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Keerthana Thiriveedhi (Cáncer cerebral)

Keerthana Thiriveedhi (Cáncer cerebral)

Síntomas del cáncer de cerebro

It all started with an extreme headache. When I bent down, I felt everything flowing downwards and then flowing backwards. I initially suspected it could be related to asthma, so I consulted a doctor. However, he attributed it to stress and recommended seeing a psychiatrist. Despite this, I was skeptical because I knew stress wasn't the cause.

Más tarde, mi papá me sugirió ir a un neuromédico. Pero cuando fui a un neuromédico, me refirió a un neurocirujano. Así que vinimos a Hyderabad, consultamos a un neurocirujano y nos hicimos una resonancia magnética. En los informes encontramos que es un El cáncer de cerebro tumor, pero no estaba al tanto de la noticia de que me habían diagnosticado Ependimoma Grado 2.

Tratamiento del cáncer de cerebro

Estaba encantado y esperaba con ansias el La cirugía porque pensé que podría detener mis dolores de cabeza. Incluso mi madre esperaba con ansias la cirugía con la misma mentalidad.

Los médicos habían discutido con mi hermano y no con mi madre ni conmigo que podría terminar perdiendo la vista, las extremidades o la marcha. Podría ser todo o todo, y yo ni siquiera sabía nada de esas cosas en ese momento.

Fueron cuatro horas y media de cirugía muy agresivas. Los médicos casi extirparon el 99%, por lo que mis nervios faciales, nervios ópticos y todo se vieron afectados. Perdí la vista, la capacidad de hablar y oír, y ni siquiera podía caminar.

Every day in the hospital was a struggle. I didn't know if I would wake up each morning. I developed pneumonia and had to undergo a tracheostomy. With the tube in place, I couldn't open my mouth or speak for three and a half months. My mother was worried if I would ever regain the ability to speak.

My face was paralyzed; I couldn't move any part of it. I remember my brother asking me to smile, but I couldn't even convey that I was smiling inside because I couldn't move my lips. I couldn't express anything through my facial expressions, and I couldn't even write properly because of my impaired vision.

To make things worse, my creatinine used to shoot up to 6, and doctors were confused about whether to do dialysis or not because I already had a lung infection. So, they didn't take the risk and gave me medicines and increased my water intake. After one week, point by point, the creatinine level started to decrease.

Later, my radiation started. But I had surgery on the backside of my head, and there was a big bulge there. When I laid down for my radiation, I almost lost consciousness, so again the radiation would be canceled and rescheduled for some other day. Every week, doctors used to perform a lumbar puncture before radiation. Even the doctors were worried that too many lumbar punctures could affect my spine, but they had no other choice. That process was harrowing, so every day, I felt like I didn't want to go through with it, but somehow, I managed to complete my radiation.

One day I had a fall, and again, it created a very panic situation because I had undergone surgery and already had a big bump on my head. I was immediately taken for scans and other tests, but fortunately, nothing had gone wrong. Later, I was given physiotherapy sessions where I was taught how to sit on a chair, how to walk forward, backward, and sideways, how to swallow food. I had to relearn everything from scratch and used to ask my parents how to do simple things because I couldn't even remember those things.

Pero finalmente, me dieron de alta del hospital con éxito, e incluso me quitaron la traqueotomía.

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Incluso después de llegar a casa, solo estaba en mi tubo de Ryles. Después de un año, podía ver, pero solo podía ver imágenes borrosas.

My eyes don't move sideways. I developed a squint after surgery, and because of that, I have double vision, even now. I used to bump into doors because I could see two doors, and I could not figure out which one was the original. Because I couldn't see correctly, I lost my balance and used to sway when I was walking or standing.

I underwent eye Surgery in 2015, but it was not successful. I had dry eyes and a dry mouth. I could have lost my corneas because of the dryness, but I used to put eye drops frequently to keep my eyes moist. Because of the dry mouth and absence of saliva, I couldn't eat spicy food; I'd lost a protective layer to my teeth, so they became so brittle that even if I bit a biscuit, my teeth would break off. I underwent 12 root canal treatments, and all my four wisdom teeth were removed.

Every dental procedure was more excruciating than my radiation. I used to cry silently on that dental chair every time. I couldn't even open my mouth. It had to be done in 2-3 sittings as I couldn't stand all that Pain in one sitting. Saliva plays a vital role in our body that no one is aware of or cares about, but I do now.

Cuando tuve radiación, perdí las cejas y el cabello y tenía parches en la cabeza. Entonces, cuando llegué a mi departamento, la gente literalmente se asustó incluso de mirarme.

My face had changed completely due to the Surgery. I still don't know how that happened. It took me around three years to accept my face because, by the age of 25, your brain registers how you look. When I look in the mirror, it's not me; it's someone else, and it took me a very long time to accept it. Anyways, I couldn't see correctly, but still, even if I looked in a mirror, I couldn't recognize myself. It used to take a moment to realize that okay, that's me.

Después de la parálisis facial debido a la cirugía inicial por cáncer cerebral, un lado de mí había mejorado, pero el otro no mejoró en absoluto, por lo que mi cara solía estar retrasada en un lado. Después del alta, el La fisioterapia para mi cara se prolongó durante dos años. Solían darme estimulación electrónica para estimular mis nervios. Ese fue otro procedimiento doloroso.

It took a year for the bulge to go away, and the fluid in my head applied pressure on my optic nerves, causing them to swell. My neuro-ophthalmologist was concerned after looking at the scan reports because the nerves were swollen, and if the pressure increased, I could have lost my eyesight forever. He wanted my neurosurgeon to address the fluid, but my neurosurgeon was hesitant to perform any procedure because it would require placing a stand inside to drain the liquid, which could pose further risks if he needed to open my brain again. He couldn't take the risk of the Surgery and preferred to wait. I was very confused because both options were risky, and I am still waiting for the right time to undergo the Surgery and fully regain my eyesight.

After that, I wasn't happy staying at home with all these thoughts swirling around in my mind, so my brother approached an advertising agency, since that is what I had always wanted to do. He asked them as a favor if I could come to the office for 3-4 hours to boost my morale. They were such wonderful human beings that they agreed. Despite the paralysis, I wasn't able to sit, walk, talk, or even see properly, but still, they decided to let me in, and I am still working with them in the HR department.

I can't do what I want to do, even basic things like playing badminton or running or walking like everyone else. I love playing badminton, but now I can't because I cannot estimate or judge correctly, and it gives me a kind of bumpy feeling in the head and results in a headache. I can't step out on roads because I can't see properly. But I don't want to look at it that way; I am fine, and I am going to do it. I am never going to give up; I am not accepting defeat.

Mi motivación a lo largo de mi viaje contra el cáncer de cerebro

La motivación la recibo de mi familia, médicos y enfermeras. No podría haber hecho nada sin ellos. Cada momento, cada segundo estuve y sigo luchando, pero no quiero rendirme por el bien de la familia. Tenía sólo 25 años cuando me diagnosticaron cáncer cerebral. Ependimoma. Tenía muchos más sueños y visiones de mi vida. Planifiqué mi educación. Quería tener un negocio y solía decirles a mis amigos que empezaran a leer el periódico y que algún día seguramente leerán un artículo sobre mí como una empresaria exitosa. Ser una empresaria exitosa era mi sueño.

When I was on a wheelchair or stretcher, I used to look around at people in the hospital, all of my age, smiling, walking, doing everything, and I used to ask myself why I am like this? But now, I need to get over all these. I need to go and chase my dreams. Now, I want to have a happy and healthy life, and I wish that for everyone. Only if you have health, you can do anything. I see people running behind material possessions, but they don't realize that they are doing so, putting their health at risk.

I used to sketch. I love painting, and I do pencil sketching. Even without proper vision, I wanted to do something for my doctor, so I made his sketch. I also used to play the guitar. My brother used to take me out on the hospital campus so that I could spend some time in greenery. All these things used to relax my mind amidst all the chaos. Initially, I was not fond of going to the top floor of the hospital to watch the view, but gradually, that became one of my most favorite parts of the day for which I used to wait for my brother.

Gané mucha confianza después de ir a la oficina. Ahí nadie me discrimina; todos me animan.

mis aprendizajes

I believe that life doesn't challenge you with things you can't handle. It only gives you whatever you can handle. Many miracles have happened in my life. I have learned to be positive. I don't complain; instead, I count my blessings that I have an amazing family and got a fantastic set of doctors.

I believe that life doesn't challenge you with things you can't handle. It only gives you whatever you can handle. Many miracles have happened in my life. I have learned to be positive. I don't complain; instead, I count my blessings that I have an amazing family and got a fantastic set of doctors.

Mensaje de despedida

Nunca te rindas, no mires el lado negativo y nunca te desmotives. Es tu vida; Tienes que lidiar con ello. Nunca permitas que nadie te compadezca o llore delante de ti porque eso te debilitará. No te desmotives y tampoco dejes que tu familia se desmotive. Superarás esto. Patada células cancerosas fuera de su cuerpo.

Los cuidadores también deberían ser positivos. Nunca permitas que las personas que vienen simplemente te den el pésame, porque, al final del día, solo eres tú y tus seres queridos. Excluye toda la basura de tu vida.

Puntos clave del viaje de curación de Keerthana Thriveedhi

  • Todo empezó con un dolor de cabeza extremo. Cuando me inclinaba, sentía que todo fluía hacia abajo y luego hacia atrás. Pensé que podría ser algún problema relacionado con el asma, así que consulté a un médico, pero pensó que todo era por estrés. Después de consultar con algunos médicos más, me diagnosticaron ependimoma de grado 2.
  • Me sometí a radiación y cirugía por mi tumor de cáncer cerebral, pero esa cirugía fue muy agresiva. Afectó mis nervios faciales, los nervios ópticos, no podía ver correctamente, desarrollé un estrabismo y hubo muchos más efectos secundarios.
  • Después de la cirugía, mi cara cambió por completo. Ni siquiera puedo reconocerme a mí mismo. Me tomó tres años aceptar mi rostro. No puedo hacer ni siquiera las cosas básicas que quiero, pero en lugar de quejarme, prefiero contar mis bendiciones. Tengo familiares y médicos increíbles; sin su apoyo no hubiera podido hacer nada.
  • Nunca te rindas, no mires el lado negativo y nunca te desmotives. Es tu vida; Tienes que lidiar con ello. Nunca permitas que nadie te compadezca o llore delante de ti porque eso te debilitará. No te desmotives y tampoco dejes que tu familia se desmotive. Superarás esto. Elimina el cáncer de tu cuerpo.

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