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Shimoga Cancer Treatment - Shri Narayana Murthy

Shimoga Cancer Treatment - Shri Narayana Murthy

Shimoga, also known as Shivamogga, is a city known for the Late Vaidya Narayana Murthy, an Ayurveda practitioner who lived in Narasipura village in the Shimoga district. His treatment mode is now known asShimogaCancer Treatment. According to him, his family has been treating patients for the last 14 generations. Mr. Murthy used to look at patients with acute medical conditions like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, etc., using herbal medicines.

Unfortunately, Mr. Vaidhya Narayana Murthy passed away due to a heart attack on June 24, 2020, at 81. He is survived by his wife, a son, and four daughters. While his treatment was put on hold due to widespread coronavirus cases in his district, his son is continuing the treatment currently.

Cause of Cancer according to Murthy

Vaidhya Murthy believed that the main reasons for diseases like cancer are changes in food habits, lifestyle changes, and genetic disorders. He had a unique way of diagnosing an illness. He will ask the patient where they feel the pain and analyze the area through physical examination. He also used modern methods, such as X-rays and blood tests, to conclude. His most striking feature was his simplicity, and he didn't charge anything from his patients for treating them. He considered his skills as the blessings of his community deity and therefore didn't seek any publicity or reward for his services.

Is Murthy's Cancer Treatment effective?

There is limited evidence of the clinical efficacy of Ayurveda Treatment provided by ShimogaCancer Treatment. While Ayurveda is known to reduce side effects and symptoms of Cancer Treatment, there is limited evidence on the benefits of Ayurveda for Cancer Treatment. Hence, we recommend combining Ayurveda with other treatment modalities to increase its clinical efficacy and reduce side effects. We do not recommend using Ayurveda as a complete replacement for conventional medical treatment if it exists.

Where to take Ayurveda for Cancer Treatment

In case you are adopting Ayurveda for Cancer Treatment, it is recommended that you connect with an AYUSH-certified BAMS Ayurvedic doctor who also has an understanding of medical treatment so that any treatment recommended towards Ayurveda does not clash with the conventional medical treatment.

Also Read:Cancer Treatment in India


No scientific evidence is available about his treatment methods. Like other alternative therapies, the majority approached Murthy once every other hope was diminished. We believe that patients looking to adopt as part of their treatment protocol should consult a qualified BAMS doctor with expertise in treating cancer patients to ensure that their treatment protocols do not clash with other medical treatment protocols. Ayurveda should be given to the extent it increases the clinical efficacy of the medical treatment while also reducing its side effects.

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Disclaimer: ZenOnco.io neither supports nor objects to the treatment provided by ShimogaCancer Treatment. For more information, contact +919930709000.

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