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Suchanki Gupta (Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer Survivor)

Suchanki Gupta (Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer Survivor)

My name is Suchanki Gupta. I am a Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer survivor. I am thankful for my cancer. Sounds crazy, right? But as I reflect on my diagnosis and treatment, I believe there are ways in which Lymphoma changed my life for the better. When I did find out that I had an aggressive but curable lymphoma, I was relieved. I knew then that it would be a battle but that I still had a good chance of survival. 

How it started

 I am an outstanding dancer, and I meditate a lot. So, last year, when I started losing my energy, I could not find its reason. After a few days, I had a fever on and off and night sweats. I had a cough also. I also noticed a node in my armpit. The doctor prescribed some medicine, but there was no change in my situation. This time, the doctor misdiagnosed it as tuberculosis.

On the other hand, it was corona time, so my family was worried that I might have corona. With time, all my symptoms increased. This time doctors decided to go for a biopsy test; My cancer was diagnosed in this test. I am grateful to God that my cancer was detected early. 


When I first heard about it, I was devastated, but I could overcome this situation as I had a strong supportive family. I believe that cancer is a blessing given to those who can overcome it. I have to be strong and face it. My treatment started with chemotherapy and surgery. Initially, doctors had prescribed four rounds of chemo, but later it was increased to six and then eight. It is harrowing; I had no option but to deal with it. I am still under treatment, and it is a long way to go.

Side Effects & Challenges

Cancer is scary. But what also strikes fear into our hearts is the reality of cancer treatments. Sitting in chemotherapy chairs or lying down in a radiology department, we wonder if we will make it through the cancer treatment and recover. And most of us pray that we will come through it all okay.

Amid these fears, how we manage our state of mind and emotions and cope determines how well we will get through cancer treatment and recovery. This experience is my story of how I survived Hodgkin's Lymphoma and what I learned that you could use to improve your health and happiness, too. With advice on natural remedies and medication (all tried and tested on me), yoga and meditation tips, and food for thought about the significant purpose, it all helped me fight this battle with a brave heart!

Dealing with weakness

 I was struck each time with very low white blood cell counts and the exhaustion that comes along with it. I was blessed to have friends and family who would take care of me as anything. I would come down with any illness I was exposed to with the poor immunity. I had burning sensations in my hand, palm and feet. 

Sometimes life isn't easy. People get sick, and that is a sad truth of life. They might have an accident, and someone needs to care for them. This can be hard because the family members may feel confused, and they don't know what to do to help the person recover quickly.

My family was always there to support me during my time of need. They would listen to all my problems and do their best to solve them. The hospital staff was both loving and empathetic. When I started experiencing intense pain, they did everything to take care of me.

I am grateful to have a support system that's always there for me and lets me share my experience with them. That made the recovery process after cancer much easier to deal with because I started feeling better thanks to the doctors and nurses. They also helped me recover from my aches at a faster rate!

Message to others

I am thankful for my cancer because it made me not take any day, activity, or event that I do for granted. I appreciate every day I am given. It also deepened my faith, for which I am most grateful. Cancer is not a death sentence. Cancer is a blessing that is given to those who can overcome it. Be strong and talk about it. Life is a gift, and you need to be grateful. Gratitude is one thing that saved me from cancer.

Life is too short to be lived with regrets. Acknowledging that hard lesson and choosing to move forward give me a sense of deep gratitude for what I have. Cancer has taught me many things. And, a cancer diagnosis is a moment of terror, but it can also be a chance to stop and re-examine one's life. It has forced me to be patient and kind, it has made me more empathetic towards others; it has encouraged me to rise above even when the world comes crashing down around me, and most importantly, it has taught me about love redefined as an idea and feeling.

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