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Dr Gauri Bhatnagar (cancer du sein) : Souvenez-vous de moi en tant que combattant

Dr Gauri Bhatnagar (cancer du sein) : Souvenez-vous de moi en tant que combattant

Diagnostiqué d'un cancer du sein in December 2015, and my treatment started in the new year. My Surgery took place on 1st January, and I underwent 28 cycles of Radiotherapy and 8 sessions of Chimiothérapie. Au départ, le diagnostic concernait le côté droit de mon corps. Cependant, j'ai ressenti une vive douleur au côté gauche en décembre 2016 et ma lésion a été étroitement surveillée. Lorsque la lésion a présenté des changements en 2018, j'ai subi une tumorectomie.

Presently, I need to take a monthly injection that helps my body to suppress the production of hormones. So, what mainly happened was that the various hormones in my body fuelled my breast tumour.

De plus, je prends des comprimés pour arrêter la production d'hormones dans tous les tissus. Ce que beaucoup d'entre nous ne savent pas, c'est que les hormones présentes dans le corps peuvent également être le résultat direct des différents aliments que nous consommons. Ainsi, j'ai pris toutes les mesures possibles pour me protéger

A pervasive question that many people ask me is what else did I do to accelerate my recovery? Well, one of the most effective treatments was pranic healing. Even after my successful # et la guérison du cancer, j'ai ressenti une immense douleur. Parfois, des activités de base telles que respirer et avaler de la nourriture semblent également herculéennes. Dans une telle situation, la guérison pranique a joué un rôle majeur dans le soulagement de mon stress et de mes courbatures.

I took professional training and now continue to practice it at home. Moreover, personal research on lifestyle changes has also helped me excel. While I was undergoing treatment, I realized several flaws in the medical system. Being from the healing profession myself, I was quickly able to grasp how tumours develop and affect the body. But, thinking from a layman's perspective, I feel that doctors must give more time to patients and explain the changes happening in their bodies.

The sufferer must have a support team. Moreover, there is zero psychological counselling to help the patients cope with treatment side effects and changes. For example, I experienced severe bone Pain because my treatment depended on my bone marrow. Yet, I was uninformed of it, and I was under the impression that it is a side-effect of Chemotherapy. You see, this is vital information that can prepare a patient for what to expect and make them stronger, both mentally and physically.

Last but not least, each hospital must have a cancer specialist dietician who can give a list of correct dos and don'ts to each patient.

Mon mari et moi sommes dentistes. J'ai une jeune fille qui avait trois ans et demi au moment du diagnostic et du traitement. C'était très difficile de rester loin de ma fille, qui dépendait totalement de moi. C’est à ce moment-là que j’ai demandé de l’aide à ma mère, et elle s’est occupée de nous tous avec altruisme. Sans aucun doute, mon Traitement du cancer du sein and ill-health have taken a toll on my work. I entirely avoid radiographic exposure at work and focus more on myself before my clients. It is surprising when visitors exclaim how can a doctor get Breast Cancer. It seems such a necessity to remind them that doctors are also humans!

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was unable to accept that a health-driven working woman like me could develop malignant cells in my body. But in retrospect, I realize that irregular working hours deprived my diet of essential nutrients. Moreover, I was under severe Stress for the past one or two years regarding different personal issues.

Presently, I take supplements such as turmeric, immunity boosters, probiotic, and Vitamine D. Instead of consuming wheat and gluten, I have increased the intake of millet and whole grains. One food item to altogether avoid is white refined sugar and jaggery. Instead of that, it seems a great idea to opt for coconut sugar. I use it even when I am trying different desserts at home!

Je n'utilise pas d'huile et de ghee ordinaires lors de la préparation des repas quotidiens à la maison. Au lieu de cela, je suis passé à la moutarde et à l'huile d'olive pressées à froid et à l'huile de noix de coco. Croyant aux thérapies naturelles, j'incorpore des jus et des légumes verts dans nos routines.

My biggest motivation to get well faster was my daughter. All I wanted was to heal as soon as possible and be there by her side. Around six months before my diagnosis, I started practicing Buddhism. It gave me a lot of strength and courage to come to terms with my problems, and I took it in my stride. I read intensively and immersed myself in growing intellectually. Out of those, some of the most remarkable books were Richard Causton's The Buddha In Daily Life et de The Power of The Subconscious Mind. I learned how to transform my karma in a better way, and the effects your mind can have on your body. Moreover, my previous healthy lifestyle also helped me to respond better to my treatment.

Je veux éduquer tout le monde Cancer du sein patients that cancer is only a word and not a death sentence. It should not be treated as a definite termination. Instead, you must focus on ways to heal.

When I was undergoing painful chemo sessions, I never thought that we were killing the cancer cells. I always pictured that I was transforming some malnourished cells into healthy ones. It helped me remain positive.

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