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Cinnamon and Cancer Treatment: Exploring its Potential as a Natural Cure

Cinnamon and Cancer Treatment: Exploring its Potential as a Natural Cure

Cinnamon is gaining attention as a potential natural cure for cancer. Extensive research suggests that it may play a significant role in both cancer prevention and treatment by suppressing the abnormal growth of cancer cells and inhibiting the formation of blood vessels in tumours. Recent findings published in Molecular Carcinogenesis highlight the promising effects of cinnamon extract (CE) therapy on invasive breast and ovarian cancer cells, demonstrating reduced migration, lowered levels of VEGF and HIF-1 proteins, and significant suppression of tumour growth in a human ovarian tumour mouse model.

Cinnamon and Cancer Treatment: Exploring its Potential as a Natural Cure

Also Read: Cinnamon

Key Points:

  • Inhibition of Cancer Cell Migration: Explore how cinnamon extract therapy has shown promising results in reducing the migration of invasive breast and ovarian cancer cells, potentially impeding their spread within the body.
  • Regulation of Protein Expression: Discover the ability of the cinnamon extract to decrease the expression of VEGF and HIF-1 proteins, crucial factors involved in the formation of blood vessels within tumours. By targeting these proteins, cinnamon may disrupt the blood supply to cancer cells, hindering their growth.
  • Suppression of Tumor Growth: Understand the significant impact of cinnamon extract treatment on the growth of human ovarian tumours. The study provides evidence of cinnamon's potential in curbing the progression of this fatal malignancy.

What is cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a spice extracted from the inner bark of the tree, scientifically known as Cinnamomum. It has been used as a food ingredient across history, dating back to ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and precious, and it was seen as a luxury suited for kings. Nowadays,Cinnamonis inexpensive and available in every store. It is used as an ingredient in a variety of foods and recipes.

Cinnamon is obtained by cutting Cinnamon tree stems. The inside bark is then extracted, and the woody parts are removed. When it dries, it shapes itself as strips that coil into balls, called Cinnamon sticks. Such sticks may be ground to form a Cinnamon paste. The distinct smell and taste of Cinnamon are due to the presence of an oily component called cinnamaldehyde. Scientists believe that this compound is responsible for most of the beneficial effects of Cinnamon on wellbeing and metabolism.

Types of cinnamon :

There are mainly two types of cinnamon. In the United States, the darker-coloured cassia cinnamon is the most popular. Its cultivated throughout Southeast Asia. In other nations, Ceylon cinnamon, sometimes known as true cinnamon, is widely used. The cinnamon at the grocery shop might be either Ceylon or cassia or a combination of the two.

Cinnamon and Cancer Treatment: Exploring its Potential as a Natural Cure

How does it work?

Cinnamon has a long history of being used as herbal medicine. Laboratory studies have shown that Cinnamon has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It has also been known to decrease blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes, lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, minimize dental plaque and gingivitis, and boost metabolic syndrome (metabolic diseases that raise the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes). Topical use of cinnamon-based ointment has been tried to help relieve perineal Pain and improve episiotomy incision healing in postpartum patients.

Cinnamon is a silver bullet against cancer.

Cancer is characterized by unregulated cell growth.Cinnamonand its uses have been extensively studied for its potential use in preventive care and treatment. cinnamon is helpful in cancer treatment.

Overall, the evidence is limited to test tubes and animal studies indicating that Cinnamon extracts protect against cancer symptoms by reducing the growth of cancer cells and the development of blood vessels in tumours, thus appearing to be toxic to cancer cells. Research in mice with Colon Cancersymptoms has shown thatCinnamonis a potent activator of detoxifying enzymes in the colon that protects against further cancer growth.

Other health benefits of Cinnamon

  • Improves metabolism: It contains a compound called cinnamaldehyde which has been shown to improve health and boost metabolism.
  • It is high in antioxidants: Antioxidants help the body reduce oxidative stress. Cinnamon is high in polyphenols, which are strong antioxidants. Cinnamon came out on top in research that evaluated the antioxidant activity of 26 spices, even beating out superfoods like garlic and oregano. It is so potent that it may be used as a natural food preservative.
  • It possesses anti-inflammatory properties: It helps in reducing chronic inflammation and thus, reduces the risk of a no. of inflammatory diseases.
  • Some people are resistant to insulin. This is known as insulin resistance, a characteristic of serious conditions such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Researchers believe that it can significantly reduce insulin resistance, allowing this vital hormone to do its job. By raising insulin sensitivity, Cinnamon can improve blood sugar levels.
  • Neurodegenerative disorders are a result of a gradual loss of brain cell structure or function. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease are two of the most common types of disease. Two compounds found inCinnamontend to prevent the build-up of a protein called tau in the brain, which is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease. In a test in Parkinson's disease mice,Cinnamonhas helped protect nerves, regulated neurotransmitter rates, and enhanced motor function.
  • One small lab study suggests thatCinnamonmay improve the development of collagen, which may help make your skin look younger.
  • HIV is an infection that gradually breaks down the immune system, which, if unchecked, will eventually lead to AIDS. Cinnamon, other than Cassia varieties, is thought to help combat HIV-1, the most prevalent form of HIV in humans. Laboratory analysis of HIV-infected cells showed that it was the most effective treatment of all 69 medicinal plants tested. Human studies are needed to validate these results.
  • Cinnamaldehyde, one of cinnamons primary active ingredients, may aid in the battle against a variety of infections. Cinnamon oil has been found to successfully cure fungi-caused respiratory tract infections. It can also stop some germs from growing, such as Listeria and Salmonella. However, the data is limited, and cinnamon has yet to be proven to decrease infections in other parts of the body. Its antibacterial properties may also aid in preventing tooth decay and foul breath.

  • Cinnamons efficacy for cancer prevention and therapy has been extensively researched. All in all, the evidence for cinnamon extracts protecting against cancer is confined to test-tube and animal research. It works by inhibiting cancerous cell development and the creation of blood vessels in tumours, and it appears to be toxic to cancer cells, leading to apoptosis. It is a strong stimulator of detoxifying enzymes in the colon, which protects against cancer growth, according to animal research Test-tube investigations demonstrated that it stimulates protective antioxidant responses in human colon cells, confirming our findings.

What do experts say?

Researchers have once applied cinnamaldehyde to the diet of mice, and they were found to be safe fromColon Cancersymptoms. In response to cinnamaldehyde, the animal cells had acquired the ability to protect themselves from exposure to carcinogens throughDetoxificationand repair.

This is an important finding, says Donna Zhang, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Arizona. SinceColorectal Canceris aggressive and associated with a poor prognosis, there is an immediate need to create more effective strategies against this disease.

After the finding, the effects of the compound on the Nrf2 receptor and cancer symptoms continued to be investigated. Because the Nrf2 pathway is so essential for cell safety, the new study published online in Cancer Prevention Research suggests that cinnamaldehyde may also shield cells from other forms of chemical carcinogens, UV-induced cancers, and more.

Cinnamon and Cancer Treatment: Exploring its Potential as a Natural Cure

With limited data and research, on cinnamon and cancer treatment, Cinnamon seems to have cancer-preventive properties. Further tests are needed to confirm the spice's potent nature against various types of cancer. However, if recent studies are to be believed then the day is not far off when we can come to a definitive conclusion. In the meantime, with no specific side effects, it can become a part of our daily cooking, and patients can benefit from its therapeutic properties.

Side effects :

Cinnamon and Cancer Treatment: Exploring its Potential as a Natural Cure

In the short term, most people appear to be safe when they consume moderate doses of cinnamon as a spice or supplement.

Cinnamon, on the other hand, contains coumarin.
This is a natural flavour, but its also used in the production of warfarin, a popular blood thinner.

Too much coumarin can harm the liver and cause clotting problems. People who are taking anti-coagulants, have diabetes or have a liver condition should always seek guidance from a health professional before including cinnamon supplements.

Cinnamon should never be used as a full substitute for medical therapy for any health issue.

Cinnamon is offered as a spice and a supplement. Supplements may have a positive or negative influence on ones health and illness. However, because supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there may be issues regarding quality, purity, and strength. Before using supplements, people should always consult their doctor.

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  1. Dutta A, Chakraborty A. Cinnamon in Anticancer Armamentarium: A Molecular Approach. J Toxicol. 2018 Mar 29;2018:8978731. doi: 10.1155/2018/8978731. PMID: 29796019; PMCID: PMC5896244.
  2. Kwon HK, Hwang JS, So JS, Lee CG, Sahoo A, Ryu JH, Jeon WK, Ko BS, Lee SH, Park ZY, Im SH. Cinnamon extract induces tumour cell death through the inhibition of NF-kappaB and AP1. BMC Cancer. 2010 Jul 24;10:392. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-10-392. Erratum in: BMC Cancer. 2019 Nov 14;19(1):1113. PMID: 20653974; PMCID: PMC2920880.
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