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Archana Singh (Uterine Cancer Survivor): Be Bindaas

Archana Singh (Uterine Cancer Survivor): Be Bindaas

It all started when I was in Bhutan and had a fall at the airport. After that, I started having white discharge frequently. I was taking ayurvedic treatment for my white discharge, but it didn't work, and that's when I doubted that something might be wrong.

Uterine Cancer Diagnosis

I went to the gynaecologist who did my internal sonography and discovered some cystic formations that needed to be checked. I had myBiopsydone, and after the reports came, we learned that it was stage 2 uterine cancer. I have always had a controlled diet, so the uterine cancer diagnosis was a big shock for me and everyone around me.

Uterine Cancer Treatment

I thought that just getting the uterus removed would be enough if it was in the uterus, but it was not that easy. I had an operation and was in the hospital for ten days. After one month, I took 25Radiation therapysessions and developed many side effects after 10-15Radiation therapysessions.

My family's support and willpower were the main reasons I could defeat uterine cancer. My colleagues, family, husband, and children supported me a lot. My son used to take me for radiation. He also did his best to support me and was my pillar of strength. My doctors were also very corporative. I used to ask my doctors many questions, to which they patiently replied. I recovered early because of the care I received from the hospital staff and my optimistic nature.

Uterine Cancer Life

I always tried to do my routine chores myself because I didn't want to disturb anyone. I triedNaturopathyafter completing my conventional treatment. TheNaturopathydoctor asked me to eat gluten-free because my intestine was affected during radiation. I ate millet a lot. I brought many diet changes in my life after the uterine cancer journey. I have regularly practised Pranayama and exercises since 2007, which has dramatically helped me. My health deteriorated after radiation therapy, and I still have those issues. Later, I underwent an operation for a hernia too.

I used to get motivated by small things. I saw people going through a lot and was grateful for the problems I didn't have. A song always inspires me: "Ruk Jana Nahi Tu Kahi Haar Ke, Kaato Pe Chal Ke Milenge Saayein Bahar Ke. I used to listen to these two lines since I was in 11th standard. I sing this song whenever I feel low because the lyrics feel authentic and inspiring.

Now, I am a retired woman. I do stitching and embroidery as a hobby to keep myself busy and to be more creative.

It's been three years, and I am on regular follow-ups. I still have some issues with my urinary bladder because of Radiation therapy. Still, I'm counting my blessings and enjoying every little thing in my life because that is what I choose rather than complaining about anything. I didn't allow uterine cancer to make me weak; I was strong then, and I am strong now.

Parting Message

Don't be scared because being scared makes you mentally and physically weak. We cannot control some things and accept and fight with everything. Go to the doctor without delay and keep your health a priority. Don't be so severe, be "bindaas and enjoy your life to the fullest.

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