Yuvraj Singh, an International cricketer and a cancer survivor, founded the YOUWECAN foundation, registered under the Bombay trust act, 1965, a non-profit organization registered under the Bombay Trust Act. Through cancer awareness, early detection, cancer patient support, and survivor empowerment, their purpose is to empower all people to combat cancer.
Medical grants under the YouWeCan Cancer Treatment Fund for Pediatric Patients are solely available to cancer patients. Patients have a family income of more than Rs. 200,000/- (rupees two lakh only) will be ineligible for a medical grant from this fund. The patient must be a resident of India and an Indian citizen. The patient must be under 16 years old. Patients covered under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) will not be considered for a medical grant from this fund. Patients with immediate family members who are government employees covered by the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS), employees covered by the Employees State Insurance Scheme (ESIS), or employees who are eligible for aid from their employers will not be considered for a medical grant under this fund.Contact Details