A healthy lifestyle that includes exercise and a nutrient-dense diet may reduce your risk of cancer, according to research. Experts predict that by modifying our diets, we may be able to avoid as many as 1 out of every 20 cancer cases. foods that kill breast cancer Food ingredients including ellagic acid, phytosterols, antioxidants (such as lycopene and beta-carotene), and even fibre have been shown to regulate estrogen and suppress cancer cell growth. We've compiled a list of the top foods that are high in cancer-fighting nutrients. While no one meal can ensure cancer-free living, including more of these foods in your diet can help you fight breast cancer.
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We've included a few of these nutritious powerhouses below.
According to a study published in the International Journal of Cancer, foods that kill breast cancer by eating one serving of fungus each day may help prevent breast cancer. Researchers discovered that Chinese women who ate at least 10 grams (equivalent to a single, small mushroom!) of fresh mushrooms per day had a two-thirds lower risk of breast cancer than non-mushroom eaters. High mushroom consumption has also been linked to a decreased incidence of breast cancer in premenopausal women. While studies have yet to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between mushrooms and breast health, whenever you include immune-boosting vitamin-D-rich mushrooms in a meal, you'll be doing your body a favour.
We've been telling you how high-fibre meals can help you lose weight by prolonging your feelings of fullness, but did you know they may also help you lower your risk of breast cancer? According to Harvard experts, a woman's breast cancer risk drops by 7% for every 10 grams of fibre she consumes daily! The authors suggest that fibre helps to lower elevated estrogen levels in the blood, which are closely connected to the development of breast cancer. Beans are one of the top high-fibre foods.
Walnuts can help you lower your breast cancer risk in two ways. For instance, gamma-tocopherol, a vitamin found in this heart-shaped nut, inhibits the activation of Akt, an enzyme required for cancer cell survival, without affecting healthy cells. Walnuts also contain phytosterols, which are cholesterol-like compounds that can assist men and women manage estrogen levels and even prevent the growth of breast cancer cells by blocking estrogen receptors. When mice were given the human equivalent of two ounces of walnuts every day for a month, the development rate of tumours in the walnut-eating mice was half that of the non-walnut-eating mice, according to animal studies published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer.
Cooked tomatoes should be consumed not just because they make a delicious pasta sauce, but also because they may lessen the incidence of breast cancer in women! Recent research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute discovered that lycopene, a carotenoid antioxidant found in tomatoes, was particularly successful in helping women with the more difficult-to-treat type of breast cancer known as oestrogen receptor (ER)negative tumours. Women with the highest levels of carotenoids had a 19 per cent lower risk of breast cancer in general, but those with the highest amounts of lycopene had a 22 per cent lower risk.
Carotenoids are abundant in orange-coloured vegetables, much as they are in tomatoes. Sweet potatoes, in particular, are high in beta-carotene, a type of carotenoid. Women with the greatest levels of beta-carotene in their blood had a 17 per cent decreased risk of developing specific types of breast cancer, according to the same Journal of the National Cancer Institute study. Carotenoids are thought to contain molecules that aid in cell development, defence, and repair. Blanching your potatoes and seasoning them with your favourite spice mix is the greatest way to extract the most carotenoids out of them, according to scientists.
Sure, it's the second-highest source of fruit sugar, but consuming these fibre-rich seeds can aid in the prevention of hormone-dependent breast cancer. The ellagic acid in pomegranates, according to a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, may help protect against breast cancer by inhibiting oestrogen production and reducing cancer cell proliferation. You don't want to ruin your beloved shirt by ruining it every time you open the fruit? Ellagic acid is also found in raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, walnuts, and pecans. (Eliassen et al., 2012)
Crunch on a crucifer to aid in the fight against cancer. Broccoli and other cruciferous veggies can help you fight breast cancer. Thanks to sulforaphane, an anti-inflammatory ingredient contained in these vegetables it has been shown to remove breast-cancer-causing compounds and limit the growth of human breast cancer cells. The easiest way to get the most bioactive elements from your food is to lightly steam it to increase your intake of the anti-cancer component.
Milk substitutes are all the rage right now, but unless they're vitamin-D-fortified, we advise you to avoid them. Vitamin D can help your body absorb calcium while also preventing breast, colon, and ovarian cancers, according to University of California San Diego experts. According to a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, adequate vitamin D intake can reduce the incidence of breast cancer in women by up to 50%. A more recent study confirmed these findings, linking low levels of vitamin D in the blood to a higher likelihood of breast cancer cell tumour growth. Enjoy vitamin-D-enriched dairy in your morning coffee, add it to porridge, or use it as a supplement.
Grab that bag of baby carrots for another reason: According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women with the greatest levels of carotenoids in their blood had an 18 to 28 per cent lower risk of breast cancer than those with the lowest levels. Carrots are high in antioxidants that fight cancer, which is why you should slice some up and add them to these 26 Flat Belly Soups.
If we talk about foods that kill breast cancer Chickpeas are one of our Surprising Strong-Protein Foods for Weight Loss because they're high in fibre and plant protein, and they're the base of our favourite dip, hummus. What's more impressive is that these legumes can prevent breast cancer thanks to anti-cancer compounds called protease inhibitor concentrates, according to a study published in the Nutrition and Cancer journal.
When it comes to fighting breast cancer and we are talking about foods that kill breast cancer, leafy greens like spinach have a one-two punch. For starters, they're a great source of the dynamic carotenoid duo lutein and zeaxanthin, which have been linked to a 16 per cent lower risk of breast cancer when consumed in high amounts. Second, they're an excellent source of folate, a B vitamin that helps strengthen your DNA and reduces the risk of neural tube problems during pregnancy. In a study published in the journal, low folate levels were recently linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. Grab some spinach, kale, or asparagus to receive the benefits.
Bonus points for the Mediterranean diet! When Spanish researchers had women supplement their Mediterranean diets with extra-virgin olive oil, the researchers found that these women had a 68 per cent lower risk of developing breast cancer compared to women whose dietary fats came from corn oil. The study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, speculated that the olive oil's anti-inflammatory phenolic compounds and oleic acid may have quelled the growth of malignant cells. (Jama internal medicine)
If you've been reading about breast cancer online, you might find claims that one diet or another can cure you. Be wary of these exaggerated claims. So any diet, such as the Mediterranean diet for example, that encourages this kind of eating may help support your cancer recovery.
If you want to try the following diets, consider these precautions:
The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate eating plan that has recently gained popularity. You dramatically cut carbohydrates to put your body into a state of ketosis, where its forced to burn stored fat for energy.
Though a few studies have shown the ketogenic diet to be promising for certain types of cancer, it hasn't been proven to treat breast cancer. It can also alter the chemical balance in your body, which could be risky.
A plant-based diet means that you mainly eat foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. This is similar to a vegetarian or vegan diet, but many people who follow plant-based diets still eat animal products. However, they limit their intake.
The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends following a plant-based diet for cancer prevention. Their research shows that cancer survivors may benefit from this diet as well. The diet allows you to get fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals from plant foods, while also getting protein and nutrients from animal products.
If you follow the Mediterranean diet, it means that youre eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables, as well as grains, nuts, and seeds. This diet also includes olive oil, beans, dairy, and proteins like chicken, eggs, and fish in fewer amounts.
Breast cancer symptoms and treatment side effects may leave you feeling too unwell to cook, plan meals, or eat as you normally do. Here are some tips to help make eating healthy easier.
Generally speaking, research shows that eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, and low-fat dairy products may have a positive impact on cancer survival. In contrast, eating processed foods, high-sugar foods, or fried foods may have a negative impact.
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Ultimately, any diet you try should contain a healthy balance of nutrients, protein, calories, and healthy fats. Going extreme in any direction could be dangerous. Before you try any new diet, check with your dietitian and doctor to make sure its safe for you.
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Al-Ataby IA, Talib WH. Daily Consumption of Lemon and Ginger Herbal Infusion Caused Tumor Regression and Activation of the Immune System in a Mouse Model of Breast Cancer. Front Nutr. 2022 Apr 13;9:829101. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.829101. PMID: 35495945; PMCID: PMC9043650.
Donaldson MS. Nutrition and cancer: a review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet. Nutr J. 2004 Oct 20;3:19. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-3-19. PMID: 15496224; PMCID: PMC526387.