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Jai Chand (Colorectal Cancer Survivor)

Jai Chand (Colorectal Cancer Survivor)


I was diagnosed with Colorectal cancer in 2013. The initial symptoms of colorectal cancer were the same as that of piles. I started losing weight and coughing, which caused a lot of difficulty for 4-5 months. I took it lightly and took regular treatment from my family doctor. Along with coughing, I had constipation and diarrhoea. I became scared at the sight of blood in the stool and pain in the rectum. Many of my friends and relatives related it with piles. The symptoms of rectal cancer are the same as the symptoms of piles. I finally consulted a highly qualified doctor when the pain started to increase. The doctor examined the rectum physically. After this, the doctor said there was a severe issue, and I should have come a bit early. It was cancer.


I was shocked. I faced mixed emotions, and my family was worried. The treatment gave me a new life, and I was reborn. The surgery was excruciating, and I was discharged after one week from the hospital. I also underwent six chemotherapies. I still go for regular check-ups, and I have learned to tackle these daily life issues. I have continued my studies, and currently, I am working in a company. We need to be positive in our life to overcome any problem, not just cancer. Problems will be a part of their life until the time we die. We need to have faith in God to come out of difficulties. This journey made me emotionally intelligent and empathetic. In my opinion, time is the biggest healer.

What kept me positive during the journey

What kept me positive during my cancer journey was my faith in God. I always believed in God, and Im also very grateful for everything I have. If you keep saying why me, why all of this is happening to me only, you will not be able to overcome any challenge, not just cancer. Everybody struggles in their life in some way or the other. I am not the only person who is suffering. Each one of us faces different difficulties at different phases of life. One should not compare themself to others. My family was the most significant support, and the doctors were very cooperative. Though cancer is a big issue, you will surely overcome it if you believe in destiny. People always say willpower is essential, but Gods grace and mercy are the topmost requirements. 

Choices during the Treatment

The doctor told me that the treatment is very tricky and will face many problems. Surgery will be done, and I will not be able to defecate. In this surgery, the colon will be attached to the abdomen, and through this, I will release my waste, and a bag will be attached 24/7 to my body. The treatment will include chemotherapy, radiation and artificial surgery. I consulted a few more doctors for a second opinion, and cancer was the result. I took radiation therapy, and after six months, the surgery was done on 21 June 2013. The surgery was excruciating. I was discharged after one week from the hospital. The doctor told me to keep on visiting the hospital for follow-ups. I suffered from pain for two months. It was the worst part of treatment when I received chemo because it made my days difficult with different issues like constipation, diarrhoea, and much more. Six chemotherapies were completed by the end of January. My treatment was almost done. Then, I had regular check-ups and other tests like sonography for six months. I go for regular check-ups, and I have learned to tackle these daily life issues. I have continued my studies, and now Im working in a company.

Lessons during the Cancer Journey

I have learned a lot of lessons during this journey. I learned how to be emotionally intense and battle the problems in every phase of life. Initially, it is tough, but we all learn to live with it with time. The scars become our strengths if we learn to live with them. Every phase of life teaches us something new, and it makes us ready for future problems. Everything that happens in life happens for a reason. Also, the treatment gave me a new life, and I was reborn. Problems will be a part of our life till death.

Parting message to cancer survivor

Each one of us faces different difficulties at different phases of life. One should not compare themself to others. We should be emotionally strong and learn to battle the problems. Slowly, scars become our strengths if we learn to live with them. Faith in God is the key to success. Will power must also be strong, but the core part is belief in the supreme authority and praying to the Almighty. Thank him for whatever he has given us; thank him for the support and power he gives you to fight the disease. When I was diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer, that was the worst phase of my life, but now I am living a healthy life and a successful career (which is still a dream for many people).

An act of kindness in life

After this big cancer journey, I have become pretty grateful for what I have in life. Now I can empathize with others. I understand their pain, and I help others in all the ways I can. I am a changed person altogether. I think all of this happened to me to be the best version of myself and support others when they suffer.

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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh