This is the story of Devansh, a 6-year-old boy diagnosed withBlood Cancer. Fortunately, it was detected early, but his parents were shocked, as they had been blessed with twin kids (A girl and a boy) after 12 years of marriage. However, they had to accept and proceed with their child's Cancer Treatment.
Due to the known effects of Chemotherapy and other medications, Devansh stopped attending school and playing with his friends. Our volunteer Vineeta's son was a classmate of Devansh. One day, he returned from school and told her their teacher had asked all the children to pray for Devansh as he was unwell. The next day, Vineeta approached their teacher and inquired about what happened to Devansh.
She told them he had cancer and that the parents were distressed. So Vineeta took his mother's number, hoping she could provide the parents with social, moral, or physical support. Despite several attempts of contact, Devansh's mother didn't talk and would only text her, saying she wasn't in the state of mind to talk to anyone.
Two months passed, and the eve of Christmas was approaching. Vineeta and all the class moms decided to become Secret Santa for Devansh and wanted to send small gifts to cheer up the family. Instead, his teacher suggested they visit them at home with all the gifts. So they executed their plan, and Vineeta's son dressed up as Santa for Devansh. Upon seeing them, Devansh and his parents were pleased, and their eyes were filled with tears of joy.
After some time, Devansh's mother joined the class's WhatsApp group of moms and started interacting with all the mothers. Also, on every festive occasion, his teacher sent Devansh a video of his classmates wishing him happiness and wellness.
Today, through the grace of God, Devansh has recovered well and is enjoying his school. This shows that love and positive social support from friends and family can increase a patient's chances of survival.
Love translates to a total absence of fear.
When there is no fear, there will be no Cancer.