Mukhyamantri Amrutum Yojana is a healthcare scheme created by the Gujarat government to assist underprivileged families facing severe challenges. Mukhyamantri Amrutam Vatsalya Yojana was launched in August 2014 to extend this programme to Lower Middle-Class families.
Transplant operations involving kidney, liver, kidney-pancreas are covered up to Rs. 500,000. Knee and Hip replacement procedures are covered with a cap of Rs. 40,000 for one replacement on a floating basis. The beneficiary will be responsible for any additional costs. For each instance of receiving treatment from an empanelled hospital, the beneficiary is reimbursed Rs.300 in transportation costs. All households with an annual income of up to Rs. Three hundred thousand are eligible. Senior citizens from families with a yearly income of up to Rs. 600,000 BPL beneficiaries selected by the state government's rural development department.Contact Details