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Neera Singh (Betreuerin des Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoms): Widrigkeiten machen uns mutig.

Neera Singh (Betreuerin des Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoms): Widrigkeiten machen uns mutig.

Damals war Krebs in unserer Gesellschaft praktisch ein Todesurteil. Sogar in Filmen wurde gezeigt, dass die Diagnose Krebs dazu führte, dass die Person innerhalb weniger Tage verstarb. Daher das Non-Hodgkin-Syndrom meines Mannes Lymphom Die Diagnose war für uns ein großer Schock.

Diagnose eines Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoms

My husband was in the Army, and while he was posted in Delhi around 15 years back, he had a routine health check-up. He opened up to the doctor that there was a small lump that he could feel behind his neck when he used to shave or take a bath and asked the doctor to take a closer look at it. The doctor asked for a couple of tests and asked him to wait for the reports. After the reports came, the doctor told him that there were some problems with the results, and therefore he needed to see an Oncologist. That was the first time that we were hearing the word Oncology or Oncologist. The doctor took him to the Oncology department, and he met the Head of the Department, Dr Dhar, who is now a retired Brigadier and was a Colonel then. Dr Dhar studied the reports and told him that it was a cancer called Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He also explained to my husband the treatment procedures for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and gave him confidence that it was treatable.

My husband came back home lost in his thoughts, had his lunch and hardly talked to me. Later, I asked him how was his reports. He told me that he had Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer. When he told me about his cancer, I was emotionless and numb. I didn't know what to say or how to react, which can be the same for most of us because none of us are brave; the situations make us brave. He told me that the doctors said not to worry and that he would be alright, which gave me hope to fight this disease.

During that time, cancer was practically a death sentence in our society. Even in films, it was shown that being diagnosed with cancer meant that the person would die within a few days. Therefore, the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma diagnosis came as a shock to us, but we had faith in the doctors, and God, and not even for a single second did I feel that he would not be with us. We decided to pass this test with flying colours. We took it as a challenge and decided that we would see whatever that comes on our way.

Behandlung des Non-Hodgkin-Lymphoms

Wir waren die meiste Zeit zusammen. Er wurde nie zugelassen; er hat es immer genommen Chemotherapie sessions. We made sure that everything was taken care of and kept on doing what the doctors told us to. The most important things that helped us a lot are music and positivity. My children were young, my son was doing engineering, and my daughter was in class 9th. Though they were young, they behaved very maturely. We all were living our lives as normal as we could.

Nach sechs Zyklen Chemotherapie ging es ihm gut, aber nach zwei Jahren erlitt er einen Rückfall und das niedriggradige Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom verwandelte sich in hochgradigen Krebs, was zum schwierigsten Teil unserer Reise wurde. Ihm wurde eine Knochenmarktransplantation empfohlen. Wir waren für seine BMT in einem Raum eingesperrt und meine Kinder waren draußen. Meine Tochter hatte zu dieser Zeit Prüfungen. Er war lebensgefährlich krank, und die psychische Gesundheit der beiden dürfte in diesen 30 Tagen stark unter Druck geraten sein. Wir alle hatten viel Geduld und Ausdauer.

Es war hart für ihn. Er war sehr schwach und bekam eine Infektion, aber er kämpfte sehr tapfer gegen alles. Gott war bei uns, lächelte uns an und hatte andere Absichten mit uns.

Alles lief gut und es ging ihm gut. Die Ärzte waren immer bei uns und haben ihn enorm unterstützt. Alle Krankenschwestern und das Krankenhauspersonal wurden wie eine Familie. Wir feierten mit ihnen Weihnachten, Neujahr, unseren Jahrestag und seinen Geburtstag. Wir hatten das beste Ärzteteam bei uns.

Wir hatten immer die Unterstützung der Familie und alle waren während der gesamten Reise bei uns. Wir haben uns von den negativen Dingen ferngehalten.

Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom: Der dritte Rückfall

Nach seiner Knochenmarkstransplantation befand er sich fünf Jahre lang in Remission, und wir waren so froh, dass er nach fünf Jahren krebsfrei war. Die Ärzte hatten ihm geraten, sich einer zu unterziehen PET Scan alle sechs Monate, was er regelmäßig tat.

During one such PET scan, the doctors found that the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma had relapsed again. There were a lot of discussions on what treatment to give him. The doctors avoided chemotherapy for six months because they felt it would deteriorate his health further, but after that, it was the only option left.

He was supposed to undergo chemotherapy when our daughter was getting married, so he said that we would go for chemotherapy later and let's first focus on our daughter's marriage. Our daughter postponed her marriage after discussing it with her fiance and in-laws so that he could get proper treatment. Later, he took six cycles of Chemotherapy and took one month to recover. After his recovery, we got our daughter married.

Wir hatten immer eine positive Einstellung und ließen nie zu, dass Krebs unseren Geisteszustand beeinträchtigte.

Unsere Erkenntnisse

Pflegekräfte sollten auf sich selbst aufpassen, insbesondere wenn sie sich um einen Krebspatienten kümmern müssen. Wir aßen alle, was mein Mann aß. Wir haben viel gelernt. Das war die Zeit, in der wir anfingen, die Arbeit anderer Menschen wirklich zu schätzen, denn sonst ist man in seinem Leben so beschäftigt, dass man nicht alles so genau wahrnimmt.

We started enjoying all the little things in life. What we have today is the best, so just enjoy today and leave the rest to destiny. Our faith and positivity helped us to sail through all those things. God was always with us, and there was a lot of positivity with which we always moved forward.

Nach unserer Krebsreise habe ich einen MSc in Ernährung gemacht und bin jetzt Ernährungsberaterin. Ich höre gern Musik und habe während meiner gesamten Karriere immer dann Musik gehört, wenn es mir schlecht ging.

Ich habe es nie gemocht, von anderen Mitgefühl zu bekommen. Ich habe die Krebsnachrichten nicht mit vielen Leuten geteilt, weil die Leute dazu neigen, mit uns zu sympathisieren, anstatt uns so normal wie zuvor zu behandeln. Ich habe negative Menschen aus meinem Leben verbannt, weil der geistige Frieden meiner Familie wichtiger war.

Niemand ist auf schlechte Zeiten vorbereitet; Du wirst mutig, wenn schlechte Zeiten in dein Leben kommen. Widrigkeiten machen uns mutig.


When God gives us many good days, we don't ask him why he is giving us so much happiness. Then why should we ask 'why me' when he gives us little problems? We should take whatever comes our way. Take everything as a blessing, and you will be able to deal with everything. Be positive and happy. Be busy and keep doing exercises as they are good for your mental and physical health. Smile as often as you can.

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