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Manisha Yadav (Breast Cancer): Be Your Own Support!

Manisha Yadav (Breast Cancer): Be Your Own Support!

Recurring Lumps:

I used to go for regular checkups every year but completely missed it in 2014 and 2015 because of some personal reasons. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in December 2016, and I am a Breast Cancer survivor. Initially, when I felt the lumps, I did not pay much heed to it. Moreover, I associated it with the recurring nature of these lumps with menopause, as I was around 48 years old.

The doctor who studied my blood reports said everything was expected, but I was not convinced. Finally, he told me that if I have any such doubts, it is always better to go for thorough checkups and testing. That is when I learned that I had stage II cancer, already reaching my lymph nodes.

Appalling Indifference:

I want to discuss an incident at the first doctor's place. She was scheduled to leave for a vacation and said she would do the Surgery after returning in January. When I insisted that there could not be such a delay after getting the Biopsy result, she suggested that she would do the Surgery first and then leave for her trip.

However, I was concerned about what I would do alone if there were a medical emergency in her absence. She had no answer to this, so I moved to another specialist. I was appalled by the indifferent behaviour. Then, a brother-like family friend suggested another doctor to me, which proved to be a turning point in my treatment.

A Phase that Passed:

I underwent 16 Chemotherapy sessions, and the best part about my Breast Cancer Treatment was that it was done at a reasonable price, so I did not splurge on it. I remember that my sessions went on till June that year. My life is back to normal now; it is the regular life I followed before my diagnosis, and I have learned a lot about the changes that are important for everyone. Working in the IT industry for several years, I am back at work, and everything seems fine. Indeed, it was a phase that has passed, educating us about so much.

The Pillars of Strength:

Your friends and family play a vital role in keeping you positive. In my case, it was an enormous pillar of strength. When I discovered that I was suffering from stage II cancer, I was shattered and questioned destiny why I was going through so much trouble and pain. But then I decided to focus on my healing.

Cancer should be treated like any other typical disease and nothing more. I was affected by work pressure, sleeping patterns, Stress, emotional imbalance, and likewise. Thus, lifestyle changes can make all the difference for you.

Integrating Homeopathy:

While undergoing chemo, I decided to integrate Homeopathy into my healing process. Though Homeopathy shows gradual results, it was a boon to me because it helped me tackle the side effects of Chemotherapy brilliantly. But there are specific changes in my diet that I follow to date, and I have genuinely felt healthier. I have entirely stopped consuming dairy, refined sugar, and wheat. It is important to eat balanced meals and do some exercise every day.


One of the biggest eye-openers for me was the extortion in this field. Most people fear death, and cancer is marketed as a fatal disease. It is the main reason people are often ready to pay any amount the doctors ask for.

I came face-to-face with a harsh reality. While my first doctor immediately asked me to start chemo, the other doctor told me to wait for my confirmed reports and then devise a proper treatment plan. Moreover, my initial doctor went to the extent of telling me that she could provide me with cheaper therapy at another clinic and explained the tariffs. It seemed nothing more than a business deal!

The Importance of a Second Opinion:

My father-in-law lost his life battling cancer. He was diagnosed at a terminal stage, and two out of three doctors told us he should not undergo any treatment because it would not yield any results. So, a second opinion is always better.

I first confirmed my life span with the doctor when I was diagnosed. I did not wish to experience so much pain if my life would be prolonged only by a year or so. A practical and positive approach can go a long way! It is about meeting the right people on your journey.

Community Support:

I met a lady who lost her cancer battle after eight years and felt that a better and quicker treatment could have helped her survive. But I do not think there is a certain way in which anyone can be so sure about the lack of effective therapy. It is essential to trust the doctors and remain positive. While some people emerge victoriously, some succumb, and there is nothing that any external force can do.

I had very supportive work colleagues and associates who encouraged me to take a six-month break from work and return with renewed energy and zeal to strive for excellence. Another pressure I had was an ailing, bedridden mother-in-law at home, and the stress affected me adversely.

My Better-Half:

My husband was a constant motivation and support for me. He never let me feel he was stuck with a sick wife and had too much on his shoulders. I want every cancer fighter to look after themselves instead of relying on anyone else emotionally.

You are your biggest hero!

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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh