In November 2017, my father received a paralytic attack. It had majorly affected the right side of his body; speech was also affected. His condition improved within a month but did not recuperate completely. We also sought help from needle therapy, i.e., acupressure, till October 2018.
My father is a Colon Cancer fighter. It all started when he started to pass blood through his stools earlier we were confused by piles as he mostly had constipation issues. But, in October 2018, doctors suggested a colonoscopy and after doing they told them that mostly he had cancer and asked for Biopsy. Later, when the Biopsy reports arrived, the results stunned us.
The specialist revealed to us that my father is enduring Colon Cancer. We hurriedly rushed to Medanta Delhi forPETCT, the cancer had metastasized to his liver and that too liver had multiple Mets in both his lobes.
The specialists proposed that Chemotherapy would be the most ideal approach to his Colon Cancer Treatment and metastasis.
Due to this clinical report Surgery was not possible. So, Chemotherapy would suit him the most. As a Colon Cancer caregiver, I am determined to make my father one of the Colon Cancer survivors in India.
His Colon Cancer Treatment started with Chemotherapy. First, he was given 14 cycles of Folfox and Cetuximab but as the disease progressed then Oral medication was also prescribed. Despite numerous rounds of chemo, his circumstances were not improving.
Lastly, with Avastin and Capiri his tumour size reduced so we went to Lilavati, Mumbai.
The doctors recommended liver and colon Surgery. This was dated March 14th. We were happy to know that he will be fine soon.
Then the day came we were highly happy to know but when they were operating they found that the main artillery conveying blood to the liver was influenced by the tumor.
Therefore, we did not proceed with the liver Surgery. Instead, his sigmoid colon was operated on. This was followed by Chemotherapy. After 6 months, they would determine if a liver transplant or not or any other treatment. After all these procedures, finally, our efforts had started to pay off. My father's condition had started improving.
Later he had seizure episodes since May and his immunity decreased and his body was weak.
As a Colon Cancer fighter with aligned medical histories, we honestly had only a few alternatives left. We tried our hands at Homeopathy. In fact, we were comfortable with both Ayurveda as well as Homeopathy.
However, the Homeopathy involved some piece of sugar substance, which is why we halted it. Instead, we gave him berries, papaya leaves and dragon fruit to boost his Platelet count. I think our support and positive vibes as a Colon Cancer caregiver and family are important.
They certainly helped my father in his cancer healing and recovery journey. Today I am able to share his Colon Cancer journey story with you.
My difficulty as a Colon Cancer caregiver was not as much as my father's, as a cancer sufferer. Let me share some of the turmoil we all faced.
Dad's right side was paralyzed; he became quite weak. He underwent target therapy. We had to arrange close to one lac rupees for the treatment every week. I and my family were not able to get a private ward in AIIMS in time. My sister lives in Mumbai so she used to rush der to doctors for consultants and me in Jodhpur.
Being a Colon Cancer caregiver, do ensure to motivate the cancer patient at all times. Chemotherapy is not easy. My father went through twenty-five Chemotherapy sessions. Do you know he managed to wear a smile throughout this situation? What a Colon Cancer fighter he is!
To all Colon Cancer caregivers, I would like to say that great moral support and a positive environment can work wonders. For Colon Cancer survivors, my words are, Keep up your fight with peace, and you will definitely win over cancer.