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Prabir Roy (Colorectal Cancer Caregiver)

Prabir Roy (Colorectal Cancer Caregiver)


I used to work for the Government of India. In 2005, my wife suffered from Colorectal Cancer. She died in January 2013. The cost of the treatment was a lot. I did not want to see my wife die in pain. My wife did not want to die because we were in love. She loved me. I have taken the utmost care of my wife. In 2012, we went to Lakshadweep. The doctor advised me not to take my wife on the trip. My wife insisted that we should go. I am also associated with naturopathy. She also practiced Ayurveda and it gave her physical and mental strength. She was mentally strong, so no one could believe that she was suffering from Cancer. 

Symptoms and Diagnosis

In 2002, there was a lump in her neck. We went to the ENT and the doctor advised us that the lump was malignant. He did inform us that the lump should be removed, as it can become cancerous. I contacted the best surgeon from Calcutta. He advised the same. In the month of May, she was operated on. Half of her thyroid gland was removed. After the operation, the biopsy was done and it was alright. I was transferred to Guwahati. In 2004, she was suffering from constipation. She went to the toilet at 2 in the morning, and there was bleeding. She visited some doctors nearby. She was given an injection and there was no problem for a month. 

I came back to Kolkata for a month. We went to Mr.Mukherjee MD. She was the seniormost doctor in the Hospital. A colonoscopy was required followed by a biopsy. When the report came, we were advised to go for the operation. If it wasnt operated on, the tumor would aggravate. The treatment was also followed by Chemotherapy and Radiation. I then decided to go to Chennai. 

They thoroughly checked the tumor. The Doctor let us know that it was an advanced stage of cancer, and she had less time to live. 

I thought to myself why should we continue with the Chemo and the Radiation. The Guru told me that there was nothing to worry about. He advised my wife to perform yoga. Then, in 2008, she totally recovered from Cancer. After 2008, there was a little bleeding in the stool. We went to Haridwar, and the medicine had to be changed. The bleeding had increased.

There was an obstruction in the bowel movement. The size of the tumor was increasing and space was becoming narrow for the stool to pass. We had to change the medicines. There was still bleeding. Her hemoglobin level was also down. 

In October 2012, there was a lot of bleeding. The medicines and the homeopathy had stopped working. We admitted her to a nursing home in Kolkata. They advised us that the surgery would be difficult to perform. They had to take the risk, and we were advised to take Chemotherapy and Radiation. 

There was another Doctor who advised my wife to take medicine to prevent the bleeding. The bleeding stopped, but there were other symptoms present. She used to work and cook food. All this gradually stopped and she was bedridden. In January 2013, she passed away. She had a breathing problem and she was admitted. The next morning, she expired. 

Lifestyle and diet

Leaf grass and juice were recommended. Anjeer, almonds, pistachios, bread, fruits, and vegetables were also recommended to my wife for breakfast. All this helped her to sleep better and prevent constipation. She also practiced yoga on a regular basis. 

Caregivers Journey

Before she got married to me, she used to be an early-riser. I told her to wake up early for a week and just try to perform yoga. She practiced yoga till her last breath, only because I told her to and she started enjoying it. All the asanas and chakras increase the temperature and help with the side effects of radiation. She never complained about her weakness. She did complain about her swelling. 

I loved her and she loved me. I cant live on this Earth without her. I am 63 years old, and I never think of another partner. I give online yoga classes. 


We should adapt to the good things and leave the bad things. Everyone should adopt yoga for breathing exercises. We should listen to the doctors, as we dont have any prior knowledge of medicines. 

Parting message

Patients should perform yoga. My wife was mentally relieved from the pain. She used to keep an hour in the morning for yoga. It will increase your lifespan too. AIMS and Hyderabad affiliated research have suggested that chanting of Om will help too. India has modern medicines and dharma which we should take advantage of.

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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh