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All You Need to Know About Gastroscopy

All You Need to Know About Gastroscopy

A gastroscopy (or endoscope) is a flexible telescope that is used to examine the esophagus (food pipe), stomach, and duodenum (upper portion of the small bowel).

A variety of minor procedures can be performed during the evaluation if necessary. The following techniques may be used:

  • Obtaining a tiny sample of tissue (biopsy)
  • Halting an ulcer's bleeding
  • Polyps are removed.

What is the purpose of my gastroscopy?

Gastroscopy is performed on patients for a variety of reasons. Symptoms such as indigestion or pain, for example, might indicate an ulcer. It might also be used to treat some disorders using a gastroscope.

The advantages of a gastroscopy

X-ray is another option for evaluating this area of the body. Compared to X-rays, gastroscopy has the benefit of being more accurate in identifying illnesses and allowing tissue samples or biopsies to be obtained.

Gastroscopy dangers

Perforation (cturing) of your stomach or intestine wall, as well as severe bleeding (requiring a blood transfusion), are exceedingly rare complications of a gastroscopy.

These problems occur in less than 1 in 10,000 operations when the physician simply inspects the intestine or takes a biopsy.

Other treatments or surgeries performed through the gastroscope may have a higher risk, which will vary depending on the disease being treated and the intended surgery. Inquire with your doctor or the gastroscopist about the dangers associated with any further treatments or surgeries.

The mouthguard worn during the gastroscopy may, on rare occasions, cause tooth injury. Please let the staff know if you have any fake or loose teeth before the exam.

Sedation may be required for gastroscopy. Sedation has a few side effects, including difficulties breathing and irregular heart rhythms.

Patients with significant heart or chest problems may experience more severe sedative effects. These problems are typically prevented by using oxygen during the surgery and keeping an eye on the blood oxygen level.


  • Before a gastroscopy, you will generally be required to fast for 6 hours.
  • If you are allergic to any medicine or chemical, tell your doctor before the operation.
  • Have a pacemaker if you have heart valve problems.

On the day of the operation

Short-sleeved, loose-fitting clothing is recommended.

Report to the hospital as directed in your referral papers if you are an outpatient.

How is gastroscopy done?

A numbing spray is used to numb the throat, and if any dentures or plates are there, then it is removed.

The gastroscope is carefully inserted via your mouth and into your oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum by your doctor (upper part of the small bowel).

It generally takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete the exam. The throat spray and tranquil injection assist to relieve any pain in the back of the throat, which is aided by calm and quiet breathing during the test.

Following a gastroscopy

Any sedative provided to you prior to the operation will greatly reduce your discomfort. It may, however, have an effect on your memory for a few hours later. You may discover that you are unable to recollect aspects of your conversation with the doctor and nursing personnel even after the sedative has worn off.

Following the sedation treatment, we highly advise that you be escorted from our day ward and driven home by a friend or family.

You should not do the following after taking the sedative:

  • For 24 hours, you must not drive an automobile.
  • Do not operate machinery for 24 hours, sign any legal papers until the next day, and refrain from engaging in any other activity that might put you in danger.
  • The great majority of patients who have a sedated gastroscopy do not return to work on the day of the procedure.

You may get a little sore throat for up to 24 hours after the operation.

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