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Divya Par (cancer du sang): rien ne pourrait m'arrêter

Divya Par (cancer du sang): rien ne pourrait m'arrêter

Attendre quelque chose est très important. J'aime apprendre de nouvelles choses. J'étais une fille très silencieuse, mais maintenant je souris beaucoup plus qu'avant.

Diagnostic du cancer du sang

In 1991, when I was just 11 years old, I had red spots on my hands and legs. I was excited about taking off from school and going for a check-up, but that excitement immediately dropped when the doctors said I had to get admitted. I was diagnosed with Acute MyeloidLeukemia. But I didn't know then that I hadLeucémie.

Traitement du cancer du sang

I underwentChimiothérapieand bone marrow transplantation. I was among the first few people going for a bone marrow transplant. My sister was my donor, and I am very grateful to her. It took a long process.

My family was of great support to me. The Blood Cancer treatment was painful; my throat was sore, and I couldn't drink or eat. Sometimes, I would feel very lonely because I would see the entire world pass by, and I was sitting, not doing anything. My mom and uncle were there for me. My uncle used to come and play with me.

Les élèves partaient en voyage scolaire, mais j'étais toujours laissé de côté parce que c'était trop risqué. C’est devenu la motivation de combat dont j’avais besoin pour traverser toutes ces choses et profiter de tout, et personne ne m’arrêterait.

I had lovely hair, and I lost them completely, and to date, I have not gained it back. I have scars on my neck, and I was so hesitant to show these scars for a long time. Everyone used to ask me why that scar was there. I didn't open up much because I didn't want to talk about it; I used to go into my cocoon and not talk about it, but now I take it as a proud scar, which shows what I survived.

The doctors said I could not conceive, but my father decided that my education and self-dependency were more critical. It was a life-changing experience. I had a very focused mind. I did my Master's, and it made me an influential person. My parents were proud of me when I completed my Master's. I got so much into physical exercises and did Zumba, steppers, cycling, etc. I also did hiking, trekking, and everything I had always wanted to do. I worked in California for seven years. I met my husband there, who understands me and has been a blessing. He has helped me break all the exterior walls I had built.

I had a very fantastic career, but later I decided that I wanted to do something else. I am now doing craniosacral therapy and learning to become aYogainstructor. I want to reach out to people in a holistic way. I am also training to become an emotional freedom technique practitioner.

I feared a phenyl smell for many years because that would remind me of the hospital. I DROPPED IT when I realised it was a minor thing troubling me. It's a long process, but it all gets better.

Je deviens asthmatique lors des changements de saison et je veux un inhalateur, mais Sudarshan Kriya m'a aidé à m'améliorer. Ma santé physique s'est beaucoup améliorée. Je suis maintenant une personne plus amusante et indépendante.

L'acceptation est essentielle

Accepting what has happened to you and accepting that it's not your fault is essential.

Accepter son état du temps à un moment particulier de sa vie est essentiel.

Firstly, I didn't know that it would be a long journey. I thought it would be just for a month or so. Later, I realized what was happening, and my sister was always with me, which helped me a lot.

Initially, I was happy that I was pampered and loved it so much. Later, I focused more on education and used to feel motivated whenever I got good grades. I was never afraid to explore. During my master's, I explored cooking and went to New Zealand, South America, and Europe. I love travelling, and when I was in the US, I have seen 40% of the National parks. I enjoyed everything because I waited stuck at a point for a very long time, and I didn't want to waste any opportunity to explore.

Message d'adieu

Have patience. It is painful, and you feel as if your whole life is disturbed but do not worry about it; you will get through this and do much better things. Hang in there; don't lose hope.

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