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ڪنال سنخليچا (Synovial Sarcoma): اها هڪ رولر ڪوسٽر سواري هئي

ڪنال سنخليچا (Synovial Sarcoma): اها هڪ رولر ڪوسٽر سواري هئي

My mother underwent a surgery on 20th June, post which we were doing the hospital rounds for around three to four months. Though she was recommended six Chemotherapy cycles, we went ahead with two. She went through countless emotions, changes in her body, and behaviour during the surgery's recovery month. It was after that she went for Chemotherapy but didn't feel any improvement. On the contrary, she was feeling uneasy and unmotivated. It was then, that I took the reigns in my hands and explained to my mother to switch to alternative methods of treatment. I recommended her to focus on lifestyle changes rather than sticking to the conventional chemical route.

منهنجي ماءُ هڪ گهر واري آهي. اسان هڪ باقاعده هندستاني خاندان آهيون جنهن ۾ اڪثر هندستاني مسئلن جهڙوڪ ٻار کي شادي ڪرڻ لاء گڏ ڪرڻ، عورت تي گهريلو ڪمن جو دٻاء، ۽ ساڳئي طرح. بهرحال، اهو سڀ ڪجهه منهنجي ماء لاء تمام گهڻو هو، جيڪو زور ڀريو ويو. جذباتي دٻاءُ هندستان ۾ پکڙيل آهي، پر اسان اڪثر ڪري پنهنجي پيارن سان ان تي بحث ڪرڻ ۾ ناڪام ٿيندا آهيون. ان کان علاوه، اسان تازو گهر تبديل ڪيو، ۽ اهو پڻ ذهني دٻاء ۾ اضافو ٿيو. توهان جي دماغ ۽ جسم جي حالت جسم ۾ سرطان جي سيلز جي ترقي ۾ اهم ڪردار ادا ڪري ٿي.

اسان پنهنجي ماءُ کي ڪيموٿراپي جي چڪر کان پري رکڻ لاءِ ٻين متبادلن تي سوچڻ شروع ڪيو. مون پنهنجي ماءُ کي چيو ته هو پنهنجي صحت کي بهتر بڻائڻ لاءِ قدرتي طرز زندگي ۽ غذا ڏانهن رخ ڪن. علاج جو رستو چونڊڻ ھڪڙو سڀ کان وڌيڪ مونجهارو ۽ ڏکيو انتخاب آھي جيڪو مون کي ڪرڻو ھو. مون مختلف شعبن ۾ ڪجهه ماڻهن سان صلاح ڪئي ۽ انهن سان ڳنڍيو. متبادل علاج بابت سکڻ جو بهترين طريقو انهن ماڻهن تائين پهچڻ سان آهي جيڪي ساڳي صورتحال ۽ تجربي مان گذريا آهن. اهو تڏهن هو ته مون کي شفا جي پروگرامن تي طئي ڪيو ويو هو.

People often ask me what made me change my mind because steering clear of Chemotherapy seems like a risky choice. The fact is that I am a very natural person who believes that nature is a fantastic healer. I read a lot about alternative healers and reached a firm conclusion. There was a point when I was the only one supporting alternative treatment because I could see my mother's condition deteriorating and I couldn't bear her suffering. My sister and I explored multiple options to find what's ideal. Though everyone around us kept urging us towards chemotherapy, we didn't let fear stop us.

ڪينسر جو علاج هڪ تمام ذاتي معاملو آهي. هرڪو هڪ منفرد جسم آهي ۽ مختلف قسم جا ڪينسر آهن. تنهن ڪري، جڏهن هرڪو مختلف آهي، پوء ڪيئن هڪ علاج سڀني کي پورو ڪري سگهي ٿو؟ هر سرطان جي فائٽر کي اهو چونڊڻ گهرجي ته انهن لاء بهترين ڇا آهي. جيڪڏهن ڪو ماڻهو ڪيموٿراپي سان آرام سان آهي ۽ هو مثبت نتيجا ڏسن ٿا، ته پوءِ انهن کي ان لاءِ سائي پرچم لہرائڻ گهرجي.

Presently, I'm 24 years old, and I have been a Vegan for around one year now. I understand the direct link between your lifestyle and your health. The food you consume is a propeller that decides the direction your body moves in. Convincing others was the biggest challenge because they had not undergone and experienced the body changes that I had. They were virtually unaware of the benefits of what I was suggesting at that point and time. Now, my mother's hair is coming back, and she is having a good time with her family and friends. يوگا هن کي هڪ پرسکون ۽ فٽ جسم برقرار رکڻ ۾ پڻ مدد ڪئي آهي.

My most significant advantage was my access to people with a similar story. I was able to make them understand my beliefs and consequently got an insight into what they had to offer. Not many sufferers have the blessing of such a support system. I have been a person who is always faithful to myself. I follow what I believe in and do not get influenced by others. But, we are also lucky and thankful that our decision has worked out in our favour. With so many striking opinions from everyone around you, such as hospitals, and insurance companies, and likewise, you get to see the ground reality of business and living.

Every 90s kid remembers Captain Planet's words that the power is always inside you. My message to every fighter out there is to believe in yourself and not give up hope. You are only as strong as you consider yourself to be. On the other hand, caregivers must also keep aside a recharge time for themselves. I used to spend time in the hospital the whole week and then take a break on Sunday. Or, I would walk for 10 minutes in the nearby park each day to relax my mind and connect with nature and myself. It's been a rollercoaster ride, but now it is all peaceful.

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