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Cytotron Therapy

Cytotron Therapy

Executive Summary

Clinical cancer research has gained new motivation regarding its effectiveness in evolving precision medicine. The oncologists and scientists have been responsible for finding a better treatment approach with a rapid cure for mitigating the adverse impact of cancer on the population. The non-invasive cancer treatment devices are used due to their unique features, which are quickly and widely available for cancer patients. Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR) platform technology and Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy (QMRT) have been introduced, which has led to the exploration of the realm of tissue engineering and translational medicine to treat human diseases such as Cancer.

Cytotron is a medical device that depends upon Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR) platform technology which aims to enable body therapeutics called Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MQTT). MQTT is the Cytotron device-mediated, innovative therapeutic modality for tissue degeneration for cancer and regeneration for human degenerative disease indications. It works within a safe end using an electromagnetic spectrum showing therapeutic signals to be low when compared with microwave and cell phone frequencies. It is a technology-based treatment approach with unique features for causing tissue regeneration or degeneration by triggering the mechanism of inherent stem cells. Wound healing and tissue regeneration interventions do not require the external source of stem cells at the high costs concerned with nascent stem cell therapies. These devices are advanced therapeutic and diagnostic devices that majorly work on a new type of drug delivery product for providing effective treatment to patients with better health outcomes.


The increasing demand for health services has become a significant challenge for healthcare providers to respond to public needs. The healthcare demand has increased with the invention of new technology, evolving the effectiveness and safety of the provided healthcare services. Due to the increasing population, the prevalence of non-communicable diseases has increased. The major factors responsible for the incidence of non-communicable diseases include the ageing population and the behaviour/lifestyle of the people living in the modern era. These non-communicable diseases mainly include arthritis and cancer, most commonly affecting most of the population. The Malaysian Burden of Disease and Injury Study has estimated 68% premature deaths and 81% disabilities due to the prevalence of non-communicable diseases. Cancer has caused a 96% burden involving an increase in the population's mortality rate. Musculoskeletal illness has contributed to increasing the disease burden with the development of osteoarthritis affecting people.

Different approaches have been integrated to treat osteoarthritis (Schurman & Smith, 2004). All the provided treatments are palliative, except surgery. This represents that the treatments of palliative care show efficacy in providing relief from pain and increasing the body's functionality. However, the course of the disease remains the same. The surgical interventions have provided improved functionality and pain relief for specific body parts. The primary aim of treating the disease is to arrest and reverse the progression regionally and globally through biological intervention. The role of cytokines, growth factors, chemokines, protease inhibitors, kinases, apoptosis, mechanics, and genetics have played an essential role in controlling the particular cartilage behaviour in the case of osteoarthritis.

Cancer is another major disease group that has affected significant body parts. It results in the growth of abnormal cells, which can prevent metastasis to other organs. The treatment used in cancer includes surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Cancer has been known to be the primary cause of increased mortality across the globe. Considering this, WHO has implemented an organization-wide Action Plan Against cancer that aims to prevent, cure, and provide palliative care for all cancer patients, and manage and monitor results.

Clinical cancer research has gained new motivation regarding its effectiveness in evolving precision medicine. Oncologists and scientists have been responsible for finding a better treatment approach with a rapid cure for mitigating the adverse impact of cancer on the population (Leaf, 2014). One recent research has depicted the critical gaps and translational priorities in cancer type, mainly breast cancer and treatment. The significant gaps have enlisted the need for developing interventions to support and improve the survivorship experience (Eccles et al., 2013). Hence, the importance of manipulating the cell's biophysical signalling to improve the therapeutic impact on the disease has achieved momentum for integrating improvements in clinical research (Knox & Richard, 2014).

The non-invasive cancer treatment devices are used due to their unique features, which are quickly and widely available for cancer patients. Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR) platform technology and Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy (QMRT) have been introduced, which has led to the exploration of the realm of tissue engineering and translational medicine to treat human diseases such as Cancer (Kumar et al., 2016). Previously, cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiotherapy targeted both cancerous and non-cancerous cells, resulting in a range of mild to adverse effects. Some common side-effects such as depression, hopelessness, dependence, aching pain, lack of appetite, and loss of body weight have been observed among the patients who require close monitoring of the treatment outcomes (Pasche et al., 2010). Hence, there is a need for new treatments and integrated palliative care modalities capable of arresting tumour progression without the commonly experienced side effects, along with evolving effectiveness in quality of life (QoL) among patients (Kikule, 2003).

Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy, or QMRT, depends upon an innovative technology platform deploying Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR). This technology is responsible for fulfilling the unmet medical demand in managing solid tumours in palliative care to transition into mainstream medicine. Cytotron is a medical device that depends upon Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance (RFQMR) platform technology which aims to enable body therapeutics called Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy (MQTT). MQTT is the Cytotron device-mediated, innovative therapeutic modality for tissue degeneration for cancer and regeneration for human degenerative disease indications. Cytotron works within a safe end using the electromagnetic spectrum showing therapeutic signals to be low when compared with microwave and cell phone frequencies.

RFQMR-based technology of Cytotron

The Centre for Advanced Research and Development (CARD) started a project to determine the effect of modulated radio frequency (RF) within a safe, unexplored frequency band ranging from the wavelength of 30kHz to 300MHz. The high-powered, rotational field, multi-frequency, high energy, spinning, quantum electromagnetic resonating beams can design the regeneration of the tissues and modulate the cell control. This novel treatment modality is considered Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy (QMRT). It further results in pain relief and provides palliative care which is an integral part of RFQMR-based technology and QMRT.

Technical features of Cytotron:

Cytotron is an innovative technology-based computer-controlled device known to be the trade name of the Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance/RFQMR device utilized in treating chronic conditions like cancer and other diseases such as arthritis (Kumar et al., 2016). The Centre developed Cytotron for Advanced Research and Development (CARD) Division of Scalene Cybernetics in Bangalore, India.

The device Cytotron consists of multiple guns in 9 sequential axes, represented as A to I for the delivery of computed Radio Frequency (RF) and pulsed, instantaneous quantum magnetic resonance (MR). It also consists of a bed for the patient who undergoes treatment. This electronic switching system controls the gun, which is further designed to control the guns and controls the central computer through an onboard microprocessor. Cooling and dispersion of heat are generated during the treatment procedure. The provisional device is a full-body, wide-bore device with 864 guns using specialized near-field antennae (K- ? ferrite type; near-field; gain; 10 dB) and a parabolic reflector delivery system. The device is safe as it operates with non-ionizing radiations, and the nonthermal end of the electromagnetic spectrum is used.

The RFQMR technology incorporates the use of highly complex electromagnetic (EM) beams within the spectrum of radio frequency. It further produces high-power multi-frequency, high energy spinning quantum electromagnetic beams within the lower end of the EM spectrum in the SubRadio and Near-Radio Frequencies ranging between the wavelength of 1 kHz to 10 MHz. The results in evolving nonthermal effects due to not much higher intensity for changing tissue temperature. During the treatment, the beams have controlled that focus appropriately on tissues to alter the cell membrane potential of the target tissue cells. It either stimulates cartilage growth in degenerative diseases or triggers cell death, inhibiting tumour growth. For example, in the case of osteoarthritis, the generated flow of voltage potential in the joint causes forced movement of hydrogen protons in the extracellular matrix (ECM) due to the alteration in QMR spin in the hydrogen atoms. It stimulated the chondrocytes (Vasishta et al., 2004). The alteration in various cell parameters involving resting Transmembrane Potentials (TMP) is discussed at the cellular level. Transmembrane potentials continue with the primary mechanism of mitosis control in cell division. Hence, the treatment either initiates or inhibits the mitosis in a controlled manner.

Figure 1: Positioning of cyclotron within the EMS spectrum

More information on Cytotron:

Cytotron has shown its clinical significance since 2004 when it was first established. It was previously certified by the European Union CE Mark for being used in musculoskeletal disorders and cancer. The off-shore clinical validation was observed in both the adult population and children with solid tumours. The Govt. Social Security Administration Hospital conducted a study among all adults who had solid tumours in case of brain, breast, colon, prostate, and lung cancer. Another study was conducted at the National Children's Hospital in Mexico City to study the condition of pediatric patients having brain tumours. The treatment with cyclotron is considered patient and user-friendly, with high patient conformity among all age groups. It is cost-effective and requires less maintenance of infrastructure and maintenance costs. It tends to decrease the price of treatment, making it relatively affordable in pricing when compared with conventional or newer drugs and therapies. It constitutes above 30 commercial and private installations across the globe. Hence, Cytotron therapy is a technology-based treatment approach with unique features for causing tissue regeneration or degeneration by triggering the mechanism of inherent stem cells. Wound healing and tissue regeneration interventions do not require the external source of stem cells at the high costs concerned with nascent stem cell therapies.

Role of Cytotrons in Tissue Regeneration in Cancer

The approval of appropriate use of cyclotron therapy was given breakthrough device designation by the U.S. FDA on October 24th 2019, regarding breast cancer, liver, and pancreatic cancers. Exploring the use of solid tumour indications along with other life-limiting indications is being conducted simultaneously. The cyclotron device delivers rotational, target-specified modulation and safe radio frequencies in the presence of a pulsed, integrated, instantaneous magnetic field. The presumed modulation of the transmembrane potential of tumour cells and downstream cellular signalling by RF for tissue degeneration in cancer underlies The Rotational Field Quantum Magnetic Resonance technology responsible for assuming modulation of the transmembrane potential of tumour cells along with downstream cellular signalling by radio frequency for initiating the tissue regeneration. It also integrates the conduction of whole-body MRI for determining tissue proton density to evaluate individual dosimetry for targeting single or multiple regions within the whole body. The QMRT exposure is continuously given for one hour every day for 28 days. The progression is checked by assessing the quality of life assessments, overall survival, and tumour stability endpoints among the cancer patients to represent the improvement over the standard of care concerned with treatment outcomes.

Cytotron in cancer works by delivering QMRT operation at the safe end of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). It possesses emerging, stand-alone, adjuvant, or neo-adjuvant modalities for managing disease progression among terminally ill patients suffering from advanced cancer stages. It causes degeneration of abnormal growth of tissues which is uncontrollable. It is used in the treatment of protein-associated abnormal regeneration that allows extended progression-free survival while providing relief from pain, palliative care, and improving the patient's quality of life.

Cytotron utilizes fast radio bursts, high energy, and powerful short radio bursts where both electric and magnetic elements of electromagnetic signals are polarized circularly. During cancer treatment, cyclotron alters the protein pathway of pro-apoptosis protein known as p53 through p51 inducing programmed cell death within cancer cells. Also, exposure to cyclotrons stops the metastasis by inhibiting the epithelial-mesenchymal transition cells, which are responsible for cancer spread.

Role of Cytotron in Tissues Generation of osteoarthritis and other indications

The QMRT-based technique in cyclotron integrates the re-growth of the cartilage in the joints that are effective in pain reduction, increasing mobility, changes in the motion, and improvising the functions depending upon the International Knee Society Scores and outcome reporting post-QMRT. The validated clinical indications for using Cytotron based on QMRT technology involve the:

  • Musculoskeletal (Osteoarthritis of all joints)
  • Musculoskeletal degeneration (Spinal dysplasia/disc prolapse or herniated disc repair)
  • Wound healing and burn repair
  • Trauma and surgery inducing muscular weakness in extremities

The use of cyclotrons for tissue regeneration shows efficacy in the healing of diabetic neuropathy associated with peripheral amputation, wound and burn to heal, and regional organogenesis by stimulating inherent pluripotent stem cells without the need for extraneous sources of stem cells. In the case of treating end-organ failures, cyclotron shows potential in inducing pluripotent stem cells only when they develop metabolic diseases like diabetes or nephropathies. It also allows the enabling of donor organogenesis and transplants without encountering auto-rejection.

Comparison of Cytotron with other cancer treatments

Cytotron is a breakthrough innovation showing variations from other cancer treatments like surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Depending upon the RFQMR-based technique, the cytotron shows advancement in the treatment modality resulting in improvement in the quality of life of the patients without causing any significant side effects. The combination of cyclotron therapy with chemotherapy effectively reduces the side effects of the most potent chemotherapeutic molecules. Also, cyclotron shows efficacy in radiosensitizing the tumour in traditional radiotherapy to work better on the tumour and reduce collateral damage as the surrounding tissue will acquire lower radiosensitivity.

Conventional radiotherapy has been observed to use ionizing radiation at the end of the high-frequency spectrum, causing collateral damage. The cyclotron is incorporated into a benign, non-ionizing variable proton density-guided resonance approach. Using this approach, the cancer stem cells that are more active are attacked first, and later on, the mechanism on the poorly differentiated cells and well-differentiated cells is initiated. The normal cells are not affected. No side effects occur using this approach.

Efficacy of Cytotron Therapy

The clinical trials for cyclotron are being conducted at the Center for Advanced Research and Development (CARD) involving almost 140 terminal cancer patients who have undergone the treatment using cyclotron therapy in clinical trials. The results reveal that the one-year survival rate for cancer patients was estimated to be 52%, and 92% of the patients have been observed to improve their quality of life. The use of cyclotron therapy has increased the survival rate of end-stage cancer patients who were previously estimated to live for a month. However, with the treatment integration of cyclotron therapy, they survived for more than a year. Hence, this implies that cyclotron is effective in arresting the growth of cancer cells, inhibiting their metastasis to other body parts, and providing a better quality of life to cancer patients who have lost hope of survival.

The efficacy of Cytotron has resulted in achieving European Union (EU) certification by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) regarding one of the best Class IIa medical devices. It is considered one of the best therapeutic modalities with the grant of the EU certification and has shown effective results in treating cancer and osteoarthritis. The cyclotron device has provided relief from pain to cancer patients in cancer treatment and improved their quality of life. This medical device can treat all types of solid tumours involving metastatic diseases in terminal patients. Though terminal systemic malignant diseases can be treated, no trials have been conducted to prove their efficacy in patients.

One of the essential facts regarding cyclotron is that they will be integrated into allowing higher performance in cancer treatment. These devices are advanced therapeutic and diagnostic devices that majorly work on a new type of drug delivery product for providing effective treatment to patients with better health outcomes.


  1. Schurman, D. J., & Smith, R. L. (2004). Osteoarthritis: current treatment and prospects for surgical, medical, and biologic intervention. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 427, S183-S189.
  2. Leaf, C. (2014). The Truth in Small Doses: Why We're Losing the War on Cancer-and How to Win It. Simon and Schuster.
  3. Eccles, S. A., Aboagye, E. O., Ali, S., Anderson, A. S., Armes, J., Berditchevski, F., ... & Thompson, A. M. (2013). Critical research gaps and translational priorities for the successful prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research, 15(5), 1-37.
  4. Knox, S. S., & Richard, H. W. F. (2014). Oncology and biophysics: a need for integration. J Clin Exp Oncol S1, 2.
  5. Kumar, R., Augustus, M., Nair, A. R., Ebner, R., & Nayar, G. S. (2016). Quantum magnetic resonance therapy: Targeting biophysical cancer vulnerabilities to effectively treat and palliate. J Clin Exp Oncol, 5, 2.
  6. Pasche, B., McNutt, R. A., & Fontanarosa, P. B. (2010). Caring for patients with cancer. JAMA, 303(11), 1094-1095.
  7. Kikule, E. (2003). A good death in Uganda: a survey of needs for palliative care for terminally ill people in urban areas. Bmj, 327(7408), 192-194.
  8. Kumar, R., Augustus, M., Nair, A. R., Ebner, R., & Nayar, G. S. (2016). Quantum magnetic resonance therapy: Targeting biophysical cancer vulnerabilities to effectively treat and palliate. J Clin Exp Oncol, 5, 2.

Vasishta, V. G., Kumar, R. V., & Pinto, L. J. (2004). Rotational field quantum magnetic resonance (RFQMR) in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine, 48(2), 1-7.

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