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Nitin (Stage 3 Breast Cancer Caregiver): Be The Emotional Anchor

Nitin (Stage 3 Breast Cancer Caregiver): Be The Emotional Anchor

My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer in 2019.

Usually, Breast Cancer lumps are detected in the breast cells. However, in my mother's case, some of the lumps also spread to her armpits. Remember, she is a breast cancer stage 3 survivor, after all. She had undergone 6–8 chemo sessions.

These conventional treatments for Breast Cancer indeed helped mom. Besides these, she also quite benefited from meditation and Ayurveda.

She also had to take 6-7 Craniosacral therapy (CST) sessions. These sessions were relaxing for her. You know that Craniosacral therapy is non-invasive. It just applies moderate pressure on areas like head, neck, and back. So, this did great for mom as it relieved her from Stress and Pain to quite an extent.

I think this kind of therapy should be recommended for all cancer patients, as it heals the side effects of treatment, and boosts both immunity and morale.

Family Support during her Breast Cancer Stage 3

In one word, if I had to give my mother's breast cancer survivor testimonial, it would be shocked. Yes, everyone in the family was just shocked to know her diagnosis.

I'll say that the first few months were difficult for her. However, once her hair started to grow back after Chemotherapy and radiation, she truly began to heal from her cancer. Since then, I knew that she'd transform to tell her inspirational Breast Cancer survivor story one day.

As a breast cancer caregiver, I had left my job and gone home to spend time with my mother. During the entire period of her treatment, our whole family was there to support her. That must have helped her in the healing process. She had to go through a lot of Stress and Pain every day. My mother is courageous, super cheerful, and now she is a Breast Cancer stage 3 survivor.

Any type of cancer journey is like an emotional rollercoaster ride. During this time, it is crucial that the patient is not left alone. Give as much emotional support as possible.

In this world of technological advancements, medical support and survival rate are increasing. Everything has become fast-paced. Things are constantly evolving and changing. The only thing that remains constant is family.

Therefore, it is our duty as a supportive family to stay strong and united. We must ensure that we become powerful emotional pillars for the cancer patient. Their families are their emotional anchors.

The Art of Living for a Breast Cancer Stage 3 Survivor

Breast cancer or not, our entire family is a fan, admirer and follower of Guru Dev Shri Shri Ravi Shankar. We came across so many Breast Cancer Indian survivors' stories in the Art of Living community. Such real life Breast Cancer stories motivated us.

I think such breast cancer survivor testimonials and inspirational breast cancer survivor stories were one of the keys to my mother's own healing journey.

My personal experience is that during and after hospital treatment, the following activities should be tried by any cancer patient, to whatever extent possible:

All those breathing techniques practiced at the Art of Living community helped my mother and even my family achieve a calm and peaceful state of mind. They flushed out much of our daily stress. We were able to see things from a different perspective.

My mother is now completely recovered from breast cancer. Every three months, we visit doctors for follow-up.

Parting Message for Breast Cancer Caregivers

Be the emotional anchor for your loved ones. Try meditation and Sudarshan Kriya, because they give you emotional stability to heal from cancer. You'll realize that everything falls into place automatically.

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