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Keto Diet To Fight Cancer

Keto Diet To Fight Cancer

Keto Diet To Fight Cancer helps to fight Different types of cancers as cancer can attack the human body under several conditions. Triggered due to a range of reasons, cancer is primarily an unaccounted growth and multiplication of cells in any part of the body. A typical cell life includes birth, functioning, and death. After a cell wears out due to wear and tear, it dies a natural death, and a new cell replaces it. But, what happens when the cells stop dying? They start getting stored in the body, and gradually, the body's immune system starts getting weak. As the useless cell keeps dividing and growing, there is a high possibility of tumours and different types of cancers.

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People with cancer need to ensure that they maintain a healthy diet and daily routine. One such option is aKeto diet. There have been several speculations on whether aKetogenic dietis indeed helpful in fighting cancer. Just like every coin has two sides, this debate has its pros and cons. Continue reading ahead to find out if you should follow aKetogenic dietduring cancer, what is a keto diet, and the types of cancer that are relieved by aKetogenic diet.

What is a ketogenic diet?

AKetogenic dietis a routine that is most often used by those who are seeking ways to lose weight. However, this is not it. AKeto diethas innumerable health benefits. Essentially, it is low on carbohydrates, high on fats, and moderate on proteins. You can easily buy keto-friendly diet items in the market and online. If you plan to follow a ketogenic diet, then you must ensure that you consult an appropriately qualified and experienced dietician who understands your body type and suggests accordingly. Do not rely on diet charts off the internet because each body is different, and everyone has individual needs, allergies, and issues.

Keto Diet To Fight Cancer

Also Read: Diet in cancer surgery

How does theKeto diethelp in losing weight?

As mentioned above, theKeto dietis a commonly used diet for those who want to lose weight. But how does this happen? What happens in aKeto dietis that sugar is absent. Traditionally, the human body derives energy from sugar. But when theKeto dietdoes not give this to the collection, it automatically starts breaking down the stored fats and using its power. Gradually, repeated loss of fat helps the individual to lose weight rapidly. Recently, it was discovered that aKeto dietcould help in fighting cancer.

How does aKeto diethelp to fight cancer?

Cancer is a fatal disease that cancer care providers leave no stone unturned to cure. Even with the bestCancer Treatmentat your fingertips, researchers are always looking for new and effective ways to treat the diseases. Recently, it was discovered that aKeto dietcould complementCancer Treatmentmethods such asChemotherapyandRadiation therapy.Cancer Treatmentis extremely tiring for the body. Thus, aKeto dietcan help to speed up the process and assist in faster recovery.

A Keto diet can instil metabolic oxidative Stress in specific cancer cells at extremely high levels. It means that the human body will get additional aid in developing its immune system and fighting the existing cancer cells. Additionally, a Keto diet can also be a significant turning point in your Cancer Treatment because it does not allow the body to receive external glucose. According to some data and statistics, several types of cancer cells thrive in the body because of glucose. Thus, its absence will lead to curing the problem by its root. Restricting the sugar levels in your body can also be pivotal in steering clear of diabetes.

Is there any proof to show that keto diets can help treat cancer?

Having said so much about a Keto diet and its benefits, you must be wondering if there's any proof. A professor at the University of Texas in Dallas used mice to experiment and prove the point. Particular cancer, known as squamous cell carcinoma, is heavily dependent on sugar. Thus, mice with squamous cell carcinoma were fed a Ketogenic diet and kept under observation. The results showed that the lack of glucose in the diet had helped the mice to stop any further tumour growth.

This experiment is a turning point in the history of Cancer Treatment. Cancer patients often Stress about what to eat and what to avoid. While you must avoid all types of red meat and processed meat, dieticians and doctors recommend everyone follow a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables. Opt for berries and leafy greens. Moreover, you can also adopt a Mediterranean Diet since it is a vitamin and nutrient-rich regime.

Keto Diet To Fight Cancer

Is the Keto Diet To Fight Cancer genuinely reliable?

The benefits of keto in treating cancer are highly subjective. For example, a Keto diet focuses on eating meat and is low on Fiber. But that causes inflammation and high cholesterol in cancer patients. On the other hand, it may have sound effects on certain types of cancer. Thus, you must consult the doctor before taking any such step.

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  1. Tan-Shalaby J. Ketogenic Diets and Cancer: Emerging Evidence. Fed Pract. 2017 Feb;34(Suppl 1):37S-42S. PMID: 30766299; PMCID: PMC6375425.
  2. Talib WH, Mahmod AI, Kamal A, Rashid HM, Alashqar AMD, Khater S, Jamal D, Waly M. Ketogenic Diet in Cancer Prevention and Therapy: Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Opportunities. Curr Issues Mol Biol. 2021 Jul 3;43(2):558-589. doi: 10.3390/cimb43020042. PMID: 34287243; PMCID: PMC8928964.
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