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Integrative Oncology Programs

Increase Chances of Cure & Improve Recovery

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Every cancer is unique, and comes with its own challenges & side effects. What may work best for you may be different from what has worked best for someone else. While it may seem to be challenging, we are here to walk this path together with you, and help you find the right protocol that maximizes your chances of cure & recovery.
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Integrative Treatment
Home & Nursing Services
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Herbs & Supplements
Diagnostic Tests
Side Effect Relief
Free Cancer Support

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Comprehensive Cancer Care with ZenOnco.io

Our care is proven to enhance health and quality of life for our patients with significant outcomes.


Reported improvement in quality of life


Reported reduction in chronic pain


Reported lower fatigue & tiredness


Reported reduction in stress & anxiety

We have helped 100,000+ patients

Hear from patients and doctors about our effective & compassionate care

Frequently asked questions

What types of complementary therapies do you offer to cancer patients?

We offer a wide range of complementary therapies including, but not limited to, medical cannabis, Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, acupressure, acupuncture, reiki healing, physiotherapy, etc. These therapies are aimed at supporting the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of cancer patients.

Can nutritional therapy really make a difference during cancer treatment?

Yes, personalized onco-nutrition plans can significantly impact a patient's ability to cope with the side effects of cancer treatment, improve strength and immunity, and contribute to a better overall outcome. Proper nutrition is personalized to individual needs, helping patients feel better and stay stronger.

What supportive care services do you provide for cancer patients?

Our supportive care services range from physiotherapy, speech/swallow therapy, and pain management to home care services like nursing, equipment handling, vital monitoring and more. These services aim to improve the quality of life and assist with the daily needs of patients.

Can integrative oncology therapies help in reducing the risk of cancer recurrence?

Integrative oncology treatment has been researched to prevent cancer recurrence, and it can play a significant role in improving overall health, boosting the immune system, and thus potentially reducing the risk of recurrence through lifestyle and wellness improvements.

Why should I choose onco-nutrition services from ZenOnco.io instead of a general hospital or dietitian?

Our dietitians are specialized in cancer care, understanding the unique nutritional needs and challenges faced by cancer patients. Unlike general nutrition advice, our onco-nutrition plans are meticulously personalized to support your specific type of cancer, treatment phase, and individual health needs, ensuring the most effective support for your recovery and well-being.

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We're here to help you. Contact ZenOnco.io at [email protected] or call +91 99 3070 9000 for any assistance

Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh