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Amit Shenoy (överlevande akut myeloid leukemi)

Amit Shenoy (överlevande akut myeloid leukemi)

Symtom och diagnos

My name is Amit Shenoy. I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). I was really scared but working with healthcare professionals to get the right diagnosis and treatment helped me get back on track. They made sure to run a bunch of testsbiopsies and scansand eventually I was able to beat this thing. For me, the symptoms were paleness, breathlessness, and sweating. The diagnosis process is different for everyone, but there are important things you need to know. Bone marrow biopsies and other tests can provide answers as to what's going on with your body. After all that testing, I found that my symptoms ranged from paleness to breathlessness to frequent infections. In the end, though, I won out over this cancer!

Akut Myeloid Leukemi (AML) is a type of blood cancer that affects myeloid stem cells in the bone marrow, leaving you vulnerable to infections. This disease usually progresses quickly, leading to symptoms like fever, fatigue or weakness, poor appetite and unintentional weight loss, shortness of breath, frequent infections, bruising easily and skin changes. Some people develop signs of infection prior to any other symptoms, such as pneumonia or bacterial infection of the blood stream.

Biverkningar & utmaningar

When I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, I was in remission for three years and my life has completely changed. When I was diagnosed, it was one of the toughest times of my life. I was battling different symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss and infections. One of the other side effects include bleeding inside the skull which can be dangerous sometimes. Although I survived everything in the end through persistent healthcare professionals care and quality treatment.

I have learned many lessons in life during these years. The most important lesson which I have learned is that you must never lose hope. Even if your doctors are unable to find any treatment, you must try to look for options yourself. Always remember that there is more than what meets the eye. The initial symptoms include fatigue, weight loss, and/or fever. As the cancer progresses, however, you might begin to experience more serious side effects. For example, some of the leukemia cells can migrate to your brain or spinal cord, causing bleeding inside the skull. This is not only incredibly painfulit can be fatal.

En annan biverkning som uppstår när cancern sprider sig till andra delar av din kropp (som din hud) kallas petekier. I det här fallet kanske du märker kluster av små röda prickar på dina armar eller ben. Dessa är blödningar i exakt storlek som uppstår när blodkärlen öppnar sig under huden. Om du märker något av dessa symtom är det viktigt att berätta för din läkare omedelbart så att de kan ge vård!

Supportsystem & Vårdgivare

I was quite lucky enough. The complete treatment phase worked out well with the help of my family support. They were all caring and supportive. This really has helped me build the best in me again. If you are a cancer patient, then it is time for you to think about your support system. What will you do when you are going through a phase where you cant even stand on your feet? Who will help you get through it? Who will be there for you? Most importantly, who will tell you everything will be okay?

Well, this is the time when your support system and caregiver become your lifeline. All of your friends and family come forward to help. They make sure that you are under their care and they provide you with the best treatment possible. You dont have to worry about anything because they are there to help you. It is not easy to fight cancer alone, but with the right support system by your side, things can get easier than ever before. They will provide everything possible so that you get better soon enough!

Post Cancer & Framtidsmål

When I was diagnosed with cancer, it all happened so fast. One second, I was living a normal life, and the next thing I know, doctors were announcing that my test results were positive. I have always been the person who thrives with purpose. No matter how hard I battled with the cancer, it helped me build great energies, and thats how I started to know myself a lot like never before. So, when I finished my treatment and finally got to start living my life again, I knew exactly what I wanted from it.

Först och främst är jag nu mer fokuserad på nuet, snarare än att ha några framtidsperspektiv på mina mål. Och på något sätt, om jag kan hjälpa andra patienter som har liknande situationer, skulle det vara fantastiskt eftersom det kan ge mycket tillfredsställelse för mig och hur jag tar mig an saker på samma gång. Dessutom kommer jag att spendera varje ögonblick kvalitativt med min familj och mina vänner.

Några lektioner som jag lärde mig

In the first few days of that treatment, I got pneumonia and ended up going on a ventilator because I couldnt breathe. Then they had to put me in an induced system because my body was shutting down and I was having seizures. Then at the end of those three weeks, they decided to do a bone marrow transplant and try one more round of chemo. I learned that I really don't have to use a lot of words. I can get away with using only a few words if they are the right ones and they convey the right meaning.

Grejen med cancer är att det i slutändan bara är en annan del av din kropp. Det är inte någon skurk, det är bara celler, och de kan behandlas. Du kommer att ta dig igenom behandlingsprocessen, du kommer att må bättre och du kommer att fortsätta med ditt liv. Om något kommer cancer att göra dig starkare eftersom den kommer att visa dig hur stark du redan är. Att överleva cancer var inte lätt, särskilt med min familj vid min sida. Men jag tror att jag kunde göra det bästa av det, och det blev bra till slut.


Jag är en överlevande av akut myeloid leukemi, och här går det. När jag fick diagnosen cancer var jag tvungen att gå på en massa cellgifter och strålning. Jag hatade allt med processen. Speciellt att behöva be om hjälp från min familj. Det enda som gjorde det bättre var att veta att det skulle göra mig bättre. Att en dag skulle allt vara över och jag kunde gå tillbaka till det normala livet igen.

Men allt eftersom tiden gick insåg jag att mitt liv kanske aldrig skulle bli normalt igen. Det skulle alltid finnas cancer på ett eller annat sätt i mitt liv och i mina familjemedlemmars liv. Behandlingen kan ha fungerat, men sjukdomen kommer alltid att finnas där och lurar i skuggorna tills den en dag kommer tillbaka.

Ive spent a lot of time trying to decide how to feel about this whole thing, and I think Ive finally figured out what I was missing all along: acceptance. When you accept something, you embrace it fully and without reservation. You dont fight against it or try to change it; you just let it be as it is and continue on with your life as best you can. This is what has helped me get through this battle. Now, I am cancer free finally.

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