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Jayant Dedhia (aidant naturel) : Une alimentation saine a sauvé ma famille

Jayant Dedhia (aidant naturel) : Une alimentation saine a sauvé ma famille

My wife belongs to Mumbai, and all her treatment was done there. She was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer in 2009. Her left breast had been affected, and she underwent 21 cycles of chemotherapy. Precisely, she needed six cycles of chemotherapy for 21 days and 15 weekly cycles. Additionally, she required six radiation sittings.

L'histoire se répète:

My brother and father have already been cancer fighters. So, my wife was well aware of a cancer patient's pain. She was not novel to such a situation. As soon as her cancer du sein was detected, the first thing I did was to explain only one thing. I told her I would ensure she gets treated at the best hospital by the best specialists, but what she eats during her treatment is entirely up to her.

Être l'épouse d'un pharmacien :

Il y a peut-être des choses qu'elle aime manger, et il y a peut-être des choses qu'elle déteste, mais elle doit oublier ses papilles gustatives et se concentrer sur sa guérison. Je suis pharmacien et j'ai vu d'innombrables patients atteints de cancer au cours de leurs combats. Je comprends comment fonctionnent les choses dans ce domaine, et une alimentation saine est la clé d’une récupération rapide et efficace.

La saga des remèdes maison :

My family has always been inclined to home remedies. For example, when anyone has a bad cough at home, we do not rush to the store to buy medicines. On the contrary, we use rice water for quick healing, and it has always been active. Our traditions profoundly influence our perspective, precisely what motivated my wife to eat healthily.

We did not seek external help or anything of that sort during the battle. People were amazed when they heard my wife was not bedridden even for a day. So, also, when she underwent stressful chimio sessions, she would wake up early at home, pack tiffin for my children, look after me, and function as she did earlier.

We never treated my wife as a patient or made her incapable of doing any activity. It is crucial to keep the sufferer active at home because the moment they sit idle, they start thinking about their problems and ill health. Though onlookers may not realize psychological functioning and mental state must also be cured. The patient is already undergoing so much, so the last thing they need is extra stress or tension from external sources.

Régime équilibré:

J'ai toujours reconnu l'importance d'une alimentation saine et équilibrée. Ce que vous mangez a un impact sur votre guérison. Il est logique de penser que les aliments nutritifs peuvent stimuler votre guérison, alors que les plats indésirables peuvent faire le contraire. Je suis fier de ma femme qui suit quotidiennement un régime alimentaire approprié qui l'a aidée à maintenir son niveau d'énergie,  numération plaquettaire, and bodily functions. It also helped her to tackle the common side effects of chemotherapy. Unlike most other cancer fighters, my wife did not experience any nausea or puking.

Soin critique:

Le soutien des membres de la famille est essentiel pour aider le combattant du cancer à se rétablir. Même si j'ai répété à plusieurs reprises qu'ils devaient suivre un régime, j'estime que c'est la tâche des membres de la famille de participer au processus et de nourrir le patient. Ils doivent essayer de rendre les aliments nutritifs aussi savoureux que possible. Dans le cas contraire, le patient ne pourra pas les consommer quotidiennement.

I want to share some of the primary things we implemented. Items such as wheatgrass juice, aloe vera, and soaked dried fruits are essentials. Here, family members can participate by soaking the dried fruits the previous night, giving aloe vera in the morning, and making fresh wheatgrass juice.

L’une des meilleures soupes qui ont aidé ma femme à récupérer plus rapidement était une soupe entièrement naturelle que nous préparions à la maison. Il contient de nombreux ingrédients, tels que des pilons, du neem, du curcuma, du tulsi, etc. De plus, nous avons un autre plat qui comprend des lentilles vertes (moong) que nous écrasons d'abord puis mélangeons avec du ghee de vache frais. Ajoutez-y quelques gouttes de citron et rendez-le délicieux ! Du point de vue du patient, son appétit est considérablement réduit.

In such a situation, it becomes challenging for them to have raw food items. You can easily find these items at home, and they do not burn a hole in your pocket. Moreover, you get adequate protein at home. I choose green lentils over other pulses because kidney beans can be hard to digest.

Lorsque nous discutons des choses à éviter, le pétrole est l’une des pires choses que l’on puisse consommer. Il a une faible valeur nutritionnelle et nuit aux organes du corps. Évitez le sucre et les aliments frits à tout moment. Aucun d’entre nous ne peut défier le destin, mais nous devons prendre des précautions et combattre le cancer de toutes nos forces.

Le rôle du Gau Jharan distillé (Bos Indicus):

Un élément très débattu en Inde est l'urine de vache. Alors que certains ont parlé de ses bienfaits pour la santé, certains plissent le nez rien qu’à cette pensée. Mais personnellement, ça a été une aubaine. Une fois distillée et purifiée, Bos Indicus ou Desi Cow Urine possède plusieurs propriétés anticancéreuses pour ceux qui ne le connaissent pas. Mais cela ne signifie pas qu’un patient peut le boire comme une boisson. Mélanger une cuillerée avec cinq cuillères d’eau est la meilleure façon de consommer l’urine de vache.

Médecins coopératifs :

I did not face any problems with the doctors. Being from this field myself, I was thankful to meet the right people who extended full and hearty support along the journey.

Extorsion rampante :

Cependant, je veux saisir cette opportunité et sensibiliser les autres à l’extorsion dans ce domaine. Les hôpitaux bien connus et réputés promettent de ne facturer aux patients que le MRP. Cependant, cela coûte très cher et je ne pense pas que le commun des mortels puisse se le permettre.

L'indisponibilité des médicaments génériques :

The authorities take advantage of people's helplessness, and the masses have no other options. The Government must look into this and take strict action to curb such practices. There must be better regulations to stop this behavior from medical workers. Things that are supposed to be priced at 2000 are sold at 15000. Though I did not face this difficulty, I spoke on behalf of thousands of others.

Éviter les traumatismes :

My wife did not have a particular role model during her fight, but every family member was there for her. It is common to have visitors over who want to meet the patient and share their thoughts. However, I have noted that these visitors often share negative instances more than positivity. This can lead to severe trauma for the fighters. It is vital to create an optimistic vibe.

Another thing to remember is that visitors may often be exposed to outside pollution, germs, and bacteria. Now, the patient's body is weak from the chemotherapy sessions and functions on reduced immunity. It is a sensitive period, and the patient must be protected from any possible infection. In a nutshell, restrict the visitors you have!

L'épisode de mon père :

My father was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma at an initial stage in 1990. At that time, he needed 12 cycles of chemotherapy to recover completely. Here, it is first essential to understand the period I refer to. Despite countless medical and technological advancements, it was nowhere close to where we stand today. So, today we can easily find antidotes to fight nausea and vomissement. But at that time, there was no such antidote. I remember seeing my father go through a lot, and we would genuinely feel his pain and suffering.

En avance sur son temps :

Today, social media is a dominant part of our lives. The worldwide web has enabled us to find any solution we want. There are many articles on home remedies for treating cancer, different treatment methods, pros and cons, side effects, and whatnot. But none of this existed at that time. My father was treated for six months, and today he is okay. So it's true that our lives have had several challenges, but we always tried our best to fight back and emerge victoriously.

I see a stark difference between the mindsets earlier and today because that was a time when the sufferer would hide his pain to give strength to everyone around him. My father would inspire us that everything will be perfect and that there is nothing to worry about. These words were more than reassuring and gave us a renewed sense of happiness and hope. Today he is 82 years old and as active as his age permits.

Conseils des médecins :

I had already started working in this field, so that time, too, I was fortunate to meet the right doctors who showed us the right path. Even when my father was battling cancer, he was not bedridden or showed no lack of work motivation. Each day he would sit at the shop and fully participate in the chores. His willpower is commendable and sets an example for the older and newer generations.

Les bénédictions d'une communauté soudée :

Last but not least, we faced no financial constraints because our close-knit community was always available to help one another. With such supportive people around us, we thank God daily for giving us courage and sensibility.

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