Common questions & answers
Who is Dr Pradeep Kumar K ?
Dr Pradeep Kumar K is a
Radiation Oncologist with experience of
11 years.
Dr Pradeep Kumar K 's educational qualifications include
MBBS, DNB(Radiation Oncology) Dr Pradeep Kumar K. is a member of
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
International Association of Oncology - Organizing Committee Member
Bangalore Oncology Group (BOG)
Association of Radiation Oncologists of India(AROI)
Member-International Core Group, Student Movement –International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War(IPPNW) [Recipient -Nobel Peace Prize ,1985]
Editor-In-Chief: I-NEXUS, Medical Students National E-magazine for IDPD, INDIA[2012]
Founder & Executive Editor: World Of Surgery &SurgeryTube, Informative Web portals [2012]
Central Council Member: Indian Doctors for Peace & Development(IDPD)
Medical Student Representative for South India:IPPNW & IDPD [2006-2007]
State Medical Student Representative: IDPD- [2005-2006]
Member- Indian Public Health Association
Student Reviewer- Student BMJ
Editorial Intern- Journal of Scientific Medicine
Medical Council of India
. Dr Pradeep Kumar K's areas of interest include
Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery
Radiomics & Artificial Intelligence in Oncology, Precision Oncology
Tomotherapy, SRS, SRT, SBRT, TBI, IGRT, IMRT, RapidArc (VMAT)
Brachytherapy - ICBT, ISBT & ILBT
Head & Neck, Brain, Thoracic, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary and Gynecological Malignancies
Where does Dr Pradeep Kumar K practice?
Dr Pradeep Kumar K practices at HCG Cancer Center, Gulbarga
Why do patients visit Dr Pradeep Kumar K?
Patients frequently visit Dr Pradeep Kumar K for
Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery
Radiomics & Artificial Intelligence in Oncology, Precision Oncology
Tomotherapy, SRS, SRT, SBRT, TBI, IGRT, IMRT, RapidArc (VMAT)
Brachytherapy - ICBT, ISBT & ILBT
Head & Neck, Brain, Thoracic, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary and Gynecological Malignancies
What is Dr Pradeep Kumar K's rating?
Dr Pradeep Kumar K is a highly rated Radiation Oncologist with positive feedback from most patients treated.
What is Dr Pradeep Kumar K's education qualification?
Dr Pradeep Kumar K has the following qualifications:
2021: Precision Oncology - Université de Genève, Switzerland
2021: Thoracic Oncology - University of Michigan, USA
2020: DNB (Radiation Oncology), Healthcare Global Cancer Hospital (HCG)
2012: ECFMG (USA)
2010: MBBS, Osmania Medical College
What does Dr Pradeep Kumar K specialize in?
Dr Pradeep Kumar K specializes as a Radiation Oncologist with special interest in
Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery
Radiomics & Artificial Intelligence in Oncology, Precision Oncology
Tomotherapy, SRS, SRT, SBRT, TBI, IGRT, IMRT, RapidArc (VMAT)
Brachytherapy - ICBT, ISBT & ILBT
Head & Neck, Brain, Thoracic, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary and Gynecological Malignancies
How many years of experience does Dr Pradeep Kumar K have?
Dr Pradeep Kumar K has an overall experience of 11 years as a Radiation Oncologist.
How can I book an appointment with Dr Pradeep Kumar K?
You can book an appointment with Dr Pradeep Kumar K by clicking "Book Appointment" on top-right. We shall shortly confirm your booking upon receiving your request.