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Battling Leukemia With Reishi Mushroom

Battling Leukemia With Reishi Mushroom

What is Leukemia?

Leukemia is cancer of blood-forming tissues, including bone marrow. Many types of Leukemia exist, such as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

Many patients with slow-growing types of leukemia don't have symptoms. While, rapidly growing types of leukemia may cause symptoms that include fatigue, weight loss, frequent infections and easy bleeding or bruising.

What is Reishi mushroom?

Reishi mushroom, scientifically known as Ganoderma lucidum or Ganoderma sinense, is the mushroom of longevity or immortality. Out of all of the different types of mushrooms, Reishi mushrooms seem to be the most used mushrooms for cancer prevention and to inhibit tumour growth. Mushrooms play a role in boosting the immune system and brain function.

Reishi has prevailed medicinally in East Asia since ancient times. It is a traditional medicine in Asia for cancer prevention.

Reishi mushrooms prolong life, prevent ageing and increase energy. In China, mushrooms fortify the immune system of people with cancer who receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

It also finds mention in the historical and medical records of countries like Japan, Korea, Malaysia and India.

With time, many researchers recognised this fungus and tried to identify its constituents and properties.

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Benefits of Reishi Mushrooms

Ganoderma contains more than 400 chemical constituents, including triterpenes, polysaccharides, nucleotides, alkaloids, steroids, amino acids, fatty acids and phenols. These show medicinal properties such as immunomodulatory, anti-hepatitis, anti-tumour, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-HIV, antimalarial, hypoglycaemic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Immune System Booster

The ability of the Reishi mushroom to enhance your immune system is one of its most important effects. While certain details are still unknown, test-tube studies have indicated that Reishi can influence the genes in white blood cells, which are important components of your immune system.

Furthermore, these studies have discovered that some Reishi forms?may alter inflammatory pathways in white blood cells. Some of the chemicals contained in the mushroom boost the activity of a type of white blood cell in cancer patients, which is the natural killer cells. Natural killer cells help the body fight against infections and cancer.

Another research found that Reishi can boost the amount of other white blood cells (lymphocytes) in colorectal cancer patients. Some data suggests that it can also benefit healthy people.

Other studies in healthy individuals, however, found no change in immune function or inflammation after 4 weeks of consuming reishi extract.

[caption id="attachment_62604" align="aligncenter" width="300"] MediZen Reishi Mushroom[/caption]

Cancer-Resistant Properties

Because of its possible cancer-fighting qualities, this fungus is consumed by a large number of individuals. In instance, one research of nearly 4,000 breast cancer survivors discovered that around 59% consumed Reishi mushroom.

Furthermore, numerous test-tube studies have indicated that it can cause cancer cells to die. Some studies have looked at whether Reishi might help with prostate cancer because of its effects on the hormone testosterone.

According to one study, one year of Reishi treatment reduced the number and size of tumours in the large intestine. It stimulates the activity of the body's white blood cells, which helps?in the fight against cancer and improves the quality of life in cancer patients.

Reishi Mushrooms, in the treatment for Leukemia

Studies suggest that the use of products made from Reishi as adjuvant therapy may help strengthen the immune system in patients with cancer.

Mushrooms complement chemotherapy and radiation therapy by countering the side-effects of cancer, such as nausea, bone marrow suppression, anaemia, and lowered resistance. Recently, a number of bioactive molecules, including anti-tumor agents, have been identified from various mushrooms.

This herbal supplement can help with anxiety, depression and lack of sleep caused by cancer or the treatments. It helps with a sound sleep which becomes vital when youre undergoing such a complex treatment!

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How to take Reishi mushroom

While Reishi mushrooms are edible, you wouldnt want to eat them the way that you consume most other edible mushrooms. In its raw state, it also has quite a bitter and unpleasant taste.

So to consume Reishi, its traditionally made into a hot water extract (a soup or tea.) Fresh or dried pieces of Reishi are made into a powder and added to boiling water.

The mushroom then simmers for about two hours.

In modern times, Reishi mushrooms are consumed as an extract. You can take them in a liquid, powder, or capsule form that greatly or completely eliminates the unpleasant bitter flavor associated with the mushroom. You can simply buy Medizen-reishi-mushrooms and make them a part of your daily diet.






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