Common questions & answers
Who is Dr Sasikala P ?
Dr Sasikala P is a
Radiation Oncologist with experience of
13 years.
Dr Sasikala P 's educational qualifications include
MBBS, DMRT, DNB Dr Sasikala P. is a member of
. Dr Sasikala P's areas of interest include
Cancer in women mainly Gynaecological Cancer and Breast Cancer.
Where does Dr Sasikala P practice?
Dr Sasikala P practices at HCG Hospital, Double Road, Bangalore
Why do patients visit Dr Sasikala P?
Patients frequently visit Dr Sasikala P for
Cancer in women mainly Gynaecological Cancer and Breast Cancer.
What is Dr Sasikala P's rating?
Dr Sasikala P is a highly rated Radiation Oncologist with positive feedback from most patients treated.
What is Dr Sasikala P's education qualification?
Dr Sasikala P has the following qualifications:
Post-graduation DMRT in Adyar Cancer Institute (2006-2008)
DNB from Bangalore Institute of Oncology
What does Dr Sasikala P specialize in?
Dr Sasikala P specializes as a Radiation Oncologist with special interest in
Cancer in women mainly Gynaecological Cancer and Breast Cancer.
How many years of experience does Dr Sasikala P have?
Dr Sasikala P has an overall experience of 13 years as a Radiation Oncologist.
How can I book an appointment with Dr Sasikala P?
You can book an appointment with Dr Sasikala P by clicking "Book Appointment" on top-right. We shall shortly confirm your booking upon receiving your request.