Common questions & answers
Who is Dr Sridhar Susheela ?
Dr Sridhar Susheela is a
Radiation Oncologist with experience of
23 years.
Dr Sridhar Susheela 's educational qualifications include
MBBS MD-Radiotherapy Dr Sridhar Susheela. is a member of
. Dr Sridhar Susheela's areas of interest include
His special interest is in Imaging in oncology, High precision Radiotherapy like 3DCRT, IMRT, IGRT and Chemoradiotherapy. He has more than 60 publications in National and International Journals to his credit
Where does Dr Sridhar Susheela practice?
Dr Sridhar Susheela practices at HCG ICS Khubchandani, Mumbai
Why do patients visit Dr Sridhar Susheela?
Patients frequently visit Dr Sridhar Susheela for
His special interest is in Imaging in oncology, High precision Radiotherapy like 3DCRT, IMRT, IGRT and Chemoradiotherapy. He has more than 60 publications in National and International Journals to his credit
What is Dr Sridhar Susheela's rating?
Dr Sridhar Susheela is a highly rated Radiation Oncologist with positive feedback from most patients treated.
What is Dr Sridhar Susheela's education qualification?
Dr Sridhar Susheela has the following qualifications:
Dr. Sridhar completed his post graduation in MD (radiotherapy) & finished his DNB in Radiotherapy from a prestigious institute. He specialises in whole body Stereotatic Robotic Radiosurgery with vast experience in Neurological & Benign tumors.
What does Dr Sridhar Susheela specialize in?
Dr Sridhar Susheela specializes as a Radiation Oncologist with special interest in
His special interest is in Imaging in oncology, High precision Radiotherapy like 3DCRT, IMRT, IGRT and Chemoradiotherapy. He has more than 60 publications in National and International Journals to his credit
How many years of experience does Dr Sridhar Susheela have?
Dr Sridhar Susheela has an overall experience of 23 years as a Radiation Oncologist.
How can I book an appointment with Dr Sridhar Susheela?
You can book an appointment with Dr Sridhar Susheela by clicking "Book Appointment" on top-right. We shall shortly confirm your booking upon receiving your request.