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سومن (Glioblastoma ڪينسر)

سومن (Glioblastoma ڪينسر)


It all started back in 2009 when my father went to Ranchi for business purposes. One day, he discovered blood in his urine. He thought that it was summertime and so, it could be because of dehydration. However, he realized there was a problem when the blood reappeared at night. He returned to Calcutta and consulted a general physician. His diagnosis reported that there was a tumour. Needless to say, it needed an operation.

We returned home and then travelled to Chennai for جراحي. The operation was completed in half an hour, and then he got discharged. The reports arrived, and there it was a malignant tumour. We went to the hospital for follow-ups for three months to check if there was a recurrence. None was found, and we were told to return after six months.

جيئن ته اهو خرابيء جو ڪيس هو، مون ڊاڪٽرن سان صلاح ڪرڻ جو سوچيو تاتا يادگار اسپتال، ممبئي. اندروني ۽ بيروني گهڻي مشوري کان پوءِ، اسان منهنجي پيءُ کي واپس ڪئالالمپور منتقل ڪيو. سو، مان ڪي رپورٽون کڻي ڪئالالمپور موٽي آيس. هتي، اسان هڪ ڊاڪٽر سان صلاح ڪئي، جيڪو ڪجهه بلڊ ٽيسٽ پيش ڪيو. چيڪ ڪرڻ کان پوء، هن اسان کي ٻڌايو ته هن کي هڪ سال بعد ٻيهر ڏسڻ لاء.


The positive part was that cancer cells grew slowly in the urinary bladder. So, years went on like this. Just regular follow-ups sufficed. Doctors said that my father would be cancer-free by February 2019, and he would not have to return to the hospital after that.

However, in September 2018, he experienced some issues in his stomach first, and then later, in the head. We thought maybe it was because of some gastric problem. So, we worked on his diet. Later, we consulted a doctor, and many tests were done. Doctors found no issue.

They advised us to consult a psychologist since my father had been sick for a very long time. But, he denied visiting a psychologist. One day, he fell from his bed. He also said that he felt nauseous. Slowly, his left side started to bend.

The doctors said maybe it was a Stroke. All this while, we were in Tripura. When his condition began deteriorating this way, we went to Calcutta. There, we consulted a neurologist. They saw the reports and prescribed some tests.

When reports arrived, none of us were happy. The doctors said that my father had entered the fighter stage, and his days were numbered. It was declared that my father was in Stage 4 Glioblastoma. This means, that he got cancer in his brain.

Since then, my father started having memory loss, and hiccups, and even his voice tone had started to break down. So, we asked the doctors what we could do. They said that there were only two options

جيڪڏهن اسان آپريشن نٿا ڪريون، ته پوءِ Palliative Care جو اختيار هو. آپريشن لاءِ وياسون ته پوءِ Chemotherapy and radiation were required. Considering his condition, we opted for an operation.

After the operation, he underwent radiation, but his condition kept worsening. He was not responding and slipped into a coma. Doctors suggested we bring him home. So, on 16 May, we brought him back home. And on 23 May, he expired.

هاڻي ڪينسر جي مريضن جي مدد ڪرڻ

اسان هميشه هن لاء موجود هئاسين. خدا جي فضل سان، ڪو به مالي بحران نه هو.

منهنجي پيء مون کي متاثر ڪيو. هن جي وفات کان پوء، مون ڪينسر جي مريضن جي مدد ڪرڻ شروع ڪيو. هاڻي مان پڻ هڪ بنياد قائم ڪرڻ جو سوچي رهيو آهيان ڪينسر مريض، هن جي ياد ۾.

جدائي جو پيغام

مان سڀني کي گذارش ڪريان ٿو ته ذهني طور تي تيار رهي. ڪنهن به وقت ڪجهه به ٿي سگهي ٿو. تنهن ڪري، پنهنجن پيارن سان ڳالهايو، ۽ انهن لاء اتي رهي.

پنهنجو پاڻ تي يقين رکو ۽ ذهني طور تي مضبوط رهو، صرف ان ڪري ته مضبوط ٿيڻ کان سواءِ ٻيو ڪو به آپشن ناهي.

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