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Anafe Gutiérrez(Cáncer de mama): El comienzo de una nueva vida

Anafe Gutiérrez(Cáncer de mama): El comienzo de una nueva vida

Diagnóstico de cáncer de seno

I am Anafe Gutierrez, a 48 years old Cáncer de Mama survivor. In 2007, I found out that I had a lump on my left breast, but I never told it to anyone, even my family, for ten years. In 2018, I started having excruciating back pain, and even painkillers could not relieve me of the problem. And when I told my family about it, we went to the doctor immediately. So, I decided to consult my family doctor, who examined me thoroughly. After the Breast Cancer screening tests, we finally discovered that I had stage 4 Breast Cancer and bone and lung metastasis. My family and I were all shocked after my doctor informed us of the scary disease. But even though my family cried a lot after listening to the news, I mustered up my courage to be strong enough. I bolstered myself to be emotionally balanced because I knew that I would have to fight this disease with all my strength. There was no way for me to break down at this moment! I was headed for a long journey ahead, and so I had to be mentally prepared.

Tratamiento de cáncer de seno

Treatments always follow diagnosis, and soon after my Breast Cancer diagnosis, my stage 4 Tratamiento de cáncer de seno began. I had to undergo a total of six cycles of chemotherapy. The processes were then followed by twenty-one days of Terapia de radiación. Although I did have a hair fall, which is one of the side effects of Chemotherapy for breast cancer, I did not have any other side effects from the treatments. I believe that it is because I have a robust immune system. In my case, going under the knife was not a necessity, and I thank God for not letting me go through the pain of Breast Cancer removal Surgery. I understand how painful that can be, and I am utterly grateful to God for helping me always. Currently, I am undergoing maintenance therapy that requires me to take oral Chemotherapy drugs for Breast Cancer.

The various cancer treatments like Quimioterapia and Radiation therapy manage to take a toll on the patient's body. So, I try to stay indoors as much as possible. I only step out whenever it is mandatory. For example, I need to visit the hospitals and pathological laboratories to get my Blood Tests for Breast Cancer done once every two weeks. I also have my CT scans scheduled once in three months. Every six months, I need to have my bone scans done. I also need to visit my doctors at least once a month for the monthly check-ups. These are the activities that require me to step out mandatorily.

I am blessed with family, friends, and doctors who have never failed to provide me with robust support. My Breast Cancer doctor advised me to live my life like a normal human being and enjoy it to the fullest. Every time I visit my doctor, he makes me happy, and I firmly believe that I recovered with ease due to his efforts. The journey of defeating Breast Cancer also takes a toll on your mental health. Strong support from your doctors and near and dear ones is what keeps you going. But I also firmly believe that one must keep on trying as it is the only way to get through this painful hardship.

He tenido una fuerte fe en Dios desde que era un niño pequeño. Creo que es Dios quien permanece resueltamente con nosotros incluso en los momentos más difíciles de nuestra vida. Dios te cuida cada vez que hay una necesidad. Nunca he dejado de ofrecer mis oraciones al Todopoderoso, y creo que eso me hizo crecer más sustancial que antes y me ayudó a lo largo de mi tratamiento contra el cáncer de mama.

Mi vida después del cáncer

The journey of battling 4th stage Breast Cancer has the potential to completely change your life forever and the way you perceive your thoughts. I think that, after fighting breast cancer, life will never be the same again. It will have its pros and cons. You will have a very different approach to life. On the one hand, life after cancer will seem to be more beautiful than before. You will have to make sure that you take extra care of your mind, body, and soul.

La vida era muy diferente antes de mi diagnóstico de cáncer de mama. Antes, tenía la libertad de salir y disfrutar de todo sin mucha preocupación. Pero ya no puedo hacerlo libremente. Mi viaje por el cáncer me ha dejado más sensible, por lo que necesito tomar las precauciones adecuadas cada vez que salgo o hago algo. Siempre necesito cuidarme más para que mi cáncer de mama no tenga la oportunidad de recaer, ya que las posibilidades de recurrencia del cáncer de mama son comunes. Especialmente en medio de la pandemia de COVID-19, un paciente con cáncer de mama o un sobreviviente debe tener un cuidado especial, ya que ahora es crucial.

Sadly, some of my close friends left my side after my Breast Cancer diagnosis. But then, I happened to come in contact with many cancer patients during my cancer journey. They have now become my new friends, and as all my friends do, we now tirelessly support each other. We also openly share our feelings.

This experience of the battle against Breast Cancer taught me a few lessons too. It taught me to have faith in God. It has made my thoughts more positive. I now believe that if you have a positive mind with complementary views, then nothing can ever go wrong. Your positivity will make sure that everything is alright.

Algunas lecciones que aprendí

It was by God's grace that I found the right doctor. My doctor was a constant source of support for me. He always cleared my doubts by explaining everything to me very clearly. I believe that you must keep on fighting, and God will take care of the rest.


I feel that the presence of gratitude in your life is of the utmost importance as well. It can change the way you look at things and make you more positive. So, I am grateful to God, my family, friends, doctors, nurses, and all the people around me who have showered me with their constant love and support throughout my Breast Cancer journey. I am incredibly grateful to them for all their efforts to help me remain happy.

Mensaje de despedida

Siempre ten fe en el Todopoderoso y sigue luchando porque, seguro, hay vida después del Cáncer de Mama. El viaje del cáncer no acaba con tu vida ni con tu felicidad. Recuerde que el cáncer no es el final de su historia. En cambio, es el comienzo de un nuevo tú. No olvides vivir tu vida. Disfrutar de la vida y sentirse feliz es lo que evita que te sientas enfermo. Por lo tanto, disfrute de la vida tanto como sea posible.

It is crucial to remember that negative thoughts are evil for your health. So, always think positively. Keep yourself happy and believe in yourself and the doctors who are tirelessly trying to help you defeat Breast Cancer.

Si yo derroté al cáncer, tú también puedes, ¡porque somos más fuertes que el cáncer!

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