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Farida Rizwan (sobreviviente de cáncer de mama)

Farida Rizwan (sobreviviente de cáncer de mama)

My cancer was diagnosed in 1996. It was 3rd stage breast cancer. And contrary to popular belief that if we breastfeed our baby, we cannot have cancer, I was breastfeeding my 11-month-old baby when it got detected.

Empezó con un bulto

First of all, I noticed a lump in my breast, but I ignored it. Later, it took the shape of a hard, bony structure. Different tests confirmed that it was 3rd stage breast cancer. Although I have a family history of cancer—my father and sister had cancer—I was not ready to accept it.

mi primera reaccion

When I came to know about the disease, the first thing that came to my mind was that I had to get rid of it. I had a 4-year-old and an 11-month-old baby. I was feeling very bad for them. I used to think about who would care for them if I was not there. My family was going through a very bad time. My father and sister both had cancer. My family had experienced the worst part of this disease. My father had horrible side effects during treatment, and my sister got scared of it; she did not agree to treatment. Without treatment, her situation became worse.

 Entonces, después de recibir el diagnóstico, lo primero que me vino a la mente fue que tenía que sobrevivir. Tenía que vivir para mi familia y mis hijos. Tengo que hacer todos los esfuerzos posibles para curarme.


I was diagnosed with cancer on 8th April 1996, and my operation was done on 28th April. It was followed by chemotherapy. I believe that timely diagnosis and proper treatment can save a cancer patient. Initially, when I was diagnosed, I had only one thing in my mind: I have to live for my children, maybe 5 years, 10 years, or 15 years, but I am happy that now it is going to be 25 years. My daughter is a special child, so I was not in a position to take proper treatment in a specialized cancer hospital. I stayed with my daughter at Bangalore Children Hospital, and my doctor used to come there to treat me. He also decided that was the best option considering the age of my children. I trusted my doctor. I have faith in traditional treatment. It all worked in my recovery.

Una nueva vida

The best part of my life has come after cancer. I never took my life seriously before. I just went with the flow, for my husband and kids were my priority. When I had cancer and was on the verge of losing my life, I wondered why I came into this world? If I lose my life today, what is my contribution to society? What have I done for myself, other than living for others? It gave me an insight. I decided to take care of myself and give priority to myself. I decided that I was not going to waste my life.

Estudié de nuevo. Hice mi maestría en consejería. Hice muchas cosas después del cáncer que no hubiera hecho de otra manera. Iba con la corriente. El cáncer fue el catalizador que sacó a relucir mi potencial interior. Fue una vida regalada para mí. Mi vida es mucho mejor que antes. 

Los niños fueron la mayor inspiración.

My children were young when I had cancer. They were my biggest inspiration to live. My daughter is a special child, and she always needed me. She was the biggest motivation. I lost my sister after my diagnosis, and I saw it had a very bad impact on my other sibling and parent. I did not want them to experience that pain once again. So those things motivated me.

Fui un estudiante meritorio pero tuve que dejar mis estudios para casarme. Siempre pensé que tenía el potencial para ayudar a los demás. El cáncer me dio la razón para cumplir con todo lo que siempre quise hacer.


Nunca pienses en el cáncer con demasiada frecuencia. No te centres en el cáncer. Piénselo, ni negativo ni positivo. Porque de cualquier manera trae ese pensamiento a tu mente. En lugar de eso, concéntrate en algo que quieras hoy. Proponga nuevas ideas. Disfruta tu vida. Es bueno que seas consciente de ello, pero no debería ser el centro de atención. No te consideres un superviviente. Tómalo como parte de la vida. 

It becomes difficult for caretakers to see their loved ones in pain. On the other hand, patients may think, "We are going through so much; why are they worried?" A lot of confusion can arise between them. Good understanding between the caretaker and survivor is necessary. Belief in luck is fine, but do not depend on it. I have cancer, but I never allowed cancer to have me.

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