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نيرا سنگهه (نان هڊگڪن جي ليمفوما جي سنڀال ڪندڙ): مصيبت اسان کي بهادر بڻائي ٿي.

نيرا سنگهه (نان هڊگڪن جي ليمفوما جي سنڀال ڪندڙ): مصيبت اسان کي بهادر بڻائي ٿي.

ان دور ۾ اسان جي سماج ۾ ڪينسر عملي طور موت جي سزا هئي. فلمن ۾ به اهو ڏيکاريو ويو ته ڪينسر جي تشخيص ٿيڻ جو مطلب اهو آهي ته ماڻهو ڪجهه ڏينهن اندر مري ويندو. تنهن ڪري، منهنجي مڙس جي غير Hodgkin جي لفاما تشخيص اسان لاءِ هڪ وڏو صدمو بڻجي آيو.

غير هدوگڪن جي لففاما جي تشخيص

My husband was in the Army, and while he was posted in Delhi around 15 years back, he had a routine health check-up. He opened up to the doctor that there was a small lump that he could feel behind his neck when he used to shave or take a bath and asked the doctor to take a closer look at it. The doctor asked for a couple of tests and asked him to wait for the reports. After the reports came, the doctor told him that there were some problems with the results, and therefore he needed to see an Oncologist. That was the first time that we were hearing the word Oncology or Oncologist. The doctor took him to the Oncology department, and he met the Head of the Department, Dr Dhar, who is now a retired Brigadier and was a Colonel then. Dr Dhar studied the reports and told him that it was a cancer called Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He also explained to my husband the treatment procedures for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and gave him confidence that it was treatable.

My husband came back home lost in his thoughts, had his lunch and hardly talked to me. Later, I asked him how was his reports. He told me that he had Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a type of cancer. When he told me about his cancer, I was emotionless and numb. I didn't know what to say or how to react, which can be the same for most of us because none of us are brave; the situations make us brave. He told me that the doctors said not to worry and that he would be alright, which gave me hope to fight this disease.

During that time, cancer was practically a death sentence in our society. Even in films, it was shown that being diagnosed with cancer meant that the person would die within a few days. Therefore, the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma diagnosis came as a shock to us, but we had faith in the doctors, and God, and not even for a single second did I feel that he would not be with us. We decided to pass this test with flying colours. We took it as a challenge and decided that we would see whatever that comes on our way.

غير Hodgkin جي لففاما علاج

اسين اڪثر گڏ هوندا هئاسين. هن ڪڏهن به داخل نه ڪيو؛ هو وٺندو هو Chemotherapy sessions. We made sure that everything was taken care of and kept on doing what the doctors told us to. The most important things that helped us a lot are music and positivity. My children were young, my son was doing engineering, and my daughter was in class 9th. Though they were young, they behaved very maturely. We all were living our lives as normal as we could.

ڪيموٿراپي جي ڇهن چڪرن کان پوءِ هو ٺيڪ ٿي ويو، پر ٻن سالن کان پوءِ، هن کي ٻيهر ورجايو ويو ۽ گهٽ درجي جي نان-هوڊڪنز لمفوما کي اعليٰ درجي جي ڪينسر ۾ تبديل ڪيو ويو، جيڪو اسان جي سفر جو سڀ کان ڏکيو حصو بڻجي ويو. هن کي بون ميرو ٽرانسپلانٽ لاءِ وڃڻ جي صلاح ڏني وئي. اسان هن جي بي ايم ٽي لاءِ هڪ ڪمري ۾ بند هئاسين، ۽ منهنجا ٻار ٻاهر هئا. منهنجي ڌيءَ جو ان وقت بورڊ جو امتحان هو. هو خطرناڪ طور تي بيمار هو، ۽ انهن ٻنهي جي ذهني صحت تي انهن 30 ڏينهن تائين گهڻو دٻاءُ هوندو هو. اسان سڀني کي تمام گهڻو صبر ۽ استقامت هئي.

اهو هن لاء سخت هو. هو تمام گهڻو ڪمزور هو ۽ هڪ انفيڪشن پيدا ڪيو، پر هن هر شيء سان ڏاڍي بهادري سان وڙهندي هئي. خدا اسان سان گڏ هو، اسان تي مسڪرائي رهيو هو، ۽ هن اسان لاء مختلف ارادا هئا.

شيون ٺيڪ ٿي ويون، ۽ هو ٺيڪ هو. ڊاڪٽر هميشه اسان سان گڏ هئا، ۽ هن کي تمام گهڻو سپورٽ ڪيو. سڀ نرسون ۽ اسپتال جو عملو هڪ خاندان وانگر ٿي ويو. اسان انهن سان گڏ ڪرسمس، نئون سال، اسان جي سالگره، ۽ سندس جنم ڏينهن ملهايو. اسان سان گڏ ڊاڪٽرن جي بهترين ٽيم هئي.

اسان کي هميشه خاندان جي حمايت حاصل هئي، ۽ هرڪو سڄي سفر ۾ اسان سان گڏ هو. اسان پاڻ کي منفي شين کان پري رکيو.

غير هدوگڪن جي لففاما: ٽيون رليف

هن جي بون ميرو ٽرانسپلانٽشن کان پوء، هو پنجن سالن تائين معافي ۾ هو، ۽ اسان کي ايترو خوش ٿيو ته پنج سال ٿي ويا هئا، ۽ هو ڪينسر کان آزاد هو. ڊاڪٽرن کيس علاج ڪرائڻ جو مشورو ڏنو هو PET هر ڇهن مهينن جي اسڪين، جيڪو هو باقاعدگي سان ڪري رهيو هو.

During one such PET scan, the doctors found that the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma had relapsed again. There were a lot of discussions on what treatment to give him. The doctors avoided chemotherapy for six months because they felt it would deteriorate his health further, but after that, it was the only option left.

He was supposed to undergo chemotherapy when our daughter was getting married, so he said that we would go for chemotherapy later and let's first focus on our daughter's marriage. Our daughter postponed her marriage after discussing it with her fiance and in-laws so that he could get proper treatment. Later, he took six cycles of Chemotherapy and took one month to recover. After his recovery, we got our daughter married.

اسان وٽ هميشه هڪ مثبت ذهنيت هئي، ۽ اسان ڪڏهن به ڪينسر کي پنهنجي ذهني حالت کي نقصان پهچائڻ نه ڏنو.

اسان جي سکيا

سنڀاليندڙن کي پنهنجو خيال رکڻ گهرجي، خاص طور تي جڏهن انهن کي ڪينسر جي مريض سان معاملو ڪرڻ جي ضرورت آهي. اسان سڀ کائي رهيا هئاسين جيڪو منهنجو مڙس کائي رهيو هو. اسان گهڻو ڪجهه سکيو. اهو اهو وقت هو جڏهن اسان واقعي ٻين ماڻهن جي ڪم جي تعريف ڪرڻ شروع ڪئي ڇاڪاڻ ته ٻي صورت ۾، توهان پنهنجي زندگيء ۾ ايترو مصروف آهيو جو توهان هر شيء کي تمام گهڻي ڌيان نه ٿا ڏيو.

We started enjoying all the little things in life. What we have today is the best, so just enjoy today and leave the rest to destiny. Our faith and positivity helped us to sail through all those things. God was always with us, and there was a lot of positivity with which we always moved forward.

اسان جي ڪينسر جي سفر کان پوء، مون غذائيت ۾ ايم ايس سي ڪيو، ۽ هاڻي مان هڪ غذائيت پسند آهيان. مون کي موسيقي ٻڌڻ جو شوق آهي ۽ جڏهن به مون کي پنهنجي سار سنڀال واري سفر ۾ گهٽ محسوس ٿيندو هو ته موسيقي ٻڌندو هو.

مون ڪڏهن به ٻين کان همدردي وٺڻ پسند نه ڪيو. مون ڪينسر جي خبر ڪيترن ئي ماڻهن سان شيئر نه ڪئي ڇاڪاڻ ته ماڻهو اسان سان همدردي ڪن ٿا بجاءِ اسان سان اڳ وانگر معمول وانگر. مون منفي ماڻهن کي پنهنجي زندگيءَ مان ڪٽي ڇڏيو ڇاڪاڻ ته منهنجي خاندان جو ذهني سڪون وڌيڪ اهم هو.

خراب وقت لاءِ ڪو به تيار ناهي. توهان بهادر ٿي ويندا آهيو جڏهن توهان جي زندگي ۾ خراب وقت ايندا آهن. مصيبت اسان کي بهادر بڻائي ٿي.

جدائي جو پيغام

When God gives us many good days, we don't ask him why he is giving us so much happiness. Then why should we ask 'why me' when he gives us little problems? We should take whatever comes our way. Take everything as a blessing, and you will be able to deal with everything. Be positive and happy. Be busy and keep doing exercises as they are good for your mental and physical health. Smile as often as you can.

منهنجو سفر هتي ڏسو

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