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Viveka Dubey (Ovarian Cancer)

Viveka Dubey (Ovarian Cancer)

Ascites Diagnosis

It all started in December 2014, when I planned to have a Surgery for hernia, which I thought was the reason for the terrible Pain in my abdomen. I consulted a doctor who asked me for some tests, and when the reports came, he asked whether there was any family member with me. I told him that my husband was sitting outside since he is terrified of all the tests and diagnosis. The moment the doctor went out of the chamber, I just peeped at his screen, and it was typed Ascites.

The doctor asked me several questions and told me to be in contact. I had a hunch on what it was, and my suspicion came out to be true. I was diagnosed with Malignant Ascites of the fourth stage and Ovarian cancer, but the news didn't terrify me. I thought it's okay; it's just like any other Surgery.

Ascites Treatment

When my reports came, my husband and his cousin went to a very renowned hospital in Indore, and the surgical oncologist there told me that I would not survive, and it was not favorable for me to go for the Surgery. He said to my husband that let her go, she has only 36-48 hours.

It was on 18 December, and by 21 December, everything became very critical for me; even breathing and having my lunch or dinner was hard for me. The doctor who did my sonography said that his friend was also a surgical oncologist and suggested us to meet him. When we consulted him, he saw my reports and said that my blood pressure and counts were normal, and I didn't have any diabetes. So, he told my husband that he would take a chance, and if everything was right, I might survive; otherwise, I could collapse in the operation theatre. I was sitting there calmly, so he asked me, Are you not afraid? I laughed and said, Why would I be afraid of anything till I am alive, I am Viveka, and if I die, then it's on my family that what will they do with my body. Then the doctor asked me to get ready for my surgery, but I also had to be mentally prepared to die on the operation table.

I got admitted to the hospital, and the Surgery went very well. I could hear the doctors saying 'miracle' while doing the incision, but I could not ask them at that time. So after coming out of ICU, I asked him what the miracle was, and he said that in my MRI and sonography, the tumor was just like a palm in a parachute pattern covering my kidneys also, but while doing the surgery, it was just like a sukha papad.

Later, I was given 6-7 suctions for Ascites, and within seven days, I was discharged. I then underwent Chemotherapy sessions and had side effects like hair loss, loss of appetite, but I didn't give up. I used to see Tom and Jerry on YouTube and ate all the food given to me. My target was to maintain the blood count during Chemotherapy and be very active. My doctor used to say that it's good to be active, but you are over-active because I used to ride a two-wheeler, I never went by car to my college.

When I went to pick my son at the airport, he could not recognize me because he didn't know that I had undergone Surgery or Chemotherapy. He was in Chennai, and I had told all my family members that since he was away from home for the first time, we should not disturb him and let him focus on his studies. So he could not recognize me because I had a scarf on my head and I had a very dark complexion. My husband realized that he did not recognize me, so he came near me and gave him a cue. He was panicked throughout the ride back and kept asking his father why I was looking like that? When we came home, and I removed my scarf, he saw my bald head, and he asked me, Have you gone to chemotherapy? I said yes. He then held my shoulder and said, Oh My Brave Mumma, I am very proud of you! I thought he would be panicked, but he accepted everything, and then everything went normal.

Ascites Relapse

Everything was good, and there was nothing for two years, but then in November 2017, I again found a cyst near the urinary bladder during my regular check-ups. The doctors gave me an oral treatment, but it increased by size, and finally, it got attached to the urinary bladder. All the reports were again positive. I was prepared to go through Surgery and all the treatments that the doctor told me. Even a portion of my urinary bladder was removed during Surgery. I joined my services within 20 days, and all my Chemotherapy and radiations were from my office only. I used to complete my office work by 2:30 pm and then used to go for my Chemotherapy sessions.

Later, I got busy with my work, and life was going smoothly, but the moment you think that everything is normal now, life throws another curveball at you. It was again during my regular check-ups when we got to know that my CA-125 had increased, but my sonography and X-Ray were normal. I went to the doctor, who asked me for a PET scan. I had my PET scan done, and it was found that there was a node near my umbilical region. I again underwent surgery, and now my stomach is like a soup bowl. It is almost one year, and very recently, the scans have revealed a small node between my small intestine and urinary bladder. The Surgery is planned for after Diwali, and I am positive that I will overcome cancer this time too.

Life after Cancer

Cancer has transformed me in a better way. I was a very common working woman who was a homemaker, but cancer has made me a very bubbly girl. I am always very cheerful and positive. I find happiness in all the work I do, and I don't believe in pending works; there is no pending work in my life. I want to complete everything in my life that I have dreamt of. I now work on my diet, do yoga, and follow my doctor's instructions. My husband always gives me positivity, and all my family members treat me without any sympathy. I do all my routine chores because I love doing everything on my own.

I feel that the Almighty believes in his children, he takes tests and promotes us, and I am blessed that he promoted me for my further life, and I am okay now. My learning process has started again, and I try to learn from everyone around me.

Parting Message

Cancer is just a normal disease that can be cured by proper treatment, positivity, and will power. So trust yourself and accept everything.

Go for regular check-ups. Don't panic, and don't attach any stigma to it. The treatment is very costly and painful, so society should come forward and help people in need.

People should treat cancer patients as normal humans and let them do their work instead of giving them sympathy.

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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh