut Praval Tablet, Himalaya Styplon Tablets, and Laksha Churna, are also very effective in treating cancer-related fatigue. However, because cancer treatment is highly case-sensitive, a patient must consult a cancer ayurveda specialist to determine the appropriate dosage of these anti-cancer herbs and drugs for their cancer type and body to manage fatigue and other side effects during cancer treatment.

According to experts, any cancer patient must take the following three Ayurvedic anticancer drugs:

  1. Immunity enhancers
  2. Cancer-specific drug
  3. Chemo and radiation side-effect management or reducing drug

These cancer-specific drugs and Ayurvedic components with medicinal properties will assist cancer bodies in eliminating residual cancer cells and eliminating internal bleeding caused by treatment and medical drugs. These drugs are essentially given 2 to 3 days after a chemo cycle precautionarily to reduce the possibility of medical treatment interference and to manage side effects such as fatigue, insomnia, and appetite loss to rebuild and re-develop the body's immunity.

Managing fatigue with ZenOnco:

While fatigue is a natural side effect of chemo and radiation therapy, it can be managed with appropriate Ayurveda consultation and research-based approaches.

The Zen Anti-Cancer Supplements benefits:

  • MediZen Curcumin (Immunity Boost and Inflammation reduction - Natural supplement to manage treatment side effects)
  • MediZen Grape Seed Extract (Antioxidant Boost and Cell Repair - Natural supplement to increase Immunity and Cardio-protection)
  • MediZen Green Tea Extract (Immunity Boost and Metabolism Regulation - Natural tea leaves used to regulate heart health and maintain blood pressure)
  • MediZen Milk Thistle (Detox and Rejuvenation - Natural supplement to cleanse the body, promote digestion and regenerate cells)
  • MediZen Reishi Mushrooms (Stress and Fatigue - Natural supplement to improve sleep, reduce anxiety and reduce pain).
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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh