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Why Is Fiber Important for Cancer Patients?

Why Is Fiber Important for Cancer Patients?

Types of Fibers

Soluble Fiber

Soluble Fiber is one of the most important types of Fiber needed in the body. Its primary function is to slow down the emptying process. As a result, the stomach feels fuller for a longer time, and you tend to eat less food. Soluble Fiber helps every individual to maintain a low cholesterol level and regulate the levels of blood glucose. Researchers and doctors often feel that imbalances in the body's health can lead to irregular growth and multiplication of cells leading to cancer. Thus, sucrose Fiber has a direct impact on lowering your risk of developing cancer. You can find it in fruits and vegetables.

Insoluble fiber

One of the best ways to ensure a healthy body is by maintaining proper bowel movements. But how is this possible? The answer lies in insoluble fibres. Insoluble fibres absorb water that softens the bowel contents. Consequently, you can quickly get rid of the undigested and toxic materials from the body. Controlled bowel movements also help the human body to maintain a clean bowel environment. It instantly reduces all chances of risks and diseases. If you are looking for rich sources of insoluble fibre, then you must make a note of whole-grain loaves of bread, nuts, cereals, and the peels of fruits and vegetables.

Resistant starch

The third type of Fiber does not get digested in the small intestine. Well, then what happens to it? It is simple. Since the small intestine cannot digest resistant starch, it transfers to the large intestine, where it helps in producing good bacteria and improving the bowel health of the body. It plays a direct role in strengthening the immune system of the body when toxin materials are flushed out regularly. Cancer cells do not get the space to grow and multiply, thus protecting the body. Some of the most common sources of resistant starch are unripe bananas and cooked rice. The nutritionist can give you an optimized diet.

Also Read: Onco Nutrition the Dietary Approach to Cancer

Why is Fiber necessary in the human diet?

Now that you have read and understood the three basic types of fibres and their benefits to the human body, let's find out more about the top 3 benefits of Fiber.

1. Helps to maintain better bowel movements

Bowel movements must always be smooth. Too watery or too hard stools are tough to pass and cause a direct strain on your body. Moreover, constipation is another problem that can deplete many vitamins and nutrients from your body. The most significant necessity of including dietary Fiber in your diet is to ensure healthy and efficient bowel movements. Please note that high-fibre foods have a lesser calorie count than low-fibre foods. Thus, they make you feel fuller, and you can easily maintain better body weight.

2. Prevents against diabetes

For the uninitiated, diabetes is directly related to the blood sugar levels in your body. But what if there was a way to control it? Yes, insoluble fibre, as explained above, is the best way to prevent diabetes and control blood sugar levels. Since it slows the absorption of sugar in the body, it reduces the chances of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, soluble fibre, found abundantly in beans and flaxseeds, can also help to lower blood cholesterol levels. Additionally, fibre-rich food products can also help in reducing the chances of heart-related problems such as inflammation and blood pressure. Thus, there are several benefits that Fiber can provide to your body.

3. Prevents against several types of cancer

Last but not least, Fiber also plays a significant role in preventing several types of cancer. The first type of cancer is bowel cancer. A proper bowel movement helps you to keep a check on its health and cleanliness. Thus, there is no chance of developing problems such as haemorrhoids or related diseases. It also saves the body from Colorectal Cancer. Since a portion of the consumed Fiber is fermented in the colon, there are lesser chances of Colon Cancer symptoms. Please note that Fiber found in cereals is the best type of Fiber to prevent cardiovascular diseases and several types of cancer. The best cancer treatment begins at home, and fibre is a stepping stone.

Also Read: Nurturing Health: Managing Weight Gain during Cancer Treatment

Several rich sources of Fiber have already been mentioned above. Canned food items and processed meats have low Fiber content. Thus, you must focus more on fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and cereals. Eating natural and organic items is better than relying on Fiber supplements.

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  1. McRae MP. The Benefits of Dietary Fiber Intake on Reducing the Risk of Cancer: An Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses. J Chiropr Med. 2018 Jun;17(2):90-96. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2017.12.001. Epub 2018 Jun 14. PMID: 30166965; PMCID: PMC6112064.

  2. Masrul M, Nindrea RD. Dietary Fibre Protective against Colorectal Cancer Patients in Asia: A Meta-Analysis. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2019 May 30;7(10):1723-1727. doi: 10.3889/oamjms.2019.265. PMID: 31210830; PMCID: PMC6560290.

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