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شيوتا (بلڊ ڪينسر): اسان جي اميد جي ٻيڙي ۾ شفا جا ساحل

شيوتا (بلڊ ڪينسر): اسان جي اميد جي ٻيڙي ۾ شفا جا ساحل

My sister was diagnosed with بلڊ ڪينسرin October 2019. The thing with Blood Canceris that it does not have stages like the other cancer types because no particular organ is affected the most. The human body is such that it needs consistent blood flow throughout the body. Thus,Blood Canceris not recognized in stages. My sister was at the high-risk stage when we learned about her suffering.

موجوده صورتحال:

Currently, she's in the hospital and has already undergone 3 Chemotherapy cycles. It is commendable, and her body is responding well to the healing process. Additionally, she has also undergone a bone marrow transplant to ensure a speedy recovery.

بند ٿيل خاندان جو کشن:

ڪينسر جهڙي موذي مرض ۾ مبتلا ٿيڻ جي خبر پوڻ کان پوءِ ماڻهن جو گونگو ٿي وڃڻ عام ڳالهه آهي. پر منهنجي ڀيڻ هڪ قابل ذڪر مضبوط عورت آهي جنهن ان کي پنهنجي قدم ۾ ورتو ۽ اميد نه وڃايو.

اسان هڪ ويجهڙائي وارو خاندان آهيون، تنهنڪري هوء سمجهي ٿي ته جيڪڏهن هوء ڀڄي وئي، اهو سڌو سنئون اسان جي والدين ۽ ٻين مائٽن تي اثر انداز ڪندو. ڪنهن به طريقي سان، هوء هميشه ڪنهن کي ٿي چڪي آهي مثبت تي ڌيان ڏيڻ لاء.

اها سندس اميد آهي جنهن اسان سڀني کي اهو رستو ڏيکاريو آهي ته ٿوري همت ۽ مثبت سوچ سان سڀ ڪجهه ممڪن آهي. هوءَ بي خوف هئي ۽ ڊاڪٽرن کان جيترا سوال پڇيندي هئي. اهو هڪ بهترين نشاني آهي جيڪو علاج ۾ مصروف آهي ۽ ان کي تجربو ڪرڻ کان اڳ سمجهي وڃي.

منهنجي ڀيڻ جو مڙس ۽ ٻار هميشه هن سان گڏ رهيا آهن، ۽ ڪڏهن به اهڙو لمحو نه آيو جڏهن اسان محسوس ڪيو ته هن جو مڙس هن کي بوجھ سمجهي ٿو.

اسان ڪيترائي ڪيس ڏٺا آهن جتي اهي مريض کي ڇڏي ڏين ٿا، پر مان خدا جو شڪرگذار آهيان ته اهڙي شاندار خاندان جي ميمبرن لاء. اسان جا چاچا، چاچي ۽ والدين هميشه موجود هئا. پر جيڪڏهن مون کي هڪ غير معمولي شخص جو نالو ڏيڻ جي ضرورت آهي، اهو اسان جي ماء کان سواء ٻيو ڪوبه نه هجڻ گهرجي.

جيتوڻيڪ هرڪو هميشه منهنجي ڀيڻ کي تفريح ڪرڻ ۽ هن جي حوصلي کي وڌائڻ لاء موجود هو، منهنجي ماء پٿر جي مضبوط حمايت هئي. هن جي ٻار کي ڪينسر ۾ مبتلا ڏسڻ هن لاءِ شايد آسان نه هجي ها، پر هن پنهنجي چهري يا اکين کي اهو عڪاسي ڪرڻ نه ڏنو.

ناپسنديده ضمني اثرات:

One of the biggest challenges that we, as caregivers, face in the treatment is that she doesn't feel like eating at all. Loss of appetite is a common side effect of the heavy-dose therapy that she is receiving, so we coax her to eat, but to no avail.

جڏهن کان هن جو علاج شروع ٿيو ته هوءَ اڳ ۾ ئي 20 ڪلو وزن وڃائي چڪي آهي، تنهنڪري اهو اسان کي ٿورو پريشان ڪري ٿو. وار گرڻ، ٿلهي ۽ جسم ۾ درد ٻيا ضمني اثرات آهن جيڪي هن وقت تجربو ڪري رهيا آهن.

هندستان ۾ مڊل ڪلاس خاندان اڪثر ڪري ڪينسر جي علاج لاءِ ماليات کي منظم ڪرڻ سان مسئلن کي منهن ڏيندا آهن ڇاڪاڻ ته زميني حقيقت اها رهي ٿي ته اهو هڪ مهانگو معاملو آهي.

ڪروڊ فنڊنگ:

In such a situation, Milaap, a crowdfunding platform, was notably helpful. With the help of its services, we were able to manage the majority of the finances that we needed. I would certainly recommend it to others. Moreover, the treatment can also be a problem for those who come from not-so-privileged backgrounds.

ميڊيڪل سپورٽ:

Our experience with the doctors has been excellent, and we haven't faced any issues on the medical front yet. The doctors serving us are very supportive and provide us with adequate information. Be it treatment details or anything else we need to know, the doctors have always maintained a transparent relationship with us and communicated effectively.

بحالي جو رستو:

We are indeed blessed to be surrounded by the right kind of people because it can greatly influence your treatment and recovery. As of now, my sister does not have any dietary restrictions because, as I explained earlier, the cancer cells have not impacted any particular organ in her body. However, she needs to regain the lost weight, and that can be challenging. It is important to remember that it needs to be a healthy weight, so she will undoubtedly need to follow a balanced diet that is high in nutrition. As caregivers, we'll also ensure that we motivate her as much as possible.

جدائي جو پيغام:

My message to all cancer fighters is that they must not lose hope. No matter which stage you are in, remain optimistic about your recovery. Medical technology has advanced significantly, so focus on the silver lining. Treatments are more advanced now than they were even just a year ago. Let go of inhibitions and explore all available options. If you face financial hurdles, don't hesitate to seek help from organizations and crowdfunding platforms. Sail your ship of hope, and you will reach the shores safely!

لاڳاپيل مقالات
جيڪڏهن توهان اهو نه مليو آهي جيڪو توهان ڳولي رهيا آهيو، اسان هتي مدد ڪرڻ لاء آهيون. ZenOnco.io تي رابطو ڪريو [ايميل محفوظ ٿيل] يا ڪال ڪريو +91 99 3070 9000 ڪنهن به شيءِ لاءِ جيڪو توهان کي گهربل هجي.