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Screening of Adrenal Cancer

Screening of Adrenal Cancer

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Doctors employ a variety of tests to locate and diagnose tumours. They also conduct tests to determine whether a tumour is malignant and whether it has migrated to other parts of the body from where it began. This is known as metastasis. Some testing can also help you figure out which therapies are the most successful. Blood and urine tests (see below) check for the presence of specific chemicals in the presence of an adrenal gland cancer to help identify whether it is functioning or nonfunctional.

Also Read: Symptoms of Adrenal Gland Tumor

Chest X-ray:

If adrenal cancer has progressed to the lungs, a chest x-ray might reveal this. It can also be used to see whether you have any significant lung or cardiac problems.


Sound waves are used in ultrasound exams to create images of bodily components. The sound waves are created by a device called a transducer, which is reflected off of tissues and organs in the body. The transducer detects the pattern of sound wave echoes, which is then processed by a computer to generate a picture of these tissues and organs. This test can reveal whether or not the adrenal gland has a tumour. If cancer has progressed to the liver, it might also reveal malignancies there. Ultrasound is rarely utilized to detect adrenal tumours unless a CT scan is unavailable for any reason.


CT scanning is a type of imaging that uses a computer to create a three-dimensional (CT). CT scans may frequently clarify the cancer's site by showing the adrenal glands in detail. It may also reveal whether your cancer has migrated to your liver or other adjacent organs. CT scans can reveal metastatic cancer in lymph nodes and distant organs. The CT scan can assist in determining whether surgery is a viable therapeutic option.

A CT scan uses X-rays gathered from various angles to produce a three-dimensional image of the inside of the body. The pictures are then stitched together by a computer into a comprehensive cross-sectional view that reveals any abnormalities or malignancies. Before the scan, a specific dye called a contrast medium is sometimes used to improve picture detail. A peripheral intravenous (IV) line is frequently used to infuse this dye into a patient's vein. This line is a small, plastic tube that is placed into a vein and allows the medical team to provide medicine or fluids.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

MRI is a type of imaging (MRI). MRI scans, like CT scans, produce comprehensive pictures of the body's soft tissues. MRI scans, on the other hand, employ radio waves and powerful magnets instead of X-rays. Because it can better identify adrenal malignancies from benign tumours, MRI can occasionally give more information than CT scans.

MRI scans are extremely helpful in examining the brain and spinal cord. An MRI of the brain may be used to assess the pituitary gland in patients who have suspected adrenal tumours. Pituitary tumours, which are located beneath the front of the brain, can mimic the symptoms and indications of adrenal cancer. To generate a sharper image, a specific dye called a contrast medium is applied before the scan. This dye can be administered as a tablet or injected into a patient's vein.

Positron emission tomography:

PET stands for positron emission tomography, and it involves being injected with a slightly radioactive type of sugar that accumulates mostly in cancer cells. The image of regions of radioactivity in the body is subsequently created using a specific camera. Although the image is not as comprehensive as a CT or MRI scan, a PET scan may search for cancer spread in all parts of the body at the same time.

PET/CT scans are performed by some devices that do both a PET and a CT scan at the same time. This allows the clinician to view spots on the PET scan that "lit up" in greater clarity. PET scans can assist in determining if an adrenal cancer is benign or malignant (cancer), as well as whether it has spread.

Also Read: Prevention of Adrenal Gland Tumor

MIBG (metaiodobenzylguanidine) scan:

MIBG is a substance that accumulates in a neuroendocrine tumour and is comparable to adrenaline. An MIBG scan can reveal an adrenal medulla tumour that would otherwise go undetected on an X-ray. The scan will be conducted over two days. An MIBG injection is administered in the arm on the first day. After a few hours, images are taken using a special camera that can show if and where the MIBG has accumulated in the body. More photographs are taken the next morning, and the process may be repeated if necessary.

A sampling of the Adrenal Veins (AVS).

A patient may have symptoms of a hormone-producing tumour, yet CT or MRI scans may not reveal the tumour, or the patient may have tiny lumps on both adrenal glands. An interventional radiologist can test the blood from each adrenal gland's veins in such instances. The blood from each gland is examined to see if there is any excess hormone coming from the tumour in the adrenal gland. This treatment is only conducted by professionals in a specialized radiology clinic.

Adrenal angiography

Adrenal angiography is a test that examines the arteries and blood flow near the adrenal glands. The arteries of the adrenal glands are injected with a contrast dye. A series of X-rays are obtained while the dye travels through the arteries to check whether any arteries are blocked.

Adrenal venography is a test that examines the veins and blood flow around the adrenal glands. An adrenal vein is injected with a contrast dye. A series of X-rays are obtained as the contrast dye travels through the veins to check whether any veins are blocked. A catheter (a very thin tube) may be put into a vein to draw blood and check for aberrant hormone levels.

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  1. Else T, Kim AC, Sabolch A, Raymond VM, Kandathil A, Caoili EM, Jolly S, Miller BS, Giordano TJ, Hammer GD. Adrenocortical carcinoma. Endocr Rev. 2014 Apr;35(2):282-326. doi: 10.1210/er.2013-1029. Epub 2013 Dec 20. PMID: 24423978; PMCID: PMC3963263.
  2. Xing Z, Luo Z, Yang H, Huang Z, Liang X. Screening and identification of key biomarkers in adrenocortical carcinoma based on bioinformatics analysis. Oncol Lett. 2019 Nov;18(5):4667-4676. doi: 10.3892/ol.2019.10817. Epub 2019 Sep 6. PMID: 31611976; PMCID: PMC6781718.
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