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ڪينسر جي مريضن لاءِ فزيوٿراپي جا فائدا

ڪينسر جي مريضن لاءِ فزيوٿراپي جا فائدا

Physiotherapy is an independent speciality that is concerned with medical treatment, supervision, and recovery. Such principles extend to the treatment of cancer patients in all phases of care and recovery, from diagnosis to the end of life. Physiotherapists perform regular assessments of the needs of this group of patients and their caregivers to apply professional strategies essential to the independence, functional ability, and quality of life of patients. The physiotherapist's position as an integral member of the multidisciplinary team is vital to the effective recovery and treatment of cancer patients and palliative care needs. The lack of physiotherapy activity will affect patient care and the patient/family's ability to cope with the impact of the disease or its treatment on its functional potential and quality of life.

ڪينسر ۽ ان جا مختلف علاج مختلف قسم جي ڏکوئيندڙ جسماني ۽ نفسياتي اثرات سان جڙيل آهن، جيڪي علاج ختم ٿيڻ کان پوءِ سالن تائين مريضن تي اثرانداز ٿي سگهن ٿا. ورزش ڪرڻ سان ڪينسر جي مريضن لاءِ زندگي جي معيار کي بهتر ٿيندو ان جي بيماري جي شڪل ۽ اسٽيج کان سواءِ. ڪينسر جي رستن ۾ ورزش تي هلندڙ فزيوٿراپي جي شموليت کي گھٽائي سگھي ٿي ۽ نقص کي روڪي سگھي ٿي. اسپيشلسٽ فزيوٿراپي پڻ ڏکيائيندڙ علامتن کي رليف ڪري سگھي ٿي جيئن لمفوڊيما ۽ ٿڪاوٽ، جيڪا ڪينسر جي مريضن مان 75-95 سيڪڙو کي ڪمزور ڪري ٿي.

Evidence suggests exercise decreases the risk of recurrence and death from cancer. Mortality in the stomach, breast, and پروسيسر ڪينسر can be decreased by 50 per cent, 40 per cent, and 30 % respectively. In addition, the incidence of disease was decreased by 57% in men with prostate cancer who had moderate-intensity exercise three hours a week.

گهڻو وزن وڌائڻ ۽ نقصان ڪيترن ئي مريضن لاء هڪ مسئلو ٿي سگهي ٿو، انهن جي سرطان جي تشخيص، اسٽيج ۽ فارم تي منحصر آهي. اسپيشلسٽ فزيوٿراپسٽن لاءِ ضروري آهي ته سٺو وزن برقرار رکڻ ۽ ڪينسر جي مريضن ۾ عضلات جي ضايع ٿيڻ کان بچڻ لاءِ.

Physiotherapy prevents risks to future health, strengthens the body, and can improve the ability of a person to return to work. Some cancer therapies can reduce the consistency of the bone leading to osteoporosis, an increased risk of fractures of fragility, pain, and disability. Exercising physiotherapy may minimize bone loss and the risk of dropping in patients with low bone density.

Cancer patients may have pain control issues physical, psychological, and spiritual. As a result, pain can lead to a vicious cycle of anxiety, inactivity, and more impairment and hence increase the duration of stay in hospital. Physiotherapy has been shown to minimize the number of stays in hospital with fewer nights as a doctor representing a greater quality of life and cost savings and hence proving the various advantages of Physiotherapy for cancer patients.

فزيوٿراپي ڪيئن مدد ڪري سگهي ٿي؟

بنيادي طريقن مان هڪ آهي فزيوٿراپي جو فائدو وٺي سگھي ٿو ڪينسر سان لاڳاپيل ٿڪ جي علاج سان، انهن مان هڪ عام ضمني اثرات جيڪي علاج هيٺ آهن. هڪ فزيوٿراپسٽ هڪ مريض جو جائزو وٺي سگهي ٿو، ۽ اهو فيصلو ڪري ٿو ته انهن کي ڪهڙي مشڪلاتن کي منهن ڏيڻو پوي ٿو. انهن مسئلن کي حل ڪرڻ ۾ شامل ٿي سگھي ٿو طاقت جي تربيت ڪنهن به خراب ٿيڻ واري عضلات يا هڏن جي معاوضي لاء؛ ايروبڪ ٽريننگ انرجي مسئلن کي حل ڪرڻ لاءِ پيڪنگ ۽ سانس جي تڪليف سان لاڳاپيل؛ دل ۽ برداشت جي تربيت؛ يا ڪائناتولوجي، تحريڪ سائنس جيڪا مريضن کي سکڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگهي ٿي ته ڪيئن ڪمزورين کي حل ڪيو وڃي ۽ انهن جي جسماني صلاحيتن جو سڀ کان وڌيڪ موثر استعمال ڪيئن ڪجي.

Managing Pain is another critical area where physiotherapists can support almost any patient. There are many ways in which cancer can cause physical pain. That is where the cancer itself is found. The fact that decreased mobility can lead to stiffness in the joints or muscles is another. Peripheral Neuropathy is a dysfunction of the nerves which causes pain due to damaged nerves. Physiotherapy should resolve these issues by treating them with therapies such as massages or mobilization therapy and by advising patients on how to prevent pain.

لِميديما, the swelling of body parts due to fluid accumulation, is another side-effect of some cancer treatments. Typically this occurs in the arms or the cancer-affected body portion. This fluid is retained if the lymphatic system is damaged, which may occur due to surgery, radiation therapy, infection, or cancer itself due to scarring. Physiotherapists may resolve this by draining the fluid themselves, teaching the patient several exercises, and using different strategies for bandaging.

جڏهن ته فزيوٿراپي پاڻ کي ڪينسر سان معاملو ڪرڻ لاء استعمال نه ڪيو ويو آهي، اهو مريضن جي زندگي جي معيار کي بهتر ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڏيڻ لاء هڪ تمام مفيد طريقو ٿي سگهي ٿو. اهو نه صرف انهن جي ذهني صحت لاءِ اهم آهي پر انهن کي طاقت ۽ آزادي ڏئي ڪري ڪينسر سان منهن ڏيڻ جا ڪجهه طريقا اختيار ڪرڻ جي صلاحيت پڻ رکي ٿو. جڏهن ته ڪينسر سان منهن ڏيڻ لاءِ امڪاني رستن جو تعداد اڪثر مشڪل لڳي سگهي ٿو، فزيوٿراپي مريضن کي طاقت جو بنياد وڌائڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگهي ٿي انهن مان ڪيترن ئي متبادلن جي پيروي ڪرڻ لاءِ، انهن کي مرض کي مات ڏيڻ لاءِ هر ممڪن رستا ڳولڻ جي قابل بڻائي ٿي.

جينيٽورينري پيچيدگيون: Incontinence and sexual dysfunction are normal for men undergoing treatment for Prostate cancer and for women undergoing treatment for bladder or ويڙهاڪ ڪينسر. هڪ پيشه ورانه جسماني معالج پيشاب جي تسلسل کي وڌائڻ ۽ جنسي فعل سان لاڳاپيل درد کي گهٽائڻ لاءِ pelvic فلور جي شدت کي بحال ڪرڻ ۾ مدد ڪري سگھي ٿي.

علاج کان پوءِ نيورومسڪوولوسڪليٽل حالتون

neuromusculoskeletal سسٽم جون حالتون هيٺ ڏنل آهن جراحي. Because of this, a few things to remember need to be discussed briefly.

  • Post-surgery mobility of the shoulder is usually impaired 2-4, so physiotherapy must seek to regain this to enhance patient functional capacity and to place the shoulder in the necessaryRadiotherapypositions.
  • فعال، فعال مدد، ۽ غير فعال رينج آف موشن (ROM) مشق پڻ ڪلهي جي گرڊ لاء سٺو مشق آهن. فزيوٿراپي ڪلهي ۾ مڪمل ROM بحال ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪندي ۽ مٿين انتهاپسندي ۾ لاڳاپيل بيماري کي گھٽائڻ جي ڪوشش ڪندي. 5
  • دستي علاج واري حڪمت عمليون ڪو به وڏو فائدو نه هونديون آهن جڏهن ROMs جي فراهمي کي وڌيڪ بهتر ڪرڻ لاءِ سخت اپر اعضاء جي مشق سان گڏ استعمال ڪيو وڃي.

Musculoskeletal فزيوٿراپي مداخلت پوسٽ-سرجري

هڪ فزيوٿراپسٽ علاج جي منصوبي ۾ شامل ٿيڻ گهرجي:

  • متحرڪ حرڪتون بافتن جي وسعت کي وڌائين ٿيون ۽ حرڪت جي قدرتي نمونن کي وڌائين ٿيون.
  • متحرڪ ۽ بافتن جي وسعت کي وڌائڻ لاء Myofascial ڇڏڻ. 7-10

هڪ فزيوٿراپسٽ انهن خرابين جي علاج لاءِ مختلف قسم جا دستي علاج ڪري سگهي ٿو. اسان هيٺيان ڍڪيندا آهيون:

  • گڏيل متحرڪ ٽيڪنڪ
  • نرم بافتو ڇڏڻ جي ٽيڪنڪ
  • Neurodynamic ٽيڪنالاجي

فزيوٿراپي مداخلت لاء لففيڊيما

Complex decongestive physiotherapy for lymphedema:

This treatment includes skin care, manual lymphatic drainage, bandaging, exercises, and clothing support. Manual drainage of lymphoedema is a massage technique which only involves the surface of the skin. Which follows the lymphatic anatomical pathway. In general, the manual lymphatic drainage technique should start centrally in the neck and trunk to relieve any lymphedema in the main lymphatic pathway, thereby promoting drainage in the arm. Complex decongestive physiotherapy was proposed as the preferred treatment for patients suffering from سيني ۾ ڪينسر. This treatment involves skincare, stretches, stretching, and the treatment of manual lymphedema. If conventional elastic compression was ineffective, complex decongestive physiotherapy has proven to be an effective tool for treating lymphedema. One research reported positive findings in 95 per cent of 400 patients reducing the volume of the affected extremity. A follow-up found that the outcomes of these treatments were sustained for 3 years.


Elevation is widely used to provide the most effective therapy, along with other therapies. Most generally a multidisciplinary approach is used in the treatment of breast cancer where the patient is exposed to massage and exercise. A particular massage technique is usually applied called manual lymphatic drainage. A manual lymphatic drainage is a form of massage that is used to move oedema fluid from distal to proximal areas, and from stagnant areas to healthy lymphatics.


One method of treatment for lymphedema that has proven most effective in the treatment of patients with breast cancer is the use of standard elastic compression garments. Studies found substantial results using simple elastic compression therapy for lymphedema, where 34 per cent of patients reported major reductions in arm oedema at 2 months and 39 per cent of patients at 6 months. Even this result was used in patients over the age of 65.

فزيوٿراپي ثانوي لففيڊيما کي روڪڻ لاء

  • ڪلهي جي عضون لاء ڇڪڻ: Levator scapulae؛ اپر trapezius؛ pectoralis major ۽ ڪلهي جي وچولي ۽ پسمانده گردش ڪندڙ
  • ترقي پسند فعال ۽ فعال مدد ڪيل ڪلهي مشق.
  • فنڪشنل ورزش سرگرميون.
  • Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation مشق.

جسماني سرگرمي

For patients with cancer, exercise is gradually being used as a treatment tool.12 It has become apparent in recent years that exercise has a key role to play in managing and avoiding chronic disease. Physical exercise has proved to be an effective alternative treatment to treat chronic long-term illnesses and has been active in decreasing mortality and increasing overall quality of life. There is ample evidence to support the effects of breast Cancer exercise both before and after Chemotherapy.

Evidence has shown that physical activity and exercise are successful in enhancing the quality of life ( QoL), cardiorespiratory health, and physical functioning in patients with breast cancer and survivors.13 Compared to previous research, this research is evaluated in different components such as protection, aerobic fitness, muscle power, body size and shape, QOL, exhaustion, and ڏڪي. جسماني ورزش ثابت ٿيو آهي هڪ مؤثر متبادل علاج دائمي ڊگهي مدي واري بيمارين جي علاج لاءِ ۽ موت جي شرح کي گهٽائڻ ۽ زندگي جي مجموعي معيار کي وڌائڻ ۾ سرگرم رهيو آهي.

A study of Corneya's 12 existing literature provided an analysis of the impact of exercise on cancer studies. Twelve trials met the inclusion criteria, and the effects of exercise during breast cancer demonstrated statistically significantly beneficial results. More so, the studies showed benefits in terms of exercise efficiency, body weight and overall quality of life.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) addressed cancer survivor recommendations and independently reviewed findings during and after breast cancer. The ACSM compared breast cancer studies using the following headings; health, aerobic fitness, muscle mass, body size and composition, QOL, tiredness, and Anxiety.

اسان ڪيئن مدد ڪري سگهون ٿا؟

ZenOnco.io سان لائيو وڊيو فزيوٿراپي سيشن هاڻي سڄي دنيا جي ماڻهن کي اجازت ڏين ٿا ته هو اسان جي هڪ فزيوٿراپسٽ سان ڳالهائڻ ۽ صلاح ڪن انهن جي گهر جي رازداري ۾. اهو دور دراز علائقن جي ماڻهن لاءِ موزون آهي، گهر جي اڪيلائي، سفر ڪندڙ ماڻهن، يا صرف جسماني طور تي ان کي پنهنجي عام فزيوٿراپي ۾ تبديل ڪرڻ جي قابل ناهي.

اهي هڪ انتهائي مؤثر متبادل آهن منهن ڏيڻ لاءِ ڪمري ۾ ملاقاتن لاءِ، جيئن اسين توهان جو جائزو وٺي سگھون ٿا، تشخيص ۽ مدد ڪري سگھون ٿا مشقن ۽ بحاليءَ جي پروگرامن سان وڊيو ذريعي.

You may also want to get a second opinion about your injury or speak to someone who knows what they are doing. With the right exercises, we will motivate you, correct your shape and technique as well as educate you about what to do next. You can get an online video assessment and inquire about your pain or injury with an initial appointment, as well as a tailored therapy plan specifically designed for you to support you through your recovery. You can also book video consultations as needed.

The benefits of a physiotherapy treatment inZenOnco.io consist of

  • موثر درد ڪنٽرول
  • جامع بحالي ۽ بحالي
  • جوڑوں جي لچڪدار حرڪت
  • توهان جي اعتماد، متحرڪ، ۽ استحڪام کي واپس وٺو
  • ٻين تي گهٽ انحصار
  • زندگي جي بهتر معيار

فزيوٿراپي کي ايندڙ سطح تي منتقل ڪيو ويو آهي، ٽيڪنالاجي ۾ بهتري ۽ جديد سهولتن سان. ڪيترائي جديد علاج شامل آهن:

  • جراحي کان پوء بحالي
  • ڪل گھٹنے متبادل پروگرام
  • Neuromuscular بحالي
  • باقاعده دماغي فالج جو علاج

Physiotherapy could not be the best option for all. Persons with reduced mobility and chronic pain often opt for surgery, rather than physiotherapy. We think surgery is an efficient way of treating the problem. Most physiotherapists nevertheless refer patients to physiotherapy as the first course of action

لاڳاپيل مقالات
اسان هتي آهيون توهان جي مدد ڪرڻ لاءِ. ZenOnco.io تي رابطو ڪريو [ايميل محفوظ ٿيل] يا سڏ + 91 99 3070 9000 ڪنهن به مدد لاء