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Shailan Robinson (Blood Cancer-ALL): I Heard God, And He Is Beautiful

Shailan Robinson (Blood Cancer-ALL): I Heard God, And He Is Beautiful

My band, Adonai, and I had recorded an album in December 2017. At that time, I was unaware of how handy my songs would come in during the next month. In January 2018, I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a type of Blood Cancer. I am not someone who reads up too much online or has a set rule for independent research. I was hospitalized for 11 days when there were extensive tests to find out what was wrong with my body. Like a train speeding towards me at 115 miles per hour, the cancer was detected. I have a happy family that consists of my parents, sister, wife, and children. For some time, I was taken aback and remembered spending my nights lying on a bed in the cancer ward.

After some nights into the treatment, I heard a voice speak softly into my ears. It said, You are on a protected path. Initially, I felt it must be my subconscious speaking to me. But then I heard it again. And again. And again. It repeated several times, and I realized it was not me but someone else. The night soon passed, and I woke up the next morning to read the Bible. When I opened the Holy Book, I landed on a page that had a verse:

I shall live. I shall not die. And I will declare the glory of God. (Psalm 118:17)

I realized that the Almighty had spoken to me. I was inspired to live and not die. Jesus Christ is marvelous, and His voice is beautiful.

The doctors said that the blast rate in my blood was 85%. In layman's terms, 85% of my blood was already affected by leukemia, and my treatment had to start immediately. The doctors tested my spinal fluid at the end of those 11 days and discharged me. My Chemotherapy sessions began, and I was asked to have 18 sessions in 28 days. Eventually, the last report came, and my mother, sister, and wife stood by me.

A voice in my head told me, do not look at the reports. Your reports will not determine your fate. Your faith will determine your reports. To this date, I have not checked any reports of mine because I believe that walking with God is all about obedience. The doctors instructed me that I would need a bone marrow transplant, and my sister would be an ideal match for me. That evening, when my family was praying, my sister heard a voice. My elder sister shares a strong relationship with Jesus Christ, and He told her that she is not my donor. My wife had a vision that Jesus is on my back, and he has blessed me. I heard a voice that said, You do not need a donor. I am your donor.

The following week, when I went for my bone marrow tests and reports, the doctor said that I do not need a bone marrow transplant since mine is already better than a healthy man's. That is when the doctor also identified the source of my physical ailments. He said that I had a genetic mutation. Some genes were not behaving the way they were supposed to. Instead, they were producing proteins that were creating tumors and blasts. Since it was a genetic disorder, there was no way that the doctors could cure it. All the doctors could do was prescribe me medicines.

The medicine would cost me INR 1 lakh 67 thousand per month. Being an upper-middle-class man, I had to think about the expenses that my treatment would incur. That night, I got my medicine for INR 1 lakh 15 thousand; however, such a payment every month was demanding. Since it would go on for three to four years, I was worried. Jesus promised me that He had taken care of my funds; He would look after everything. You would be surprised to learn that, to this date, I receive the medicines for 15 thousand rupees per month.

As time passed, I continued on my journey of cure. The doctors stated that the genetic mutation would be a lifelong ordeal, but in July 2018, I went for a mutation test, and my oncologist was delighted and surprised at my reports. He pronounced a complete cure for my genetic mutation. Since his profession is not accustomed to such miracles, and he wanted to be entirely sure before making a decision, He called me back for a test after six months. It was still uncontaminated, and so was it in 2019. I looked at my sister and said that Jesus had indeed taken care of everything.

I feel that the best way to get rid of any problem is by believing in God. Usually, people go to Jesus Christ when they have a problem. But I feel that they should go to the problem with Jesus and challenge difficulties. Jesus' support is what everyone must cherish. It depends on humans if they choose to amplify the problem or Jesus. The Almighty has been incredibly gracious to me.

I was able to resume work in 6 months, on 1st August 2018. Jesus still holds my hand and guides me through life. All the songs that my band and I made were inspirational to me, and I would spend time listening to them to and fro the hospital. No one must give up! Being hopeful is a personal choice, and I understand that it is easier said than done. Even if I succumbed to my fate, Jesus would be the Glorious One because He does not need my validation. He is above us all!

Some people may not believe my experience, but I resonate with Jesus, and that is what truly matters in the long run.

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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh