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Jeffrey Deslandes (Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma)

Jeffrey Deslandes (Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma)

Symptoms & Diagnosis

I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma cancer. It was a shock to me and my family, but we knew that together we would fight through it. I started chemotherapy treatments right away. The first round was easy; I felt like I could do anything. But by the third round, my body was getting tired and sore. I had to take more than one day off work each week, which made it difficult to manage things on time and not feel like I had too much stress at home. But then something incredible happened! My oncologist told me that my tumour markers were lower than they'd been before I started treatment! That meant that the cancer was shrinking!

After a year of treatment, I was in remission. But then, it came back! After my fourth recurrence in 2006, my doctor suggested an allogeneic stem cell transplant as an alternative to more chemotherapy. And even though he was highly trained in treating lymphoma patients, I decided not to take his recommendation. Instead of doing what others told me to do and hoping that they were right, I decided that I would need to take charge of my treatment and find something with a different attack mode. I started reading about treatments that other people had used to help them with their illnesses and one of them was GcMAF (Gc Protein). It sounded like the perfect solution for me because it is made from your blood cells and it is natural.

During therapy, the chemotherapy I was receiving made me feel sick and weak. It was hard to get out of bed in the morning and even harder to go through my day. I knew that if I wanted to survive cancer, I would have to fight hard against it. And that is exactly what I did! I continued treatment for another few months until all my tests came back clear meaning no sign of cancer anywhere! I'm so happy to say that today, I am fully recovered from this terrible disease!

Side Effects & Challenges

As a non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma survivor, I initially had side effects along with the challenges that I wanted to overcome with time. It was tough; however, it all worked for me. I am happy that I am a cancer survivor, and feeling good! The side effects that I had were dizziness and nausea. The first time I noticed this was when I was in the hospital for the first time. My doctor prescribed me medication that would help me get rid of these side effects; however, it didn't work for me at all.

I found out later on that my body needed some time to get used to the medication, so whenever I took it, these side effects would appear. But then again, after some time my body got used to it and no longer had these side effects anymore! My other challenge was trying to find an exercise routine that would help me fight through this challenge as well as keep going strong through treatment and recovery. It took a few tries before finding one that worked well with my body type and lifestyle; however, once again everything worked out in the end!

I have learned from my experiences so far in this journey. The challenge was getting used to the treatments. The side effects were quite challenging; but with time, they got better and better. The next challenge came when my body was weak and needed rest after each chemotherapy session; however, it did not stop me from doing what I wanted to do. These challenges made me stronger mentally and physically until now where I can live a normal life without any restrictions or limitations! The most exciting part of my journey is being able to see myself as a survivor now than before when I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma!

The most common side effect is fatigue. This means you feel tired during the day, or even in the evening when you go to bed. The fatigue can be severe, or mild, depending on how much treatment you've received. If you have this side effect, try taking a nap during the day if possible. Some people who have non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer also have problems with their immune system. This can cause them to get infections more easily than normal people do. It's important to take good care of yourself and make sure that any cuts or wounds heal properly so they don't become infected with bacteria or viruses!

Support System & Caregiver

I'm happy to say that I have finally recovered from non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer. I felt very supported by my doctors and family. My parents took care of me while I was in the hospital and made sure that I ate well, got enough rest and exercise, and had everything else that I needed to get through this difficult time. They also made sure that everyone who came to visit me knew what was going on with my treatment, so they could be prepared for any questions or concerns that might arise during their visit. My doctors were always available to answer any questions or concerns that I had about my treatment plan and their recommendations for how best to proceed with it. They encouraged me to ask questions whenever something didn't make sense or seemed confusing, which helped me feel more confident about what we were doing together as a team. The support from friends and family really helped me get through this difficult time in my life--and it still does!

Post Cancer & Future Goals

I had a great fight against non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It was not easy, but I survived it. Now, post-cancer, I want to take the best care of my body and do every possible thing to ensure I stay fit and fine. Along with that, I just want to spend quality time with my family and friends.

I am glad that after such a long struggle, I am finally able to focus on my future goals. My priority is to get back in shape and resume a normal life as soon as possible. The second thing on my list is achieving life and body stability for myself so as not to rely on anyone for support or assistance in any form whatsoever including monetary or emotional support from anyone else except me or from my family members who themselves have their own families to look after which might create unnecessary stress among them if they are forced into providing any help repeatedly due to lack of sufficient savings on part of me who has always been the only source of income for both parents since childhood itself since both parents went through some serious health issues during those days when I was young which required them

Some Lessons That I Learned

I have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma or NHL. It is a type of cancer that affects your lymphatic system, a part of the body that helps fight infections. I had surgery to remove my spleen and part of my stomach.

The side effects of chemotherapy can be scary, but they go away in time. Since this happens to everyone receiving treatment, it can be hard to feel like your own self anymore. You may not feel like going out because you don't want people staring at your head or asking when you got a haircut (even if it's been over 6 months). The best way to handle hair loss is to get creative! If you are going through chemo yourself or helping someone else through it, try these tips: Wear hats that suit your style - beanie hats are super popular right now! Or try a fedora if that's more of your thing. Stay away from baseball caps unless you want people asking "Who let their kid wear makeup?" Skip the ponytails - they're just not as cute as they used to be (and they make me think of ponytails on little kids).

In addition to these physical changes, you may also experience emotional changes such as depression or anxiety due to the stress of having cancer or other factors such as lack of support from family members or friends during this difficult time in your life. You may also feel isolated because people are afraid of coming into contact with someone who has cancer due to fear of becoming infected themselves (known as "fear of contagion"). The side effects of cancer treatment are not always as bad as you think they will be, and they are usually temporary. You can still have a life while you're going through treatment. You will feel like crap sometimes, but that's normal and it'll pass! You will feel like you want to die sometimes, but that's normal and it'll pass! The support of your friends and family helps more than you know!

Parting Message

The first week of chemotherapy was the worst. It made me so tired that I couldn't even get out of bed for most of the day, and when I did get up it was only because I had no choice if I didn't go to work or school, then everything would have fallen apart. But once you survive that first week, things get better pretty quickly. You'll start feeling stronger every day as your body gets used to the medicine, and soon enough you'll be able to function normally again! This is where my story diverges from most people's: after two years of being cancer-free, my doctors discovered more tumours in my abdomen. We tried one more round of chemo but when that didn't work, they said there was nothing more they could do for me. That's when we decided on hospice care; instead of living with cancer like before, now we would just try to manage its symptoms as best.

I learned a lot of things while I was fighting non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, but the most important thing I learned is that people care about you.

I'm not just talking about my friends and family, who were always there for me when I needed them most. I mean strangers who were willing to give up their time to help me out with little things like getting groceries or taking me to appointments. It wasn't just the big things either; it was the small, everyday things that made a huge difference in my life during treatment. It's easy to get wrapped up in our problems and forget that other people have them too but it doesn't have to be this way! We all have struggles, but we don't have to go through them alone; there are plenty of people out there who will be happy to help us through whatever comes our way.

If you have cancer, don't be afraid to ask people for help. Your friends and family will be there for you. Don't go through cancer alone; find a support group and meet other survivors. If you are going through chemotherapy, know that it will get better every time you do it, but it's still hard work! Food is important during treatment; try new recipes or cookbooks with your friends and family to keep your mind off things! Cancer can make everyday life hard for example, it's hard to focus on work when you are tired all the time from treatment but don't let it get in the way of doing what makes you happy!

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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh