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Medical cannabis is a natural plant derivative that contains compounds called cannabinoids which affect the central nervous system. Cannabinoids is found in high concentration in the flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant, which is used to prepare the medicine.
The use of medical cannabis declined during the early part of the twentieth century because of studies reporting the associated health risks as well as addictive potential. However, the discovery of cannabinoid associated pathways, receptors, and molecules has regained the interest of doctors and patients in the use of medical cannabis. On the other hand, the use of cannabis is illegal in various parts of the world. Scientific evidence has reported the association of cannabis use and increased health risks such as depression, anxiety, impaired brain function etc?1?.
Medical cannabis is safe in the form of standardised spray or edible paste. Medical cannabis is possibly unsafe when smoked. Smoking cannabis increases risk of developing lung cancer. Some reports suggest that smoking cannabis might cause air-filled cavities to form within lung tissue. These air-filled cavities can cause symptoms such as chest pressure, soreness, and difficulty breathing. Medical cannabis products containing cannabis extract can cause headache, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, and paranoid thinking. Medical cannabis might also increase appetite, increase heart rate, increase or decrease blood pressure?2?.
Medical cannabis is effective for
Now avail exciting offers on Medical cannabis for cancer patients from ZenOnco.io at : https://zenonco.io/cancer/products/medizen-medical-cbd-4000-mg/
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