ચેટ આયકન

વોટ્સએપ એક્સપર્ટ

બુક ફ્રી કન્સલ્ટ

એલિસન રોઝન (કોલોરેક્ટલ કેન્સર સર્વાઈવર)

એલિસન રોઝન (કોલોરેક્ટલ કેન્સર સર્વાઈવર)

તેની શરૂઆત પેટની સમસ્યાથી થઈ હતી

One night, after dinner with friends, I felt like my food was stuck inside me. My આંતરડાની આદતો had also become noticeably different over the last few weeks. But I chalked it up to the food I had been eating or possibly a stomach bug. Finally, when it was obvious to me that something wasnt right, I reached out to my gastroenterologist, who ordered an X-ray. Initially, she had me drink something to help move what they thought was a blockage out of my colon.

After a few days of minor relief, the same feeling of food being stuck inside me reappeared. I went back to the doctor, and we decided it was time to schedule a colonoscopy, since it has been a year a half since my last one. When I awoke from the procedure, my mom told me what my doctor had said. There is something weird growing inside her colon and it is blocking the path. The doctor had done biopsies, and she didnt think it was cancer, but she had no idea what it was.

નિદાને મારું જીવન હંમેશ માટે બદલી નાખ્યું

On June 7, 2012, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. My life as I knew it was changed forever. The irony of it all was that I worked in cancer research and had been doing so for seven years. I was all too familiar with what people go through when fighting cancer. Being so young and naive, I was confused about how this could happen to me, I only knew older people who had colorectal cancer, I didnt think young people were at risk. Through the tears and whirlwind of emotions of the next few days, I was determined to fight and beat the disease. I had a lot of life left to live.

સારવાર સરળ ન હતી

મેં સાડા પાંચ અઠવાડિયા સુધી કીમોથેરાપી અને રેડિયેશનનું સંયોજન કર્યું હતું. મેં થોડો વિરામ લીધો, પછી મારી સર્જરી થઈ, અને પછી મેં ફરીથી કીમોથેરાપી લીધી. અને કમનસીબે, રસ્તામાં મારે થોડી વધારાની સર્જરીઓ થઈ છે. પરંતુ જો કીમોથેરાપી દરમિયાન કંઈક આવ્યું, તો તેઓ મને કોઈ દવા અથવા સારવાર આપશે. જો કિરણોત્સર્ગ દરમિયાન કંઈક આવ્યું, તો તેઓ મને મદદ કરવા માટે દવા આપશે. તેથી તેઓ ખરેખર જાણે છે કે શું થઈ શકે છે, શું થઈ શકે છે તેની અપેક્ષા રાખે છે, અને તેઓ તમને ઉબકાની દવાઓ, પીડાની દવાઓ, રસ્તામાં જવા માટે તમામ પ્રકારની વિવિધ દવાઓ આપે છે.

After two years with the temporary ileostomy, and after several long discussions with my surgeon, I made the hardest decision I have ever had to make: to make my ileostomy permanent and go under the knife again to remove my failed J-pouch, clean up adhesions, and excise all residual rectal tissue. This was a complex, major surgical intervention involving multiple specialists. This was in December of 2016. Today, I am back to work and regular life again, with a little extra baggage, my permanent ileostomy.

સ્ક્રીનીંગ મહત્વનું છે

I go around talking and telling my story because screening did save my life. If I hadnt realized something was wrong and seen my doctor, I am confident I wouldnt be here now talking to you. And I just want people to realize that it can save their lives, it is really not that bad of a screening, you know, method to have. We didnt even go into the fact that you dont even have to do a colonoscopy to be screened, there are other screening modalities that are easy, affordable, at home, you know, stool-based tests that you can do as well. But screening saves lives. And then, unfortunately, if you are diagnosed, you are not alone. There are organizations and support groups that can be there for you, and people within the organization can connect you with other people and your voice, your story can be heard and help save lives, when you are ready, but also the support that you need, they can help you find the resources that you need.

આધાર ખૂબ જ મદદરૂપ હતો

The treatment was very difficult, but I had an amazing support system. I had an amazing care team, family and friends. And they were there every step of the way. With the support of my family, friends, and work, I faced the biggest obstacle I had ever encountered in my life. I knew it wouldnt be easy, but I was determined. I knew a little about colorectal cancer, including that chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation were all in my future.

હું હવે કેન્સર મુક્ત છું

Six years after my initial surgery, I am cancer free and living life to the fullest. The biggest thing I kept telling myself was to stay positive and that I could conquer anything. Along the way I lost friends who were not there for me, sometimes didnt know how I would survive the week, and dealt with fertility and body image issues. But with my doctors and amazing support system I got through it all, I can proudly call myself a survivor.

કેન્સર પછી જીવન 

 I still struggle daily with side effects related to my cancer, but those seem very small compared to what I have already dealt with. Anyone that knows me knows that cancer has not stopped me from doing anything. If anything it has motivated me to do more. I am a nine-year survivor, and I am living my best life possible with my ostomy. But at the beginning, its not as easy as, Okay, this is no big deal.  And this is why I got involved in the coalition. I met my first other patient survivor when I went to that race, when I was first diagnosed, and they just understood what I was going through and they helped me get it. They were a perfect stranger, but they helped me get through some of the hardest times throughout my treatment because no one I knew at that time had gone through what I was about to go through or what I was currently going through. 

અન્ય માટે સંદેશ 

હું મારી વાર્તા એવા કોઈને પણ કહું છું જે સાંભળશે કે આંખ ખોલવાના પ્રયાસમાં કે કેન્સર યુવાન વયસ્કોને થઈ શકે છે જ્યારે તેઓ ઓછામાં ઓછી અપેક્ષા રાખે છે. અન્ય લોકોને મદદ કરવાથી મને વર્ષોથી હું જેમાંથી પસાર થયો છું તેમાંથી સાજા થવામાં મદદ કરી છે. હું યુવા પુખ્ત કેન્સરના દર્દીઓ માટે, અસરકારક દર્દી અનુભવ પર કામ કરતા જૂથો અને રાજ્ય અને રાષ્ટ્રીય સ્તરે નીતિગત કાર્ય માટે સમિતિઓમાં મારો સમય સ્વયંસેવક આપું છું. ક્લિનિકલ સ્ટાફને ડિલિવરી કરવામાં અને દર્દીઓને શક્ય તેટલી શ્રેષ્ઠ સંભાળ પ્રાપ્ત કરવામાં મદદ કરવા માટે હું મારા કામના અનુભવ અને કેન્સર સાથેની વ્યક્તિગત લડાઈ બંનેનો ઉપયોગ કરું છું.

સંબંધિત લેખો
જો તમે જે શોધી રહ્યા હતા તે ન મળ્યું હોય, તો અમે મદદ કરવા માટે અહીં છીએ. ZenOnco.io પર સંપર્ક કરો [ઇમેઇલ સુરક્ષિત] અથવા તમને જરૂર પડી શકે તે માટે +91 99 3070 9000 પર કૉલ કરો.