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Vijay Dutta (Brain Cancer Survivor)

Vijay Dutta (Brain Cancer Survivor)

Vijay Dutta, from brain cancer relapse to cancer-free status, is a living inspiration to all of us, whether or not we are battling cancer. In 2012, he got his brain cancer diagnosis for the first time. He had surgery and was in remission, but the cancer returned in 2020. However, he received chemotherapy, which instantly stopped working and caused a significant increase in side effects. He stopped taking his medication eight months ago. He learned about ZenOnco.io from a friend, which provides patients with a comprehensive treatment approach to defeat cancer with minimal side effects. We assisted him in adopting a comprehensive anti-cancer lifestyle, which included Medical cannabis, an anti-cancer diet, and Ayurvedic treatments. After 8 months of treatment, he is now completely cancer-free, and his side effects have also reduced. We are fortunate to have had this opportunity to treat him.

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Varanasi Hospital Address: Zen Kashi Hospital & Cancer Care Centre, Upasana Nagar Phase 2, Akhari Chauraha, Awaleshpur, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh