Common questions & answers
Who is Dr K Shilpa ?
Dr K Shilpa is a
Medical Oncologist with experience of
10 years.
Dr K Shilpa 's educational qualifications include
MBBS, MD (General Medicine), DM (Medical Oncologist) Dr K Shilpa. is a member of
Obstetric Gyneacological Society of Visakhapatnam (OGSV)
. Dr K Shilpa's areas of interest include
GI Cancers, Gynaecological Cancers, Breast Cancers, Lung Cancers, Leukemia, Lymphomas, Myeloma Cancers, Brain Tumors, Stomach, Colon, Liver Cancers, Kidney/Renal Cancers, Urinary Baldder Cancers, Prostate Cancers, Testicular Cancers, Overian Cancers, Bone Tumers, Bone Cancers, Soft tissue Sarcomas.
Where does Dr K Shilpa practice?
Dr K Shilpa practices at HCG Cancer Centre, Visakhapatnam
Why do patients visit Dr K Shilpa?
Patients frequently visit Dr K Shilpa for
GI Cancers, Gynaecological Cancers, Breast Cancers, Lung Cancers, Leukemia, Lymphomas, Myeloma Cancers, Brain Tumors, Stomach, Colon, Liver Cancers, Kidney/Renal Cancers, Urinary Baldder Cancers, Prostate Cancers, Testicular Cancers, Overian Cancers, Bone Tumers, Bone Cancers, Soft tissue Sarcomas.
What is Dr K Shilpa's rating?
Dr K Shilpa is a highly rated Medical Oncologist with positive feedback from most patients treated.
What is Dr K Shilpa's education qualification?
Dr K Shilpa has the following qualifications:
MBBS, MD (General Medicine) , DM (Medical Oncologist)
What does Dr K Shilpa specialize in?
Dr K Shilpa specializes as a Medical Oncologist with special interest in
GI Cancers, Gynaecological Cancers, Breast Cancers, Lung Cancers, Leukemia, Lymphomas, Myeloma Cancers, Brain Tumors, Stomach, Colon, Liver Cancers, Kidney/Renal Cancers, Urinary Baldder Cancers, Prostate Cancers, Testicular Cancers, Overian Cancers, Bone Tumers, Bone Cancers, Soft tissue Sarcomas.
How many years of experience does Dr K Shilpa have?
Dr K Shilpa has an overall experience of 10 years as a Medical Oncologist.
How can I book an appointment with Dr K Shilpa?
You can book an appointment with Dr K Shilpa by clicking "Book Appointment" on top-right. We shall shortly confirm your booking upon receiving your request.