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Akash Srivastava: A Caregiver Beyond Words

Akash Srivastava: A Caregiver Beyond Words

Akash Srivastava, a caregiver, is an altruist beyond words. He goes to the extent of taking care of poor cancer patients with his salary. On average, he spends a part of his salary on cancer patients who cannot afford to purchase medicines, groceries or essential commodities.

In a recent interview with ZenOnco.io, India's first AI-backed Integrated Oncology group, he says, "My grandmother had cancer. I drew inspiration from my her episode and decided to do my bit for the society. I work with a lot of poor cancer patients. Right from getting them admitted to buying medicines for them, I spend a part of my salary for such needy people and their families every month."

ZenOnco.io: What inspires you to engage in such altruistic activities? That too, consistently?

Akash: My father is a great source of inspiration. He pitches a part of his monthly pension for the genuine Nobel cause. Along with him, the happiness and innocent smiles on the faces of cancer patients are what inspire me further. Knowing that I am able to bring at least a small change in the lives of so many people is almost addictive. I attend meetings for them and motivate them at least twice a week.

ZenOnco.io: Do you have any advice for the patients?

Akash: Life is not that complicated. It is easy to get demotivated and accede defeat. Even while going through treatment, they feel that they won't survive. The same sentiment is reflected across their families. Even if it is not for financial help, we visit them to provide emotional and moral support. There are times when we have to shell out our entire salary.

We wish Mr. Akash, his noble father and other angel-like caregivers all the best for their future endeavors.


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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh