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سنديپ سنگهه جو تجربو ڪينسر سان

سنديپ سنگهه جو تجربو ڪينسر سان

I am not a cancer survivor or caregiver, but I have closely seen the cancer journey. I have had two different journey experiences; one was as a youngster, while the other was as an above 50-year-old person. That Youngster was my senior in school and was a good friend. In a fight with his sibling, he got hurt in the area where he had some lump. It started raining, so the family took him to the hospital, where doctors scanned him and suggested having surgery so that they could test what kind of tumor it was. His family decided to have surgery within 4-5 days. When the surgery was done, and the tumor was tested, it was the 4th stage of Lung Cancer. هنن علاج شروع ڪيو پر هڪ مهيني کان پوءِ هو ڪمزور محسوس ڪرڻ لڳو، تنهن ڪري ڪمزوري سبب ڊاڪٽرن سندس ڪيمو بند ڪري تابڪاري شروع ڪئي.

ڪجهه وقت کان پوء، هو بهتر محسوس ڪرڻ لڳو، ۽ هن جي رپورٽ ۾ ڪينسر جو ڪو ثبوت نه ڏيکاريو ويو. تنهن ڪري ڊاڪٽرن کيس ٻڌايو ته هن جو ڪينسر ختم ٿي چڪو آهي، ۽ هو پنهنجي روزاني زندگي شروع ڪري سگهي ٿو. هن ڪاليج وڃڻ شروع ڪيو، پر ڏينهون ڏينهن هو وري ڪمزور ٿيڻ لڳو، ان ڪري روزمرهه جي زندگي گذارڻ دوران ڪڏهن ڪڏهن وچ ۾ تابڪاري به وٺي ويندو هو. جڏهن هو ٻيهر ڪمزور ٿي ويو، ٽيسٽ ڪيو ويو، ۽ اهو هاڻي ڪينسر لاء مثبت هو. کيمو and radiotherapy were started again, but this time he got mentally tired; he was tired of feeling weak and taking medicines. He started giving up and told his family he didn't want to get hospitalized; he wanted treatment from home. The family understood his mental condition, took him home, and started ayurvedic treatment. This went on for two years, but after that, ayurvedic medicines started affecting his kidneys, and he used to have severe fever and pains; he would be in bed all day and could not even stretch his body. His condition worsened daily, and then he left his body and moved to heaven.

On the other hand, a 50-year-old uncle was my neighbor:

He had been suffering from a cough and cold for some time, so doctors suggested having an X-ray. When X-ray reports came, it was an infection in his lungs. Doctors gave antibiotics, but that too didn't work, and the cough was still there, so doctors got confused and thought it might be TB and started providing treatment for TB. He took TB medicines for two months, but his condition remained the same, so his family thought to have a CT scan. When reports came, there were lots of black dots, which the doctor doubted could be an infection, so he again gave antibiotic injections, which made him weak, and he became entirely dependent on his family.

After seeing his condition worsen, his family stopped giving him antibiotics and took him home. He started feeling better and started walking again. He soon joined his job back and got an infection back. A CT scan was done, and doctors said he would survive only for 18 months.

Doctors started his chemo, and he was hospitalized for a week, but then his family was discharged and took him home, telling the doctors that they would bring him to the hospital on his chemotherapy days. After taking him home, his family was not taking much care of him, and he was not getting enough comfort to recover, so he started getting many complications and left for his heavenly abode.

جدائي جو پيغام:

ٻنهي صورتن ۾ ٻنهي مريضن کي هڪ ئي ڪينسر هو ۽ ٻنهي ان لاءِ هڪ ئي علاج ڪرايو ۽ ٻنهي مان ڪنهن کي به مالي بحران نه هو پر هڪ ٻه سال ۽ ٻيو صرف 4-5 مهينا جيئرو رهيو جڏهن ته ڊاڪٽرن به چيو. 18 مهينن تائين زنده رهي سگهي ٿو. اهو صرف خاندان جي حمايت جي ڪري آهي؛ هڪ کي پنهنجي خاندان مان مثبت وائبس ۽ سپورٽ هئي جڏهن ته ٻين کي منفي وائبس هئا، اهو ئي سبب آهي جو مان ۽ حتي سڀني جو چوڻ آهي ته خاندان جي مدد جي معاملن کي.

پنھنجن پيارن کي مثبت وائبس ڏيو، انھن کي ذهني طور تي سپورٽ ڪريو، ۽ انھن کي ذهني طور تي مضبوط بڻايو.

لاڳاپيل مقالات
جيڪڏهن توهان اهو نه مليو آهي جيڪو توهان ڳولي رهيا آهيو، اسان هتي مدد ڪرڻ لاء آهيون. ZenOnco.io تي رابطو ڪريو [ايميل محفوظ ٿيل] يا ڪال ڪريو +91 99 3070 9000 ڪنهن به شيءِ لاءِ جيڪو توهان کي گهربل هجي.