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Zen Healing Circle: Share Your Experience In Caring Space

Zen Healing Circle: Share Your Experience In Caring Space

Healing Circles are a nurturing, supportive platform where patients and caretakers can find a place to share their thoughts and experiences without fear and guilt. The process is, at its essence, an experience-sharing process, which brings together people as equals to have open exchanges about complex issues or painful experiences in an atmosphere of respect and concern for everyone.

What is Zen Heal Circle?

Zen Heal Circle (ZHC) is where cancer patients, caregivers, and survivors can find respite. The members of ZHC actively contribute to the universal healing process, helping themselves and everyone to move further into their journeys. At Zen Heal Circle, we always discuss the importance of Love and Care and how they can heal any ailment, given sufficient time. Zen Heal Circle manifests Love and Care, where kindness and humanity meet and exchange notes. It is a platform where all cancer patients, survivors and caregivers, regardless of their age or health, can share their experiences and help each other in their healing and living journey. 

How does ZHC work?

ZHC is an online and offline session, conducted in Hindi and English where we invite people connected with cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, oncologists, healers, and other cancer care professionals. ZHC acts as a platform where participants share their journeys, experiences, and knowledge to inspire each other and help patients fight cancer stronger. Since all participants have had past experiences with cancer, the forum is very friendly and permits like-minded people to exchange their opinions freely without fear of being judged. They honour each other's unique way of healing through cancer. Sharing is optional here. If a newbie is uncomfortable talking, he can just observe listen and share when he is comfortable. Or ask questions to the group. All the stories are kept confidential, and we believe that we have the guidance we need within us, and we rely on the power of silence to access it.

How does ZHC Help?

ZHC helps participants escape from ordinary times into a safe and accepting environment to explore their healing. With open minds, they study ways of deepening their healing capacity, alleviating their suffering, and finding meaning in both challenge and joy. With open hearts, participants access inner guidance to understand where the most remarkable healing in body, emotions, mind and spirit can occur.

Who can participate in ZHC?

ZHC is an online participation-based webinar where we invite people connected with cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, oncologists, healers, and other cancer care professionals. Furthermore, participation is voluntary. 

What makes the ZHC unique?

We treat everyone with kindness and respect. We listen with compassion and curiosity. We honour each other's unique ways of healing and don't presume to advise or dictate to another participant.

The key principles of ZHC

We honour the presence and dignity and value the contribution of every participant. It is a platform that supports the emotional and spiritual expression of every patient and survivor and gives equal voice to all to express their feelings.

The Journey of ZHC

We have organized 500+ Zen Healing Circle Talks till now. More than 20,000 patients, survivors and caregivers have participated in it. We feel this online event is more welcoming and allows cancer warriors to join from wherever they are in the comfort of their homes.

How to Join ZHC

The Zoom Meeting is also made live on Facebook to share the experience with more people. ZHC is free to join, and participation from the audience is encouraged.

To Join the Zoom Meeting, Click Here

If you are interested in being a speaker at Healing Circle Talks, please confirm your availability for one of the open Sundays from 5 pm to 6:15 pm IST by contacting us at +91 99 30 70 90 00.


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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh