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Signs and Symptoms for Brain tumors

Signs and Symptoms for Brain tumors

Executive Summary

The signs and symptoms help in the diagnosis of any particular disease. The symptoms entirely depend upon the location of tumor. The general symptoms are caused due to pressure on tumors in the brain or spinal cord. The specific symptoms begin when a particular part of the brain is not working correctly because of the tumor. The early warning signs for brain tumors include headaches, seizures and numbness.

The general symptoms of brain tumor include memory loss, nausea, personality changes, fatigue, drowsiness, sleep issues, difference in walking abilities, differences in performing activities, and Cushing syndrome. Specific symptoms for the brain include the pressure of headache around the tumor, loss in balance and fine motor skills, alterations in judgment, partial or complete vision loss, changes in hearing, speech, memory or emotional state, altered perception of touch or pressure, problem in swallowing, facial weakness or numbness, and vision changes.

Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumor

Signs and Symptoms for Brain tumors are influenced by the location where it is present in the brain and its function. Altogether, signs and symptoms can help describe a medical problem.

Symptoms can be general or specific ?1?. The general symptoms can be caused due to pressure on tumors in the brain or spinal cord. Specific symptoms begin when a particular part of the brain is not working correctly because of the tumor.

Some tumors cause direct damage by invading brain tissue, and some tumors cause pressure on the surrounding brain.

Early warning signs for a brain tumor are:

  • Headache that changes depending on the time of day and position of the head and worsens over time. These can be worse in the morning after waking up or occur while sleeping.
  • Seizures
  • Numbness

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General Symptoms for Brain tumors may include:

  • Memory loss
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Memory or personality changes
  • Fatigue
  • Drowsiness
  • Sleep problems
  • The difference in the ability to walk
  • The difference in the ability to perform activities
  • Cushing syndrome (a condition marked with increased weight)

Specific Symptoms for Brain tumors may include ?2?:

  • The pressure of headache around the tumor
  • Loss in balance and fine motor skills in tumor related to the cerebellum.
  • Alterations in judgment, including loss of initiative, sluggishness, and muscle weakness or paralysis, is linked with a tumor in the frontal lobe of the cerebrum.
  • A tumor causes a partial or complete vision loss in the cerebrum's occipital lobe or temporal lobe.
  • Changes in hearing, speech, memory or emotional state, such as aggressiveness and problems understanding or retrieving words, can develop from a tumor in the frontal and temporal lobe of the cerebrum.
  • Altered perception of touch or pressure, leg or arm weakness on one side of the body, or confusion in left and right sides of the body are linked to a tumor in the cerebrum's parietal or frontal lobe.
  • A pineal gland tumor can cause the inability to look upward.
  • Lactation altered menstrual periods, and growth in hands and feet during adulthood are linked with a pituitary tumor.
  • Problems in swallowing, facial weakness or numbness, or double vision are symptoms of a tumor in the brain stem.
  • Vision changes that include loss of part of the vision or double vision can be from a tumor in the temporal lobe, occipital lobe, or brain stem.

Sometimes, people with brain tumors do not have any of these changes. But if you encounter any of these Symptoms for Brain tumors, consult your doctor.


  1. 1.
    Alentorn A, Hoang-Xuan K, Mikkelsen T. Presenting signs and symptoms in brain tumors. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Published online 2016:19-26. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-802997-8.00002-5
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    Ghandour F, Squassina A, Karaky R, Diab-Assaf M, Fadda P, Pisanu C. Presenting Psychiatric and Neurological Symptoms and Signs of Brain Tumors before Diagnosis: A Systematic Review. Brain Sciences. Published online February 27, 2021:301. doi:10.3390/brainsci11030301
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