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ونيت جين (پروسٽيٽ ​​ڪينسر جي سنڀال ڪندڙ)

ونيت جين (پروسٽيٽ ​​ڪينسر جي سنڀال ڪندڙ)

منهنجو پس منظر

منهنجو والد هن وقت 73 سالن جو آهي. هو هڪ ترقي يافته اسٽيج آهي پروسيسر ڪينسر مريض. اهو سڀ ڪجهه ٽي سال اڳ شروع ٿيو جڏهن اسان پروسٽيٽ ​​ڪينسر جو اصطلاح به نه ٻڌو هو يا ان جي معنيٰ جي خبر نه هئي.

پروسٽيٽ ​​ڪينسر جي تشخيص

منهنجو پيءُ مون کي پيشاب جي مسئلن ۽ ٻين صحت جي مسئلن لاءِ دوائون وٺڻ لاءِ ٻاهر موڪليندو هو. مون سمجهيو ته هي سڀ هن جي عمر لاءِ معمولي آهن ۽ ان تي گهڻو ڌيان نه ڏنو.

One fine day (in fact, on this 70th birthday), he got admitted to the hospital as he was not feeling well. There was some problem with his urine, and he suggested to get admitted to the hospital. We took him to the hospital, and it turned out that he was a Prostate Cancer patient and needed an operation immediately. After the operation, the doctor took a sample to send it for the بيوس.

We came back home after the operation, and after a few days, the doctor called me. Somehow, I could not pick up his call, and later in the week, he called me again and asked me to come to the hospital. I asked him whether I could come later to pick up the reports, but he asked me to come as soon as possible. That's how I got to know that my father was diagnosed with advanced-stage Prostate Cancer.

پروسٽڪ ڪينسر علاج

It has been three years since his Prostate Cancer diagnosis, and he has gone through three major issues during this time. The first issue is prostate cancer, and there have been no significant issues due to it. But what hurt us was the other two issues. He had to undergo two brain-related surgeries; one for a blood clot and the other for a fall he had. The saddest part was that in June 2020, immediately after recovering from COVID-19, he suffered a brain stroke as well and has been bedridden since then. These recent months have been the worst in terms of his health.

My father is on medication-based treatment instead of chemotherapy. Moreover, he is not a very positive-minded person and already has several chronic diseases like BP, Thyroid, hearing deficiency, visibility defect in his eyes, etc. It all made us confine the news about cancer from him. He used to think that he had some prostate problems and was treated by a Urologist and not an Oncologist.

I believe that depending on the patient's situation, and mental and physical health to absorb it, and strongly fight it out, we can decide if and when the disease can be shared with the patient. I am grateful to the doctors and staff for understanding our concerns and agreeing to cooperate in this manner.

سنڀاليندڙن جي سنڀال

Equally important to the patient's experience is the caregiver's experience. When we say caregiver, we include everyone in the immediate family, whether or not living in the same household. We immediately absorbed it and decided to fight it with a positive spirit. We were initially shocked, but once we realized that time was of the essence, we managed everything together as a team.

سنڀاليندڙ جي اڳواڻي ۾، ​​مان اڪثر وقت ڊاڪٽرن کي دوائن بابت وڌيڪ ڄاڻڻ لاء دورو ڪندس. منهنجي ذاتي ۽ پيشه ورانه زندگي هڪ هٽي ورتي، پر مضبوط هجڻ ئي واحد آپشن هو جيڪو مون وٽ هو، ۽ مان ان تي قائم رهيس. اسان هميشه پنهنجي پيءُ لاءِ موجود هئاسين ۽ اسان جي پوري ڪوشش ڪئي ته هن کي آرام سان مهيا ڪريون جيڪا هن جي ڪينسر جي سفر تي گهربل هئي.

جڏهن ته مريض ترجيح آهن، اسان کي اهو سمجهڻ گهرجي ته سنڀاليندڙن کي پڻ هڪ وقف جي ضرورت آهي. سنڀاليندڙن کي خيال رکڻ گهرجي ته هو پنهنجي صحت کي قربان نه ڪن ڇاڪاڻ ته انهن جو خيال رکڻ لاءِ پهريان انهن کي مناسب هجڻ جي ضرورت آهي.

توهان کي هميشه اهو ڪرڻ گهرجي جيڪو توهان پسند ڪيو، مريض جي صحت ۽ سنڀال کي ترجيح ۾ رکندي. توھان ڪوشش ڪري سگھوٿا موسيقي ٻڌڻ دوران مريض سان گڏ رھڻ يا پنھنجي لاءِ مختصر وقفو وٺڻ دوران جڏھن مريض ننڊ ۾ ھو.

Even though I knew how to take care of myself, I couldn't draw a line. My family members believed that when you do your best, something good will come out of it. This kept me going, to such an extent that I sacrificed my health and did not indulge in anything to de-stress myself.

My family gave me strength throughout this journey. My mother was always there to understand what I was going through and supported me a lot (although she has also suffered a lot, not just because she is the patient's wife but also because she is getting older & prone to diseases). My wife proactively took some of my load related to household chores & made me retain my faith in God. My brother settled in the US sacrificed his other commitments, visited India multiple times, and also kept feeding me about the research & treatment related to Prostate Cancer. My sister (a single mom) and kids also exceeded our expectations of them by managing the tough times pretty well.

زندگي جا سبق

Everyone has reaffirmed that we have done so much for our Father that God is looking at it and showering his blessings. I believe that if we do good karma in our lives, they do come back in the shape of blessings and support that we receive.

جدائي جو پيغام

There would be days when you wake up and feel happy that your patient is doing fine, and you can take some time for yourself. Simultaneously, there would be some days when you would not have slept properly but still first thing the next morning will have to attend to the patient. But, always stay positive and with like-minded people. Keep yourself healthy, give back to society, and above all believe in the Almighty.

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