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هيلنگ سرڪل مسٽر اتل گوئل سان ڳالهائي ٿو: ٽي ڀيرا ڪينسر فاتح

هيلنگ سرڪل مسٽر اتل گوئل سان ڳالهائي ٿو: ٽي ڀيرا ڪينسر فاتح

شفا جي دائري بابت

The Healing Circle is a place of sanctity for cancer patients, winners, and caregivers as they share their cancer journey without the fear of bias or prejudice. Our Healing Circle is built on the foundation of love and kindness. Each audience listens with compassion and empathy. They honour each other's unique way of healing through cancer.

ZenOnco.io or Love Heals Cancer does not advise amendment or rescue but believes that we have inner guidance. Therefore, we rely on the power of silence to access it.

اسپيڪر بابت

مسٽر اتول کي مارچ 0.2 ۾ Retro Peritoneum De-diferentiated Lipo Sarcoma (RP DDLS، هڪ انتهائي نادر قسم جو نرم ٽشو سارڪوما، جيڪو صرف 2017٪ سڀني قسمن جي ڪينسر ۾ ٿئي ٿو) جي تشخيص ڪئي وئي هئي. ان کان پوء، هن کي ٻه ڀيرا ٿي چڪا آهن. جراحي، Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy. He lost his left kidney and femoral nerve in the process. He had taken a holistic approach to fighting cancer.

Mr Atul's 5- pronged approaches on his Journey

اهو هڪ 5-جهڙائي وارو طريقو هو جيڪو مون هن سفر ۾ سرطان جي خلاف اختيار ڪيو:

  1. صورتحال کي سمجهڻ ۽ قبول ڪرڻ.
  2. صورتحال کي اپنائڻ ۽ جواب ڏيڻ.
  3. مسئلو حل ڪرڻ جو رستو ڳولڻ.
  4. مسئلا حل ڪرڻ جا طريقا سکڻ ۽ انهن سبقن کي جذب ڪرڻ جيڪي صورتحال مون کي سيکاريا.
  5. منهنجي روزاني زندگي ۾ حل لاڳو ڪرڻ ۽ اڳتي وڌڻ.

هن پنجن پاسن واري طريقي مون کي هن ڪينسر جي سفر ۾ پاڻ کي اڳتي وڌائڻ ۾ مدد ڪئي.

علاج ۽ شفا جي وچ ۾ فرق

Curing is relieving a person from disease through medical treatment, while healing is a process of gaining sound health through the holistic approach which involves body, mind, and soul.

نرم ٽشو سرڪوما- مسٽر اتل جي پهرين تشخيص

I was feeling perfectly alright and didn't have any symptoms at the time of my diagnosis; my diagnosis happened by chance. I am from Jaipur, and I had done my graduation from MNIT. On the occasion of 25 years of our pass-out, we had a silver jubilee celebration at my college. I had shifted to Japan, but every three months, I came to India and had my Ultrasound ۽ رت جون رپورٽون ڪيون ويون، ڇاڪاڻ ته مون کي ٿورڙو ٿلهو جگر هو ۽ هڪ هائپر ٽائونشن جو مريض پڻ هو.

My brother-in-law has a diagnostic centre in Jaipur. So, in December 2016, after the celebration at college, I went to him and got my tests done. My tests were good and I went back to Japan. Later, in February, I again went to India, this time regarding my son's admission to college. He wanted to get his tests done, so we all took the tests along with him. We were expecting that my brother-in-law would say something about my son's food allergy, but he asked me how my health was. I told him I was alright, which I was. He said that the test results were not good, so we had to see what exactly it was. He continued that sometimes this could happen due to technical issues in the lab, so let's have all the tests repeated again the next day to confirm.

مان ليب ۾ ويس ۽ پنهنجا سڀ ٽيسٽ ڪرايا، پر وري رپورٽون ساڳيون هيون. ESR جنهن جي عمر 15 ٿيڻي هئي، 120 هئي، بلڊ ٽيسٽ جون رپورٽون به سٺيون نه هيون، تنهن ڪري هن مون کي سونوگرافي ڪرائڻ لاءِ چيو، ڇاڪاڻ ته هن کي ڪجهه شڪ هو ته اها TB يا جسم ۾ ڪا ٻي انفيڪشن ٿي سگهي ٿي. ، منهنجي WBC ۽ ESR تمام وڏا هئا.

I went for sonography in his lab, but nothing came out of it. The doctor was confused as to why it was so, and then my brother-in-law told him to do the sonography from the backside too. The doctor suspected that there were some black spots, so he referred me for a CT scan immediately.

سي ٽي اسڪين ڪرڻ دوران، ٽيڪنيشن کي محسوس ٿيو ته ڪجهه غلط آهي، تنهنڪري هن مون کي پنهنجي پيٽ تي ليٽڻ لاءِ چيو ته جيئن اهي ڪجهه وڌيڪ ٽيسٽون ڪري سگهن. اهو هڪ FNAC ٽيسٽ، ۽ نتيجا ايندڙ ڏينهن اچڻ وارا هئا.

I had a business meeting in Mumbai, so I went to Mumbai and came back in one day. I called my brother-in-law and asked how the reports were. He told me "It might be TB, so let me consult my doctor friends, and I will get back to you." Two days later, he took us to an oncologist. There, he revealed that there was something wrong in the reports. In the meantime, we got the tests done again in a cancer hospital, but all the reports showed that there is a tumour and it is Retro De-differentiated Lipo Sarcoma, which is a very rare type of soft tissue sarcoma.

اهو حيران ڪندڙ هو ته مون سان اهو ڪيئن ۽ ڇو ٿيو، پر جڏهن اسان ڊاڪٽر سان ڳالهايو ته پاڻ اي ڦڦڙن جو ڪينسر بچيل، هن مون کي هڪ تمام مثبت سوچ ٻڌايو، جنهن منهنجي ذهن کي متاثر ڪيو، ڊاڪٽر تشخيص ڪندا آهن، پر اهو توهان ۽ توهان جو خدا آهي جيڪو اڳڪٿي جو فيصلو ڪري ٿو.

When we came back home, we were in total shock, and I was just questioning myself with questions like Why me? and Why have I been chosen for this? But these thoughts stayed in my mind only for 2-3 hours. Then I started thinking positive thoughts like, till now, God has given me all the rare and good things, so the cancer is also one among the rare ones. I told my wife the same thing, and her reply made me laugh, "In this case, I don't want a rare thing, I just want our life to be completely normal." The only thing we were thinking was to be strong and move forward.

I was diagnosed just two days before Holi. There was a Holi celebration in our society, and thoughts like Is this my last Holi? were creeping up into my mind. But then I went out and celebrated Holi with everyone. After coming back to my room, I made up my mind that the end could not be so soon and that too losing to a disease. This thought was continuous in my mind, along with the thought that I had to do a lot of things before I left this world. So, I shifted my mind completely towards the treatment and was hell-bent on getting positive results.

مان 25 سالن کان جپان ۾ رھيو آھيان. جاپان ۾، بم حملي جي ڪري، اتي تمام گهڻا ڪينسر مريض آهن. ڪينسر هتي عام لفظن ۾ اچي ٿو ۽ هندستان ۾ ممنوع لفظ ناهي. هر ڪو سوچي ٿو ته ان جو علاج به موجود آهي، ۽ اسان ان مان به اهڙيءَ طرح شفا حاصل ڪنداسين، جهڙيءَ طرح ڪنهن ٻي بيماريءَ جو. حقيقت ۾، جاپان ۾ ڪيترائي ڪينسر بچيل آهن جيڪي گهڻو وقت تائين زنده آهن.

مان جپان ۾ پنهنجو علاج شروع ڪرڻ چاهيان ٿي، ان ڪري مان پنهنجي پٽ سان گڏ جاپان موٽي آيو آهيان. اسان وڃي اتي ڊاڪٽر سان ملياسين. هندستان ۾ ڊاڪٽرن جو چوڻ هو ته جيتوڻيڪ اهو هڪ نادر قسم جو ڪينسر آهي پر اهو نرم ٽشوز ۾ آهي نه ڪنهن عضوي ۾ ان ڪري اهي سرجري ڪري نرم ٽشوز کي ٻاهر ڪڍندا ته پوءِ سڀ ڪجهه ٺيڪ ٿي ويندو. پر جڏهن اسان جاپان ۾ ڊاڪٽر سان صلاح ڪئي ته هن رپورٽون ڏٺيون ۽ ٻڌايو ته ٽيومر 20 سينٽي ميٽر آهي ۽ ٽئين اسٽيج تي آهي. هن چيو ته ڳچيءَ کي ٻاهر ڪڍڻو آهي، کاٻي گردو به ڀرجي ويو آهي، تنهنڪري اسان کي گردو به ڪڍڻو پوندو. اهو اسان لاءِ تمام وڏو صدمو هو، پر اسان پرسڪون رهڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي.

ٻن هفتن کان پوء، مان هڪ لاء ويو ايم آر آئي and asked the doctor how the reports were looking now, but he said it was the same as before. The doctor asked me to consult an orthopaedic oncologist. So I went along with a friend to an orthopaedic oncologist who told us, We have to take out your femoral nerve, and added that we would keep a gastro oncologist in the operation theatre on standby so that while doing the surgery, if we find any impacts of cancer on your small intestine, then we can take out some parts of your small intestine too."

عورت جي اعصاب کي ٻاهر ڪڍڻ جا ضمني اثرات هي هئا ته منهنجي ٽن جوڑوں (هپ، گوڏن ۽ ڳچيءَ جو گڏيل) مان ڪو هڪ يا ٻه يا ٽي سڀ متحرڪ ٿي سگهن ٿا ۽ مون کي سڄي عمر لٺ سان هلڻو پوندو. اهو تمام گهڻو پڪو هو ۽ اهو ٻيهر هو، اسان کي هضم ڪرڻ لاء تمام گهڻو.

When we came out of the doctor's office, he invited us to his house as his wife was also a cancer survivor. So I went to his house along with my wife and son. His wife runs a beauty clinic. We met his wife, who was 55 years old but was energetic, happy, and glowing. We got motivated after talking to her. She told us that she had uterine cancer, had undergone جراحي three times and had taken 36 Chemotherapy cycles. She told me to get inspired from her present situation and that I too will be okay soon, just like her. These words gave us immense strength.

We went home and thought that as the cancer was very aggressive, we should take a second opinion. In Japan, it's very challenging to go to a big hospital, but we got the reference to a very good hospital through our friends and that too directly with the director. That was again, a grace of God. We always felt that God held our hand and guided us through our tough times.

That hospital was especially for sarcoma patients, so we thought that we were in better hands. The doctor saw the reports and said "The procedure is the same as the previous doctors told you, and our opinion is also that you go for it with them.

We replied that there was a slight issue regarding the date of the operation, which was scheduled for a much later date. We asked whether they could give us an early date so that we could get the operation done in their experts' hands.

They checked and confirmed my Surgery for 26th July. I continued going to my office till the 20th since I believed that we should try to follow the normal routine as much as we could. Then, just two days before my operation, I was admitted to the hospital. The doctor again explained everything to me. I have a thalassemia trait, so my haemoglobin level never goes more than 10. Because of the tumour, my HB level went down to 6, so the doctors told us that we would do the blood transfusion first, and when the HB level went up, we would proceed with the Surgery.

مان جڏهن آپريشن ٿيٽر ۾ ويس ۽ آپريٽنگ ٽيبل تي ويس ته پهرين ڳالهه مون ٻڌو ”او ايم“. مون شروع ۾ سوچيو ته شايد مون اهو ٻڌو آهي جڏهن کان مان خدا کان دعا گهري رهيو آهيان، پر پوءِ ٻيهر ٻڌم، ۽ مان ماخذ جي ڳولا ۾ پنهنجو ڪنڌ جهڪائڻ لڳس. اينسٽيٽسٽ آيو ۽ پنهنجو تعارف OM ۽ Namaste سان ڪرايو. مون کي حيرت ٿي ته هڪ جاپاني ڊاڪٽر هندي ۾ ڪيئن ڳالهائي سگهي ٿو، پر پوءِ اسان ڳالهايو ته مون کي خبر پئي ته هو هڪ ڊاڪٽر آهي. يوگا مشق ڪندڙ ۽ هندستان جو دورو پڻ ڪيو آهي.

۽ صرف ٿوري واقفيت مون کي آرام سان رکيو ۽ منهنجي سرجري لاءِ مون کي آرام ڪيو.

آپريشن تقريباً 7 ڪلاڪن تائين جاري رهيو. مون کي 2 ليٽر رت جو نقصان ٿيو، ۽ ڪٽ 27 سينٽي ميٽر هو. مون کي منهنجي گردن ۽ femoral اعصاب ڪڍي ڇڏيو آهي. مون کي پوءِ بحالي واري ڪمري ۾ ورتو ويو جتي ڊاڪٽر مون کي پنھنجن ٽنگن، گوڏن ۽ ٽنگن کي ھلڻ لاءِ چيو. حيرت انگيز طور تي، مون کي هر شيء منتقل ڪرڻ جي قابل هئي، ۽ هوء ان تي حيران ٿي وئي. منهنجي صحتيابيءَ تيزي سان هئي ۽ جڏهن اسان گهر موٽي آيا هئاسين، ته مان خوش ٿيس ڄڻ هڪ ٻارڙيءَ مان صحتياب ٿي چڪو هئس.

منهنجو سفر هتي ڏسو

اڻڄاتل واپسي

پهرين فيبروري تي منهنجو باقاعده چيڪ اپ ٿيو، ۽ ڊاڪٽرن چيو ته سڀ ڪجهه ٺيڪ آهي. پر ٻئي ڏينهن مون کي ڊاڪٽر جو فون آيو ته اسان کي ڪجهه شڪ آهي. هنن مون کي صلاح ڏني ته اي PET 8 فيبروري تي اسڪين ڪيو ويو، جيڪو اتفاق سان اسان جي شادي جي سالگره هئي.

اسان 8 فيبروري تي اسپتال وياسون ۽ اسڪين ڪرايو. جڏهن اسان ملاقات جو انتظار ڪري رهيا هئاسين، اسان کي هندستان ۽ جپان کان فون اچي رهيا هئا ته اسان جي خواهش هئي. پر اسان ڪنهن کي به خبر نه ڏني ته اسان اسپتال ۾ آهيون.

We made our food at home, and before the appointment, we had it at a nearby restaurant. It was drizzling too, so it felt like a picnic. While on the one hand, there was the tension, on the other hand, we were enjoying a picnic. I believe in two things, "Life is short; eat the dessert first," and "You do what you can do, and God will do what you cannot do." I've always tried to live my life based on these beliefs.

When we met the doctor, they revealed that a reoccurrence had happened in three places; near the small intestine, diaphragm, and L1. But it was adjacent and small tumours. The news of the relapse was a bigger shock than the first one. We were confused as to how it could happen again when my Surgery went well and I was leading a healthy life. But then I thought that I had come out a winner the first time, so I could do it again too. "No matter what, we should always have a positive attitude."

The doctors said that they would try six Chemotherapy cycles first. After three Chemotherapy sessions, I had my CT scan done, and we got to know that the drug was not effective in my case, as the size of the tumour was increasing. So, the doctors asked for some time to decide whether to go with a different type of chemo or with radiation or operation. Later, they decided to go with radiation. So, I underwent 30 cycles of radiation. The good thing was that after radiation, the size of tumours was reduced, and the activity of cancer decreased.

اسان سوچڻ شروع ڪيو ته اسان ڪيموٿراپي ۽ تابڪاري جي اثرن کي ڪيئن گھٽائي سگهون ٿا، تنهنڪري اسان غذائيت واري حصي تي وڌيڪ ڌيان ڏيڻ جو فيصلو ڪيو.

Mrs Nirupama Shares the Nutrition Part of Mr Atul

We have been eating healthy food for so many years. So initially, when he got diagnosed, it came as a big shock for me because he was very health conscious. We were eating Organic food and were eating everything in moderation. But he was taking sugar because nobody told us that you could not take sugar. It was like if you are taking quality food, you can have some sugar along with it, and that's what we learned at the first stage. Likewise, the first phase had passed, and he was operated on. But when it relapsed, it was a bigger shock because we were living an even healthier lifestyle.

After reoccurrence, I thought that there was something that we were lacking. I have been following a nutritionist for a long time, so I messaged him on Facebook that my husband is a cancer survivor, but he relapsed, so I would like to consult with you. I was not expecting his reply, but then I got a message from his team that I could consult him. So, we got his consultation, and he told us that we were already following a good lifestyle. However, I asked him that as my husband is undergoing chemotherapy, I wanted a proper nutrition plan for him.

I felt that it was a very good decision on our part to take his advice because even though we know what a good lifestyle is, and we get a lot of information from Google, at the treatment time, you need a mentor who guides you and checks on you to find where you are going wrong.

اسان سندس پروگرام جي پيروي ڪئي، ۽ هن اتل جي طرز زندگي کي سٺي نموني سان ترتيب ڏنو. جيڪو اسان بي ترتيبي سان ڪندا هئاسين، اسان باقاعدگي سان ڪرڻ لڳاسين. پوءِ هو شوگر فري، گلوٽين فري ۽ ڊيري فري ويو. ڪيموٿراپي جي بعد جي اثرات لاء، اسان کي ڏنو ويو a تفصيل غذا. مون کي ڏينهن ۾ ٽي دفعا کاڌو تيار ڪرڻو پوندو هو ۽ انهن کي ان جي تصويرن جي تشخيص لاءِ موڪليندا هئا. هو پاڻ گاڏي هلائي رهيو هو، پنهنجي ڪيمو ڏانهن وڃي رهيو هو، واپس اچي رهيو هو ۽ آفيس ڏانهن وڃي رهيو هو. مناسب غذائيت جي ڪري، هو گهڻو صحت مند هو، ۽ سڀئي ڪيمو ۽ تابڪاري اثرات تقريبا صفر هئا.

مان سمجهان ٿو ته جيتوڻيڪ گوگل تي تمام گهڻيون تفصيلون موجود آهن، معلومات ڪجھ به نه تبديل ڪري ٿي، الهام نٿو ڪري. انسپائريشن هڪ مرشد کان اچي ٿي ۽ اهڙيءَ طرح جيڪڏهن اسان وٽ ڪو مرشد نه آهي، صرف معلومات جي پيروي ڪرڻ اسان جي مدد نه ڪري سگهي ٿي، ڇاڪاڻ ته هر فرد جو جسم مختلف آهي، ميٽابولزم ۽ هر شيءِ تي ردعمل. تنهن ڪري ڪڏهن به مشورو وٺڻ کان ڊپ نه ٿيو ۽ توهان جي مرشد لاءِ پروفيسر ڳولڻ جي ڪوشش ڪريو. فائدي جي پيروي ڪئي ويندي.

We won the second battle with the guidance of our onco-nutritionist.

ٽين ريليپس کي روڪڻ لاءِ وڌيڪ هوشيار ٿيڻ

My radiation was finished in July 2018, and after that, we had thought that since this has happened twice even after following the proper diet, we should now look for other alternative treatments that could completely and permanently remove cancer from my body.

We were trying to seek some help from somewhere and were also trying to gather information from someone who had prior experience since I did not want it to happen a third time. One of my friend's wife had renal cancer. She used to be in a terrible condition, with the initial treatment not working on her. She could not even walk without aid. Her husband took her to a Urine Therapy Centre in Anand Kunj. He suggested that centre because those therapies worked for his wife and it's been 5-6 years since she has been cancer-free. I was amazed and he explained the ideas of therapies to me.

We went there and saw that it was a more holistic learning centre. We stayed there for ten days. I did fasting for nine days and also tried urine therapy. I reduced 7-8 kilos weight in just ten days. I learned more about discipline, the importance of yoga, intermittent fasting, pranayama and the effects of meditation on our body. They taught everything in a theoretical and practical way. They told us to avoid the five whites, i.e.

  1. اڇو لوڻ
  2. اڇو کنڊ
  3. اڇي ماني (ڪئم/ ميدا)
  4. اڇا چانور
  5. کير مصنوعات

انهن اسان کي اهو پڻ سيکاريو ته توهان جي جسم ۾ فطرت جي پنجن عناصر کي ڪيئن توازن ڪجي ۽ توهان جي جسم کي ڪيئن محسوس ڪجي. مون اتي جذباتي آزادي جي ٽيڪنڪ (EFT) پڻ سکي.

ٽيون ٻيهر ورجائي

مون آنند ڪنج ۾ سکيل ٽيڪنڪ تي عمل ڪيو. مان جنوري ۾ انڊيا ويو هئس ۽ هر ڇهن مهينن اندر آنند ڪنج اچڻ جو ارادو ڪري رهيو هوس ته جيئن پاڻ کي جوش ڏيان. پر جولاءِ ۾، جڏهن مون پنهنجو سي ٽي اسڪين ڪرايو، تڏهن مون کي خبر پئي ته ڪينسر منهنجي ڦڦڙن کي ميٽاساسائيز ڪري ڇڏيو آهي.

Again, it was shocking, but the position in which it was, was quite disturbing. It was in the centre of the heart and on the upper lobe. If it was on the side, the doctors said they could have cut a part of the lung, and it would have been okay. But in my case, they had to eradicate the upper lobe. My primary doctor said that we could go for Chemotherapy first, but when I went to the chemotherapist, he said that I should do the Surgery itself first. Then, when I went to the surgeon, he said that I should go for chemotherapy, and if it is reduced in chemotherapy, then we will go for the operation as if it doesn't reduce, we may not have a chance of operating at all.

I have some of my school friends in the US who are oncologists, so I talked to them, and they said that I should go for chemo first, but one of them said that if it could be removed, then I should first go for an operation. I went for a second opinion again, and the doctor said that We would do an operation first, and after that, you will never have any breathing problems. You would be free to go high altitude or sky diving as you wished. This boosted our confidence.

Before one month of my operation, one of my friends introduced me to his friend who was doing research on the effects of وقتي تڪڙو on cancer. I got in touch with him, and he asked about my journey. He said that I had been doing quite well, but in order to reach my goal, I had to retrace my steps and see what I missed. He advised me that before the operation, I should start Intermittent fasting for 18 hours and that I should start immediately. It was hard for me, but I managed to do that. It had a very positive effect on my body, my immunity got boosted, and I was ready for my operation. I also did three days of liquid fasting under his guidance before the Surgery. One of my wife's friends did Pranic Healing for me, and it gave me a lot of positivity heading into the Surgery.

I went to the operation theatre with a very positive mindset. I had 3 inches cut on my left side, and the operation was completed in 2-3 hours. Recovery was also speedy and within a week, I came back home.

مسٽر اتل پنهنجي سکيا شيئر ڪري ٿو

I have been a learner from the beginning, and I said to my kids too "You don't die when your heart stops beating, you die when you stop learning." That is what my mantra is, and I always tried to learn more and more about holistic healing and other approaches.

During this journey and before that, too, I think what helped me was reading a lot of inspirational books by authors like Louise Hay. I also did the art of living course in 2007, and that was the beginning of my spiritual journey. After that, in Jaipur, there was a school named Sehaj Marg, which is now famous for the name of heartfulness, where I learned a lot of things. I learned gratitude and constant remembrance. I feel both these go hand in hand. Gratitude is towards some superior force; in the form of God or whatever you believe in, and remembrance is the state of gratitude you are always in, constantly remembering him. So, if we follow these two things in life, then most of our problems get automatically solved.

I learned meditation too. In between my Cancer Journey, I did a course with Sidh Samadhi Yoga (SSY) and learned lots of things there that show how we are responsible for a lot of things in our lives. I also did the Isha Foundation Course.

I have been following a whole integrated approach, and I believe that all the things that happened to me were due to the grace of God, because if you don't have his blessings on you, then you won't seek or work on that path or you won't even know about that path!

The most important thing is, if you are hungry, you never let your hunger die. If the spirit of hunger is there, then only you can achieve what you want to achieve. You set your goal, you achieve it, and every time you have to raise it higher. In my case also, as the first step, I set a goal, and I achieved it, and in the second step, I had to raise it higher. If it was not raised higher, then I wouldn't have achieved what I have achieved, and in the third stage again, the same thing happened. You need to look at how you can improve yourself and set the bar higher with every step in life.

Ms Nirupama Shares Her 'Me Time' Experience

مان هميشه ڪرشنا مندر ويندو هوس، ۽ اهڙيءَ طرح مون پنهنجو وقت ٺاهيو. مان مندر ۾ وڃڻ لاءِ 45 منٽ پنڌ ڪندو هوس، ۽ انهن 45 منٽن ۾، مان اهي ڪم ڪندو هوس، جيڪي مان چاهيندو هوس، ۽ ان مون کي ڏاڍي طاقت ڏني هئي. مان محسوس ڪريان ٿو ته اها تمام گهڻي اهميت رکي ٿي ته سنڀاليندڙ ڪنهن نه ڪنهن طريقي سان پنهنجي لاءِ ڪجهه وقت ڪڍن.

I was with my husband through everything, whether it be changing my diet or going for urine therapy. But when I look back, I feel that I was guided by a force to do that because it gave me and my husband a lot of strength to go through all the things in life. We were always in a positive mindset by God's Grace. Now we are on the stage where we take life as it comes.

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انوشري- منهنجي لاءِ، مان سمجهان ٿو ته اهو سفر مختلف هو، ڇاڪاڻ ته اڪثر وقت، مان هندستان ۾ هئس جيئن مان 11هين ۽ 12هين درجي ۾ هئس، جڏهن اهو سڀ ڪجهه ٿيو. تنهن ڪري، مان انهن ٽنهي کان پري هوس، آپريشن جي وقت ۾ پڻ. اهو ان لحاظ کان مشڪل هو جو مون کي اها پڪ ڪرڻي هئي ته مان به پنهنجي ناني کي طاقت ڏئي رهيو آهيان جيئن مان پنهنجي ناني سان گڏ رهي رهيو آهيان. مان ان لحاظ کان مضبوط ٿيڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري رهيو هوس ته مان نه ٿي چاهيان ته هو اهو سمجهن ته مان ڪمزور ٿي رهيو آهيان. اسان سڀ هڪ ٻئي کي طاقت ڏئي رهيا هئاسين. اسان سڀ مضبوط ٿيڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري رهيا هئاسين.

But I think that mom, dad, and my brother were very strong throughout and did everything very bravely and managed to come out of it. I feel it was a good thing that I was in India because I don't think I would have been as strong as them. But I am glad that I was there after the operation to help my mom, dad, and brother on the journey.

Now my mom and I have a nice time creating innovations, especially when it comes to food items because it's all gluten-free and oil-free, but we still try to make cakes, samosas, and everything for Dad so that he doesn't miss out on anything.

Aditya- When the initial diagnosis happened during Holi, I was in Delhi visiting some of my friends. I wasn't in contact with my parents at that time. So, for me, it was a surprise when I came back to Jaipur. But in hindsight, I thought that the timing was excellent time because I was coming to Japan anyway. I had been in the US for three years before that. For me, it didn't feel very real until the Surgery. Even when the initial diagnosis happened, I felt that if at least I could be with him, it would be something positive for me.

I remember that I didn't have a very emotional reaction until the day of the Surgery. After the Surgery was over, my mom was staying in the hospital overnight. I came back home alone, and I was on the balcony, and that's when I let out a scream because I was like Yes, We did it, the Surgery was successful! That was the only moment when I let out some real emotion. But I think it's essential to let out your feelings periodically because otherwise it could get suppressed inside you so, which won't be a good thing. I feel that it's important to manage your emotions and to talk to the counsellor about how you are feeling throughout the process.

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